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last yr i was hella drunk taking a shit at my boys house and maybe my own smell got me to yack.

whatever the case, i was shitting on the toilet and throwing up in the sink which was right next to the toilet.

the worst part about it was that the throw up was hella chunky and would go down smoothly in through the sink so i had to jeep stirring it with my fingers.

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I got sick from casino food in Korea once.

Then this girl I was hooking up with came over.

I started shaking and got all cold like 15 minutes after she showed up.

Then i started shitting for the remainder of the night.

It was awful.

She blew me though.


Oh...who you calling a honky, you watermelon lipped ape?

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apparently none of you honkies have ever had a serious case of food poisoning.....


terrible cases will have you violently shitting and puking your brains out simultaneously.


worst sickness i have ever experienced. ever. i wish it upon no man.


I used to get them at least once a year...my digestive tract got its act together or something, I have to eat something extra shady to even ping the radar nowadays.


Who from the NW is going to be in the Bay and when? You can PM me if you want. I'm kind of confused as to what's happening next week and how it coincides with my plans.

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smacking bitches > hitting.....either way. whats BSM's take in general?


my father taught me the three strikes your out rule...dude said.


"if a woman smacks you once. you take that shit and tell her to calm down.

if she hits or smacks you again...you take that too. but you let her know that

it better not happen again. if the problem persists and the bitch goes ahead

and kicks your nuts or tries to use some object to smack your head, then son,

you have every right to calmly smack her ass right back."

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Have you had both at the same time yet? Something everyone should experience atleast once :haha:



i have once while i was really young probably round 8 or so but i had the flu and i was shitting and i just let the puke fly all over the bathroom. it was a mess. i thought i was close to it this time so i dumped out the bathroom trashcan just in case. turned out to be a false alarm. ended up puking 10 minutes later. i'm feeling better now. just in time to go back to work. fucking weak.

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apparently none of you honkies have ever had a serious case of food poisoning.....


terrible cases will have you violently shitting and puking your brains out simultaneously.


worst sickness i have ever experienced. ever. i wish it upon no man.


i got gastro last year. that shit is absolutely horrible. i had the worst fucking pains in my abdomen and yeah the shitting and puking is no fucking joke. my shit went from brown to green to black to white in the course of 36 hours.

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smacking bitches > hitting.....either way. whats BSM's take in general?


my father taught me the three strikes your out rule...dude said.


"if a woman smacks you once. you take that shit and tell her to calm down.

if she hits or smacks you again...you take that too. but you let her know that

it better not happen again. if the problem persists and the bitch goes ahead

and kicks your nuts or tries to use some object to smack your head, then son,

you have every right to calmly smack her ass right back."


I won't act like I've never smacked a girl before, but I highly recommend against ever doing it, because it gets alot easier after the first time, and it's all you'll ever wanna do ha

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I won't act like I've never smacked a girl before, but I highly recommend against ever doing it, because it gets alot easier after the first time, and it's all you'll ever wanna do ha


I agree with this immensely.

I punched this guy one night outside of a bar after he swung at me for telling him to leave me and my boys alone. He got up and walked away afterwards. My boys were all laughing at looking and me like I was insane. I was like "???" They informed me that I just jawed a girl that was trying to start fights all night. Ever since then I have this thirst that can't be quenched.


I slapped one of my exes before.


Felt like a piece of shit afterwards.


Yeah, but you strike me as one of those dudes who acts like a gentleman to a fault.

If you're not an all around dirtbag who beats up your gf on the regular I wouldn't give a hoot.

I think the real reason most guys don't slap girls more often is because of the fact that they'd get jumped by groups of d-bags looking to white knight and show their chivalrous cornball acts.

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I was beating this kid really, really bad one night, and his girlfriend came at me, clawing at my neck and shit. I didn't even hit her or anything, but when I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down to get her the fuck off of me, like 10 of his friends (who'd all been watching me damn near kill their homie) suddenlyly felt really brave, and were like "HE HIT A GIRL! GET EM!"


At that point they too proceeded to get the shit kicked out of them by me, Manute, HATER, and a few other homies haha

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Getting hit by girls is the lowest. I had this one chick wailing on me because she thought I stole her phone at a party (I let off a flare and everyone took off inside and when they came out shit was missing) Anyway when I grabbed her arms and pinned her against the wall she went all crazy eyed and tried to headbutt me then gave me the most severe knee to the balls I've ever received.

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the first night tugboat timmy and i went out drinking together, i ended up having to get physical with a girl.


i made some dickhead comment to a guy about his girl being unattractive, and a couple minutes later she came over to my table and poured a full pint of porter in my lap. i wanted to break her face, but im a gentleman, so i picked up the empty pint glass and threw it at her boyfriend. dude awkwardly hit me in the arm with a chair, then raised it above his head like he was going to crush my skull with it, so i gave him a hefty kick to the stomach when his arms were above his head.


this couple were apparently regulars at the bar, so the bartender ended up chasing timmy and i out of the establishment with a cattle prod. needless to say, i was umad, so timmy and waited for them to eventually step outside, so i could slap the guy around a little bit.


dude and his girl finally come outta the bar, so i confront him, and the fucking pussy RUNS to his car and jumps in the backseat. he didnt lock the door, so i opened it and tried to drag him out, all the while, his gf is screaming and crying for somebody to help them. keep in mind, the guy is bigger than me and thought he was billy badass when we were inside. not like i was picking on a small dude or anything. i ended up leaving the car to try to shut his bitch up.


she comes at me in an aggressive manner, so i told her to chill the fuck out and not try to put hands on me. she was flailing her arms and screaming, and got inside my personal bubble. so i threw her on the sidewalk pretty fuckin hard, and turned around, expecting to see her man ready to fight.


and all i see is the coward, watching it all out of the rear window of the car that he's STILL hiding in...dude never even got out.

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@shaolin master








I really enjoy the approach to punching women in this video.

Guys are outnumbered.

No chance of winning the fight.

Take the only thing you can take from the opponents...their ability to protect their girls.




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