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goin vegetarian, real healthy shit mah dude..


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It's true though. Your body is not very different from the way their bodies were. We might know a bit more now, but it doesn't really show since there are so many lard asses out here.



Also, dogs are man's best friend because they competed for the same game and worked symbiotically to catch it. Not to mention their digestive tract is similar to ours.

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It's true though. Your body is not very different from the way their bodies were. We might know a bit more now, but it doesn't really show since there are so many lard asses out here.



Also, dogs are man's best friend because they competed for the same game and worked symbiotically to catch it. Not to mention their digestive tract is similar to ours.


you forgot how domesticated dogs consolidate our dropped waste to keep our areas clean and keep pests at bay

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Meat eating is what made the human brain evolve and grow to the size it is now and allow you the rational thought you just used to come to these conclusions. You're welcome.



Does that negate the fact that meat eating is a barbaric tradition and totally unnecessary now-a-days? because that's all i was getting at.


"Without meat, said Milton, it's unlikely that proto humans could have secured enough energy and nutrition from the plants available in their African environment at that time to evolve into the active, sociable, intelligent creatures they became. Receding forests would have deprived them of the more nutritious leaves and fruits that forest-dwelling primates survive on, said Milton."


"theories do not reflect on today's vegetarian diets, which can be completely adequate, given modern knowledge of nutrition."


there is nothing in meat that isn't in non-meat foods that helped this happen, it was just what was around. there's no reason at all to eat meat, other than tradition. and i guess taste, but most of the flavors you associate with meat dishes are vegi seasonings. i myself love the taste of pure raw fish, but there are so many other flavors out there for me to still love being a vegitarian. i just don't think we should be killing living beings for food if there is no reason to....we will evolve past meat eating one of these days.

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also meat eating is killing the earth with the way we raise the animals we intend to slaughter...there's a million more huge reasons to stop eating meat, and only a couple small reasons to continue...the choice is yours, just realize you can't defend it without looking selfish and ignorant.

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also meat eating is killing the earth with the way we raise the animals we intend to slaughter...there's a million more huge reasons to stop eating meat, and only a couple small reasons to continue...the choice is yours, just realize you can't defend it without looking selfish and ignorant.


And you can't attack it without looking elitist and annoying

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i hadn't eaten meat in almost 10 years. i started eating seafood a few months ago because i missed it, i will probably stop eating it again soon.


beef, pork, and poultry never really appealed to me. meat has always seemed unnecessary and kind of filthy.


in the end, do what you like. be educated on the subject though.

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pushing facts versus personal preference/missinformation makes me sound elitist and and annoying to meat eaters? small price to pay if i get through to someone...


Oh well, I'm sure I'll be crying and repenting my misinformed lifestyle when I'm 90 while you're sitting on a throne made out of celery stalks :rolleyes:


I could care less about something as trivial about what people choose to eat, and I'm sure as hell not trying to convert a vegetarian/vegan, matter of fact many of the girls I've been with have been one or the other...live and let live.


Except for animals, slaughter them and then consume. Throw in a little torture just to prove the selfish and ignorant aspects of it. Do you and I'll do me, just like everyone on the opposite ends of this spectrum should.

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I'm not about to tell you how to live or get into a discussion about the ins and outs of meat consumption, but listening to most vegetarians and the USDA about anything to do with your diet will only steer you in the wrong direction.


Whatever you do, don't replace your protein sources with soy protein or you will turn into a woman.


i agree with all of this


except on the last bit tempeh and soy protein isolate are the exceptions (as they don't have the plant estrogen)



Just make sure you eat real food and not a bunch of powders and shitty supplements to take their place.


agree on getting as much of your nurtrients from actual food, but if you're really active and trying to get in good shape whey protein shakes are usually a good choice (especially because of all the amino acids and the fact it's probably much easier for your body to break down than meat)








personally, after going veg. i decided to just go back to being an omnivore, but to me that means eating a super varied diet that doesn't mean meat every meal or every day or even every week sometimes


my digestion is generally much better this way and the protein and red cell counts in my blood usually come back higher than when i was eating meat everday with every meal

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I've accidentally converted a vegetarian or two, was pretty funny. I was eating some of the best beef jerky known to man and she was watching and drooling, took about 20min of that for her to cave. Hahaha, 2-3 years down the drain in 20min. She was getting street meat later that week, she never looked back.


I think you should get on the street meat diet, nothing but lips and assholes. Beats being a giant fucking pussy...

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