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Getting wisdom teeth pulled


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oral hygiene ftw point blank period. I have nightmares where my gums turn soft and my teeth are loose and falling out. Probably why i brush good and floss every day. I look at someone with brown and rotting teeth, like those of a meth smoker an i get anxious

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worst fuckening experience i have every had.. They numb my mouth and i couldn't feel a damn thing. But just hearing thembreaking a tooth in my mouth since it was impacted was not fun. Also seeing them pull out the pieces all bloody was not fun either..


The aftermath sucked also since u can'T spit you just have to let the blood fall out of your mouth and replace guaze all the time.. I ended up throwing up blood which turned black from stomach acids.. Also the pharmacy gave my the antibotics instead of the pain pills at first. I was short ON cash until the next day so i said give me the pain pills. Let's just say it was the worst pain i have every felt once the local drugs the doc gave me wore off...


Yeah this is pretty much the same thing I went through. I got all 4 of mine taken out before my insurance ran out, even though they weren't causing me any problems at all. Being fully aware of them hacking through my gums and cracking my jaw, the smell of burning teeth and the taste of sickly sweet blood constantly gushing down my throat. It was the closest I hope I ever come to being tortured, absolutely horrible. It was so bad they had to stop after three, and there's no way in hell I'm going back for the last one unless that shit is causing me excruciating pain. I took the bus home and was spitting up blood the whole way. I was a complete vegetable for about a week, I did nothing but lay on the couch, a pathetic, bloody bloated mess. It was without a doubt the worst week of my life.


Stump up for the gas, man, it will be so much easier....

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I've gotten so much work on my teeth (at least five rootcanals and plenty of fillins etc etc) that it was nothing. Its really not that painful if your teeth are out. If some are still under the gum, they might need to cut your gum open and pull it out.


Normally if the teeth are out they'll numb you good and break the teeth using some tool that tightens around it. You'll just feel a lot of pressure but that's no big deal.


The most annoying part is eating the next couple of days until it fully heals.


And don't pick at it or remove the blood clots(black spots that'll appear on it) or else you can get an infection(dry socket.)

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Be sure to practice some quality hygiene afterwords. A friend of mine got something called "dry socket" and it sounds about as fun as the name.


Way to avoid that is to not pick at the blood cots or do anything that will remove them such as eating solid foods, using straws, spitting, slurping up noodles and that sort of thing.

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Yeah I had a pretty similar experience to ICR. I got all 4 removed at once, 2 were impacted. I had good insurance at the time so was able to have laughing gas during the procedure, I was nervous as hell before hand but once they gave me it I honestly didn't give a fuck. It was weird feeling my head getting jerked around (nh) while they were cutting and yanking shit out.


Afterwards sucked... the no spitting shit was the worst. i literally just had to tilt my head over the sink to let all the blood leak out. The not being able to eat real food for a while sucked too.


The experience differs a lot from person to person as most surgeries do, I've had a lot of friends that were in much better shape afterwards than I was. Just get it over with.

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had one out, no gas just a shot in roof of my mouth,(no homo)

it got pretty gnarly, the dentist broke his "number 5"s trying to remove it and took dude like 20 mins to get it out, quite alot of blood but i couldn't feel a thing.


bout 5 hours later it felt like kimbo slice hit me in the face with a mallet. after i got on the codeine train though everything was bearable. kept bleeding for like 4 days and i couldn't eat for like a week but i didn't care much as i was high as fuck.

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I got all 4 of mine pulled when I was 16 at the same time. the bottom 2 were embedded in my jaw so they had to cut them out. I was put out, remember waking up in the middle of it seeing blood all over the bib and knocked right back out or was put back out. i remember them vic's thou, my dad cuffed most of em


when all was healing over and i could eat good enough, I had a big ass steak. I thought I had meat stuck between my teeth, for the longest i was just pulling at it like wtf this shit is STUCK. I finally went to the mirror and realized I was pulling my stitching out. like an idiot

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I was just reading some shit about wisdom teeth removal in Mental Floss magazine, sayin it's not necessary like 90% of the time and how the surgery can cause permanent nerve damage in the mouth.

this is from wiki...



"The authors of the review suggested that the number of surgical procedures could be reduced by 60% or more. Likewise, ClinicalEvidence published a summary largely based on the Cochrane review that concluded prophylactic extraction is "likely to be ineffective or harmful."[12] It advised against extracting asymptomatic, disease-free wisdom teeth because of the risk of damage to the inferior alveolar nerve."



All four of mine came out without a problem though.

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