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The best reasons to believe that there is a God


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but to me, not beliveing in God, there is zero relationship to build up.


I am so adamant that there is no god that I would need to see something major to change my viewpoint of that, and that just hasn't happened. To me the question of a creator just seems to far fetched, who created the creator? It seems like the idea of a god comes from not understanding, just like we try to understand what there was before the big bang, personally i wouldn't be surprised if it was a cycle effect, expansion, retraction continuing over billions of years.


As for where all the basic elements that make up life come from, they come from the universe and the big bang, personally I believe that it is just randomness, no one thing orchestrated it apart from the thing itself, if you want to call the universe God then I suppose I could see where you are coming from with that (but then god is just a word to me, it has no power no real meaning), but as to any design etc it is just a big no-no to me.


I agree with this. As paradoxical as it may seem, to me the ideas of religions in the various cultures of humanity are actually evidence of the absence of a creator. Because the vast complexities of our universe (and potentially others) suggest that any explanation for our existence would be far beyond the simplistic stories that many religions cite, this demonstrates our human-centric perspective. It is far too convenient that the Christian god created us in his image, to use one example, for it ever to be more than an egoistic human fantasy.

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I believe in God, Im no religious freak or anything but I do believe to some extent. I also believe that because of God the human race may (someday) have the potential to understand most our own existence, from a scientific perspective tha is. Over the past year there have been countless breakthroughs in the way we understand things that it makes me think we might be able to figure out almost all of human lifes mysteries. I say almost because I also believe humans, becuase we would be studying ourselves, we simply dont ahve the mental capacity to understand everything, even if its about our own race. From this I came to the conclusion its a very cruel existance, based on the theory we might be able to understand a lot but not everything. Seems to be a sort of classical tragedy. Over all I believe that the potential understanding of all this is sort of a gift from God but also not letting us stray too far.


Hopefully that made some sense.

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I know some people believe there is a higher power and they belive is God. But there is NOTHING positive that has happen to me since I believed in God. That's why I don't believe anymore. What's the point? Why would I waste my time praying for this one person in my everyday struggle in this world. The only person that can help me, is ME. But that's my personal opnion, if you believe in God, then keep on believing my Dude.

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I know some people believe there is a higher power and they belive is God. But there is NOTHING positive that has happen to me since I believed in God. That's why I don't believe anymore. What's the point? Why would I waste my time praying for this one person in my everyday struggle in this world. The only person that can help me, is ME. But that's my personal opnion, if you believe in God, then keep on believing my Dude.


I believe in God, but I don't pray very often or go to church or practice it on a regular basis. I agree with you, the only person in the world who can help me, is ME. If there is a God, I feel that whatever that entity is relates to this concept as well, or else this God would simply step in and solve all of our problems. I wouldn't say that praying every day and having faith in something should result in positive impacts in your life, and if it doesn't, then that means there is nothing there though. That's a little immature. I don't think that having a faith in something greater than yourself, and greater than this universe is egotistical, I think it has something to do with wanting to believe that there is more to this life then what we know and experience through our physical senses. For some, it probably is egotistical though and I won't debate that, because I know those who are more fundamentalist and practice it regularly receive a sense of prominence in themselves and regard themselves as better than those who don't practice it or have faith. I personally look down on those kinds of people, and I get along just fine with my father who is atheist, and my best friends who is also atheist. I don't believe it has anything to do with how much you practice, pray, or believe... it simply has to do with what kind of person you are, and your faith is a personal issue between you and whatever it is you believe in.


I do personally believe that this universe was created, that we were created in the image of whatever it was that created this universe.

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I am currently having issues with the whole subject of religion in schools, my son started school last year and they are making the children pray in assembly and are having the local vicar come in and talk to the kids.


Now normally I wouldn't mind this if it was done on a realistic basis, but this plays no part in school. For instance there are a lot of muslim kids in my sons school, they shouldnt have christian dogma forced upon them, and at no point are they expressing the truth, they are not telling the children that this is something that people BELIEVE, there is no evidence to back it up or anything to say that it is right, also they do not teach the Atheist or Agnostic viewpoint.


They do teach diversity, and it isn't the schools fault because the curriculum isnt decided by them but the main focus is based on christian beliefs and not a fair representation across all religions and beliefs. The school is not a religious school, this is what the powers that be have decided kids should learn. To me that is wrong, I have sat my son down and discussed religion with him and even at the age of 5 when I explained christians beliefs and the stories of the bible he looked at me like I was crazy.

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the bible is filled with lies, hate and more lies. Do a google image search for "God vs Satan" and you'll see that in the bible, God has killed over 2 million people, and satan only 10. And in this book, a great portion of our population lives by? People need to get their head examined

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'god' is not limited to that of the christian bible.


i've been out of this thread for a few days. not sure that i've had much to say.

the whole psychic thing just really killed my interest. the problem i have is that the monks' actions are never replicated under scientific scrutiny. those that record the actions are always new agers or people from within the culture that are raised with it, and as you said tellurian, accept it without question.


i like skeptics

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i'm certainly not denying any prejudice in this. prejudice is not inherently a bad thing.


i've actually known two self-proclaimed astrologers. and more often than not they were wrong--sun shines on the dogs ass from time to time. i've also known a card reader. that was comedy at its finest. i had my palm read on a whim once. oh boy. (oh, you're very hard to read, open up... HA)


i've seen several videos. i've also seen 'chi fighters' get the piss beaten out of them by guys w/ a prejudice against psychics. i've seen bricks and board broken in person, i've also seen bricks NOT broken in person...


thomas paine said, "The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion. Not anything can be studied as a science, without our being in possession of the principles upon which it is founded; and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing"

(and i tend to agree, to the extent of using it as a blanket for religion period)


i should have just left this at the 'agree to disagree' post.

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humans are bacteria that evolved and not special at all.

Humans are a planetary virus at this point. Well past the bacteira stage. Once the humans races life cylce has compleated. We will all end up being the next fossil fuel for what ever happens to evols after us.


Just trolled threw. Thought I add a tiny part.

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Humans are a planetary virus at this point. Well past the bacteira stage. Once the humans races life cylce has compleated. We will all end up being the next fossil fuel for what ever happens to evols after us.


Just trolled threw. Thought I add a tiny part.


No, I disagree with that. Humans aren't a virus, we can be beneficial to the existence of the planet. We can either be a destructive force, or a force that builds; we either build or destroy. I think this idea that you hold (that we are a virus) is a form of self-hatred, because, you are actually looking down on your own species, and yourself even, and in a way you are being self-destructive. This is the popular belief held by many eugenicists and those who advocate depopulation agendas, and environmentalists who would much rather prefer to see an earth without human-beings. I believe differently, and to keep on the topic of discussion, I think that human-beings are destined to expand out into the universe and create inter-planetary networks, building the universe into much more of a habitable environment. If God does in fact exist, and created this universe, and created us in his image with the powers to build or destroy, then I believe that it was in the intention to see free humanity's potential to build, expand, survive, and thrive throughout the entirety of that universe. I absolutely disagree that human beings are a parasite, or virus, or some sort of plague upon the earth. Do we behave like this in ways? Yes, absolutely. I won't disagree that we mistreat our world, and have wasteful tendencies that could do harm to the Earth. These are things we have to learn about through the evolution of our species, and begin to treat ourselves and our environments with more respect and decency.


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I really thought the UK was more enlightened than this. You always here about things like this happening in the US, since we have so many Christian fundamentalists living among us, but never in the UK.

I really think schools should teach all viewpoints, modeled after a comparative religions college course.


They do teach all religions to kids but the focus is mainly on Christian beliefs, although obviously things like creationism isn't taught and science will teach the other side of things, I just feel it shouldn't really play a part in education apart from in Religous Studies lessons where you learn about cultural differences etc.


Also, while they teach about different religions they do not give Atheism the same degree of attention which I believe is wrong, kids shouldn't be raised to believe there is a god, it is up to them to make up their mind, not have it indoctrinated in them.


Kids shouldn't be praying to god in their morning assembly or anything like that.

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science will overcome religion, there is to many religions to many gods to choose its like a pick one and stick with it and hope its right kind of thing.


the only thing i see good in religion is that it gives you a sense of hope, and you feel better about yourself esp. when your thinking about dying.

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Well, I don't see any other creatures on this planet going to space, writing books, contemplating existence, making music for pleasure, etc.


We are very unique creatures.


poluting the earth, disturbing the balance between species, destroying the habitats in which we exist.


why cant i think about religion right before im about to die like normal catholic people do.


on a side note...american christians scare the fuck outa me. especially the ones that can justify any action thru religious interpretation. ever seen the documentary "jesus camp"?!? oh fuck that shit.

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In school when we learn about evolution and how the Universe/Earth was created, it seems like everything is the way it is now due to coincidence. Somehow that doesn't seem very plausible to me...



What are the chances of someone winning certain lotteries. Yet that happens. People often use the word miracle to describe events that honestly happen more often than one thinks.



The lay person is not good at contemplating astronomically valued statistical probabilities.

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also.....studies have shown that amino acids (the building blocks of protein) are created when an electrical charge (like the electrical storms that are believe to exist on early earth) are applied to the stew (forget the technical term) of raw materials that consisted of carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen, and oxygen.


and studies have also shown that tremendous impacts (like the meteor showers of early earth) on amino acids create peptides or polypeptides (one of the two, again i forget) which is the building blocks of DNA.


only part that is missing is how those peptides were arranged just right to form DNA for a single celled organism. which isnt that hard to fathom with a whole planet of peptides laying around.


boom LIFE. EVOLUTION. TERRAFORMING (the transformation of our atmosphere from CO2 to the 18% O2 we know today). MORE EVOLUTION. DINOSAURS. APES. LUCY. HUMANS. JESUS. COMPUTERS. FOOLS ON 12oz TALKING BOUT GOD. 2012. TERMINATORS. JON CONNOR:lol:

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every bit of every day is random.


we live in a random ass existence. quantum theory proves that. which you should very well believe in, because it has been the building block of the technological age, without which we'd have no lasers or computers etc.


i think what we're arguing here is who or what created the initial big bang. when i think really hard about it, I sometimes think we're all just some bacteria in someones uncleaned pool outside our universe.

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In school when we learn about evolution and how the Universe/Earth was created, it seems like everything is the way it is now due to coincidence. Somehow that doesn't seem very plausible to me...


That's my favorite part, how fucking crazy it is that all this happened. We're lucky sonsabitches. I try to appreciate the fact that I live in a planet thats capable of sustaining life, instead of dwelling on the odds that were against us. We did itttttttt.

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let me just say this. Here in town there have been more than a few

priest sex abuse scandals. More than a few.... quite a few actually. Just

a minute ago on the news another one was charged with molesting a little

boy. Now i could understand if it was one or 2 priests that were molesting

boys but its beginning to feel like its a percentage instead of a few very

isolated cases. A priest/pastor ect is like a spokesman for a religion person's

god right. Fuck type of spokesperson is that. At what point do people

start to realize that there is atleast a reasonable chance that the person

they go to church to listen to preach is molesting little boys. Pretty fucking

terrible. Fuck some religion shits detestable.

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you can break that down even further and be thankful that out of all random chance you were born to a mother in north america/western civilization and not in somalia or some shit


i think about that a lot actually. makes me believe more in Buddhism the more I ponder.

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i don't believe in god... and i have nothing wrong with people believing in it so they take death easer or help the needy or all the good things.


but i do have issues with priest touching little kids.


and i do have issues with wars due to religious beliefs (that goes for the christains just as much as the alquida)


i do have problems with massive churches on prime property while they remain un taxed and if they really cared about helping the world they would just sell all the property which could easily feed all the starving


i don't think its healthy for people to believe that things happen because god intended it that way... like murders and rapist and HIV


i don't like how religion segregates people due to like sexual orientation and skin colour


i believe Christianity is a device to suppress the common man from revolting the system and i quote the bible "the meek will inherit the earth" ..... really.... when?



Buddhism is possitive in many ways so i surport anyone who wants to sign up... but at the end of the day im gonna break the laws and live my life with no rules other then the my own ethics that i believe in and ....i'm gonna have fun.

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