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I feel like a piece of shit


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depends how small the cat is, if its a newborn kitten like a week old, that motherfucker wont survive for shit. if its a little kid yeah, a grown ass man cat for sure. motherfucker motherfucker motherfuckr motherfucker motherrfucker motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker motherfuker motherckuer

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i had a cat that followed me home from school in like 4th grade or some shit. i named her kitty,becuase i was an unimaginative little bastard. had her for about a week or so before some faggot ass kids who were at my house peppersprayed her in the eye and i never saw her again...




its a long story on how we came across pepperspray and why they decided to do that to the cat,i wont go in to it but it was pretty messed up.ive never seen a cat run so fast into the woods.

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i had the same problem with gray cruiser. My solution was a little petmate plastic cat house

that i put outside next to a plug. Then i stuck a couple blankets in it and put a electric heating pad

underneath them to keep him warm. I let him in when it gets super cold and buy dry cat

food that i feed him. Cats like to be outside anyways. My solution may cost you a little money

but i can tell you that i felt like shit about the situation until i did something about it. yessucker

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there was this grey cat smokey that'd always be in my neighborhood. he had a collar that only said the shelter he was from.


when my lady and i first found him we took him to the shelter. told them the story. a week later he was back just running around the apartment complex.


so we'd just feed him and let him kick it on the patio every now and then


then he started randomly killing every squirrel in the area


we stopped being down with his ass after that




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a really super cute stray cat came into my house one night while i was unlocking the door.

so cute, but i fed her and let her go.

someone must have picked her up cuz i didn't see her again.


then i got my rescue dog from the spca.

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Doesn't your male cat piss in your apartment?


Doesn't that smell?


Fixed cat, FTW.


He hasn't started spraying yet. Trust me, he's getting fixed very soon before that can start.


I kept randomly checking through the night to see if the cat was still around, and no sign. I woke up today and it was pouring out, so I went and looked around again for awhile, but nada.


I'm gunna assume it just went home and be happy about it. Like I said last night, she was clean, had a collar, wasn't very interested in food, etc etc. Had she been worse for the wear I wouldn't of been able to resist taking it in, as I'm a softie for that kinda shit


Last time I took a stray in was because it ran up to me like that, but half dead and diseased looking. I tried to ignore it at first but it was the sweetest cat ever, so I fed him for a few days, and then eventually had to take him in because it was raining. Nursed him back to health and he was the fucking shit, but then after about 8 or 9 months all of a sudden he got sick. Took him to the vet, and after spending $800 or so on ridiculously overpriced tests to try and find out what was wrong was told he had stomach cancer and there was nothing I could do...sad as hell. This was my first random cat encounter since then, so it made me sad.


RIP Heroin



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