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unemployment! woooo!


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im not going to read 3 pages of type.....


i will say that graph is inaccurate

where i live i believe we have over 14 sumthin percent which is one of the highest in the nation and that animated chart says we only have 9 or so percent.


I CALL BULLSHIT on those stats

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I've waited about that long for unemployment before, shit sucks.


I remember like a year and a half back now when my unemployment ran out I just said fuck it and din't file for an extension...pretty stupid of me, since I know muthafuckas that have been gettin extensions for close to 3 years now.


I don't need the money really, but an extra $260 a week isn't anything to sneeze at either

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a shitload of my friends have been collecting for some time now. theres some jobs out there, but its all making less money than you would be just staying unemployed, shitty situation.


however one of my boys is a fortunate fuck, well hes a smart fuck but whatever, dudes a mason, and in the union.. dude gets more money in a week of being unemployed, than i made working 2 weeks at my old job. son of a bitch.

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i've been on unemployment for about six months now and i just got a 33 week extension. for the first few months, it was cool getting drunk and sleeping until noon everyday. now i make stupid excuses to get out of my apartment just so i'm not there for the majority of the day. on one hand, it's cool because i make as much or more than most people i know without lifting a finger, on the other hand i'd work at just about any job to quell the boredom. since october hit i've been applying at 10-15 places a week and i've only had one interview so far. sure, i go to school and what not but that's a fraction of my week. sucks.

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i've been unemployed for almost a year now. but i'm about to be hooked up with work through my school in the next 4 weeks or so. i can't wait. no work is for the birds. like someone else said shit was fun at first and it's the reason i actually got off my ass and went to school so it worked out but not having much money is lame shit. i had to move back in with my folks and shit cause my unemployment checks were dismal at best. oh well soon i'll be working again and able to stack chips to get back on track.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My appeal hearing is coming up, I'm owed over $5K

I've never had to collect before or ever needed the money so much in my life


I was "discharged" for checking my personal email on company time even though the department was being let go that week

If Human Resources claims that they aren't disputing my unemployment claim, why am I still nervous?

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ok, so i was jus thinking about this subject....


i was laid off due to "lack of work" with about a weeks notice november 1st, 2009..

i was working for an architectural firm and big jobs just stopped coming in, so my boss and i went on unemployment with the interest of keeping the business open. the only other employees are my boss's dad (the owner) and a secratary that only worked two days a week anyways.. they stated that if they get new projects they will re-hire me, but in the mean time, pay me $25 an hour off the books for me to design/draw whatever they need from home...


i'm loving the freedom..... i've had a job non-stop since i was 14.. have never had more than one weeks vacation in 16 years... So in my time; i've been working on my investment property, looking up schools to get my masters degree, working as a barback and getting bartending experience, and just got a new DSLR and a legit adobe suite so i can get my freelance photography/graphic design on...


In addition to this shit i just found out my recently deceased grandmother was paid and i will be recieving trust fund money that should be a real nice addition to my monthly income..

i plan on being unemployed as long as possible and do as much as i possibly can to improve my life/career...


thanks obamer...

yinz other fucks get a job an stop milking the system... hahaha

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My appeal hearing is coming up, I'm owed over $5K

I've never had to collect before or ever needed the money so much in my life


I was "discharged" for checking my personal email on company time even though the department was being let go that week

If Human Resources claims that they aren't disputing my unemployment claim, why am I still nervous?


I've filed for unemployment twice, been to an appeal hearing twice, and won twice. the first time i was accused of doing something really horrible related to food, and the second time I lost my job because I went to prison...I won both hearings.


Unemployment is pretty easy to get

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My appeal hearing is tomorrow & I hate to admit that life as I know it depends so much on the outcome

All I have for evidence is an email HR sent me days after I was "let go" saying their not disputing & that there shouldn't be any issues for me to collect


Seriously doubt I'll be able to get any sleep tonight

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