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Everything posted by gramatikalerror

  1. @ctablackandwhite little side project. all Chicago Transit Authority realeatedness
  2. original http://youtu.be/zIdzTD2thcw bite
  3. nnickels. stuff from Chicago and other travels.
  4. gramatikalerror


    damn you'll prob. whoop my ass then. Regardless, you and BlueMoon add me. Nastynickles22 xbox360
  5. my apologies for all the talk
  6. and read between the lines? are you a woman? and us men have to guess what it is your trying to say thru passive aggressive words? just say what you mean and we still woulda been homies.
  7. nigga, you really asking me that with my screen name being what it is? you're talking "oh cope don't waste your time, they can NEVER beat you in a battle" "these are little kids your sooooo above that" your sarcasm fails thru the screen if that's what you're trying to do my friend. I'm sure i'm not the only one who read that and was thinking just how much of copes shit you got on your nose from kissing his ass so much. if i'm wrong about your statement's then so be it. fact of the matter is very few actually know what happened. the rest of us should shut up. I'm not trying to go back and forth like little girls. so reply, I'll act like you got the last word, and i'll laugh at it on my side of the screen. :rolleyes:
  8. Wrong. Cope is making himself and actin like a total joke. None of this would matter (and I'm sure doesn't matter to e and u) had cope not felt th need to make useless baseless threats. Like someoe said above Do fucking action, don't talk. Talk don't cook rice my nig. Start throwing up copes throwy if you want to suck his dick so bad clown. Really why feel the need to say th same story over and over and over. If its the truth like you say ahit will come out. Cope looks mad suspicious being so defensive all the time
  9. A yo cope don't you mean you gonna have some toys out in Miami do your dirty work for you??
  10. Whack tags over pieces. If he wants to get noticed by those dudes in there, that aint the way to do it. RESPECT. Give some to earn some.
  11. Neen should expect repercussions for what he did in there. For his sake I hope he don't go back. Toy shit straight up.
  12. http://theblog.momentumarttech.com/2012/02/27/world-wide-sketch-battle.aspx just in case anyone is interested. Global sketch battle. Prizes are ok, nothing spectacular, also you might get featured in a video.
  13. http://theblog.momentumarttech.com/2012/02/27/world-wide-sketch-battle.aspx just in case anyone is interested. Global sketch battle. Prizes are ok, nothing spectacular, also you might get featured in a video.
  14. http://theblog.momentumarttech.com/2012/02/27/world-wide-sketch-battle.aspx just in case anyone is interested. Global sketch battle. Prizes are ok, nothing spectacular, also you might get featured in a video.
  15. You can do betta than that son, i got faith.
  16. No hate taken at all homie. it;s all constructive. We don't got a lot of funds so were giving away what we can. While still being ale to produce something out of it. Like it says. It's the first ever that we've done, we hope to offer more with each one. Really it ain't that hard to understand, you all sketch, might as well win something for doing something relatively easy for most of you. I got 2 false negs for posting this. It's pretty amusing that people are actually getting worked up over it. if you don't dig it don't do it. Someone if gonna win regardless.
  17. Momentum Art Tech is hosting a world wide sketch battle, Get some gear if you win. Trying to blow this up. http://theblog.momentumarttech.com/2012/02/27/world-wide-sketch-battle.aspx Subscribe to the blog too! Good luck
  18. Compnay I work for is holding a world wide sketch battle check it. Get some gear if you win http://theblog.momentumarttech.com/2012/02/27/world-wide-sketch-battle.aspx
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