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Needs more work...


your detail is absolutely amazing but if i were to critique, i think it is a bit much on the hand don't you think you should soften it up a bit? no dis, just saying.I know how hard hands are to draw anyway when you want them just right. over all very excellent work!

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Thanks, I should have stated that it was done using a ball point pen.

When I was working on the hand I got some drips thus making the veins seem exaggerated.

I was trying to go for the softer look though and its rather hard to get the right amount of pressure at times :)

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Love them pictures East Swag, I think that drawing is dope too Seph..


Liking the Jimi too Nomaq, Love the overall painting, esp the way you used colour in the neck, Looks great man..


I've basically finished this Iz tribute, apart from a few things like adding some more tags to the door etc..though I'm not happy with a lot of it, I'm planning on doing another IZ painting as well as other paintings based on NYC subway writers/pictures etc..and some tributes to the early London underground writers..






I've begun this painting thats a tribute to one of my closest mates, that suddenly passed recently.




(crappy phone photos)

I'm doing it for his family, I'm not sure where to take it, the idea being his portrait with angels reaching down to him from the clouds etc. I'm no way religious in any form but thought it might make a nice tribute for his family, Its about half done ATM, though I've just only put colour down with the angels, I'll cut back in with colour to define there shape's and form as I add more to the painting, I should of drew it all in pencil first, but I like to rough out in paint then tweak as I go along.. I'm using acrylics, but I'd prefer to use oils or much better quality paints if I started or do another one..


Anyways If you have any ideas or suggestions they'd be more than welcome..

Nice one..


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  • 2 weeks later...

Have a variety of things that I have done over the years some are recent while others are older first ill start with this


photoshopped for an ad design class I took in high school:



all pen tool in illustrator same class:



then most recent final project for 3d design class a crayon mask/sculpture:




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Drew some rather quick (~2 hours each) pencil portraits. I don't really prefer this type of stuff since to me it's just creating a duplicate of a photograph. Thought it would be nice to try how I'll do and learn something new. They're all hb and 2b on 300gsm A3 watercolor paper. I think the bottom right one came out best, was really trying to stay away from using outline (which I'm pretty dependent on...)




This one I've worked for a while now... It's still pretty unfinished, the neck and hand areas specially. I didn't really have any plans when I started so it's been going a lot back and forth and just trying things out. Any ideas or thoughts are more than welcome.

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