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so im on the run in a foreign country..

A1 Yola

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due to complications with my atorney´s schedule i have no pictures for you guys. i could not pick up my cosas. i took some pics with my wack ass claro cellular which i am going to give to my very brokest peruvian friend. but hey... theres allways tomorow..


for everyone that does not believe this shit...you just wish that your life was this interesting.. if you do.. cool.


the wish you shit you did in your life thread coming soon. folly equoped with flicks niggazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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so ive been back since sunday nite. after all the bullshit im finally back. it sounds fucked up but honestly i miss peru. detroit seems like a fucking ghost town. like i said before, i got some job oppurtunities but shit... detroit is not what it used to be. now i gotta work hard and prove to the people around me that im not a complete degenrate and i should be good in five years.


anyway, i know people are going to hate because i dont have pictures or anything like that but fuck it. it is what it is. i appologize for all the drunk rambling but that last week i was really on some other shit. to all those that dont believe, fuck you. like i said, i have no pictures and the last week i was so strapped for cash that i had to sell my ipod which i had all my videos on(for food and shelter. not drugs). it was completely necessary. i had videos of all types of pruvian girls doing all types of freaky shit. a lot of them that wanted to trick for me here in detroit so that they could send money back to their families and go back with a fat guap and be rich in peru.


now i lost damn near all of this when i sold my ipod. the one thing i have on youtube is a video of an 18 year old peruvian girl from the jungle. im debating on whether i should put the link on here. right now its set on private because i dont want youtube to delete that shit. i can set something up so that i can make it public for a few hours on a certain date. also i have a video of the center fucking someone up after he tried to escape. i have that burned on a cd because i was planning on sending it to the news down there. again, its not the best video but it will give you all a little taste of what that place is like.


anyway, let me know what time everyone would like to view these videos.



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can someone please define trolling for me. from what i understand its some kind of roll playing shit. someone playing the part of someone that they are not? i can see how it would be entertaining for someone who has too much time on their hands but again, thats not my situation. im just trying to contribute something because i started the thread and since ive been coming here for years. if you guys want to be snobby internet nerds about it then fuck it. i have no problem keeping it all to myself and the people i actually kick it with in real life.

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It's obvious if you can't get even shitty cell phone pics but somehow had time to post on 12oz.

This is the internet, everything is suspect esp. from unfamiliar sources and your posts read like classic troll posts.

BTW a troll is someone who does anything for attention and usually gets off on lying, but you probably already know this.

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if he had any respect hed have came clean and just said "gotcha" er some shit. letting it ride out to the bitter end like this turns it into just that, a lie.


fucking around on internet forums can be fun on many levels. i know, perhaps more than most. but continuing a story such as this as long as this is lame.


and i dunno if id call him a "classic" troll. his shit was well written and very interesting. "pathalogical" may be a better term.

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lol. ya'll are too funny. have some faith gentlemen. the phone i had was wack and i gave it to a friend that needed it more than i did. i was able to be on the internet because they have internet cafes on every block in lima. even in the fucked up neighborhoods you can use a computer for thirty cents an hour. look.. at this point its getting a little irritating being called a liar or a "troll" or pathological even so im going to post the upload the video of the guy being captured after escaping tomorow and im going to put of the video of my homegirl as well for a minute tomorow. rite now im going to go to bed and sleep in while i can still enjoy it. ill post the videos or the links rather tomorow. i know afterwards im going to hear, "man you got those videos off the internet " or " its from another forum" or whatever else. whatever. you guys are just going to have to wait until then. i have better things to do with my time than to play games with people on a graffiti website. like sleep. i am officially offended. goodnite.

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I hate to sound like a pessimist

but unless you got a job to come back

to well... cant you see yourself getting

tossed right back into the same mix as

you were? Once you are here you gonna

need money to live right? Unemployment

in the state of Michigan is like 15% and thats

with the suburbs and nice areas bringing

up the average. Places like Detroit and Pontiac

unemployment is like 35-40%. Thats a guess

but i wouldnt be surprised if its higher than that.

Factor in your criminal record and how ever

much education you have and well. The only

option you may find yourself having could be

slanging dope. I kno from experience if you

are using you shouldnt sell the shit. My vice was

pills. I could get 180mg of xanax for like $7 with

insurance but no matter how commited to selling

them i was i would end up eating them all. Which

in that situation it was almost entirely profit. Perhaps

you should re-evaluate your options. Go

somewhere thats experiencing growth and

needs laborors.

Step 1 would be going to the embassy.

Thats the best move you got IMO



what do u mean, un employment? yo this fool smoked crack and shot heroin.

heres my advice

get back to teh states.

go all nation and become the next revok.

and then write a book about your life nad include the crack.

after that you get interviews in mags, link up with some subcultures like punk and skate shit and start making gear. then once you landed in that department you can start networking to japan, and have your own womens panties you can sell out of a soda machine.


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