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I'm going to drink tea that makes you poop a lot.

Manute Bol

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I pretty much sit down 60 hours a week and I've been feeling like shit about it. So I'm going to clean out my colon.




Colon cleansing is required for the removal of toxic and mucus buildup in the colon and assists in recovering natural balance of good and bad bacteria and the adequate absorption and production of enzymes and vitamins. Proper colon cleansing will help reduce food intolerance, improve skin appearance, reduce cellulite, improve energy, reduce weight, and enahance immune function.


A toxic colon is a major factor in the development of food intoleranc, malnutrition, and chronic ill health. The colon is a main organ responsible for ridding the body of toxic waste. When the colon is not functioning properly because of diet, stress, drugs, chemicals, parasites, and other substances, it tries to protect itself by producing more mucus. This additional mucus can bind with the sludge from refined foods, such as white flour products, and build up on the wall of the bowel, narrowing the lumen, and reducing absorption of vital nutrients. This layer of gluey, hardened feces can weigh several pounds and is a good place for harmful organisms and bacteria to breed. Do not think because you have regular bowel movements, or even diarrhea, that you have escaped this problem. The stool can pass daily through a dirty colon and leave the accumulated residue on the walls behind. There is no need to get panicky about the amount of weighty colon sludge you might be carrying around with you: there is a great deal you can do about it. Various supplements have been developed to assist in the process of colon cleansing.













Anyone do this? Which brand should I get, which kind?

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I remember that old thread, it came complete with pics, but I think it was Pffffft who started it and didn't go thru with it. I could be wrong about who it was, but those shits looked like aliens.


Anyway do it and report back, I took this 10 day detox stuff, that you had to take twice a day, but it didn't effect my shitting pattern at all.

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holler at it.


word. i take a tablespoon of this a day and it always keeps me regular.


also, simply adding more dark, leafy green vegetables into your diet can help. it's not always your colon that needs cleansed when you're feeling sluggish or constipated or whatever. you most likely just need a good source of fiber in your diet.

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Holy shit, I didn't realise I was at 9k! Thanks T4M, anyway it was deterrent, you have a better memory than I Mitch.

I also bought this Metamuesil stufff ages ago, but it tasted horrible so it only lasted like one glass then it has just sat there, hahaha. Maybe I should try stomach it to make myself more healthy?

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I had to do this one time.




They didn't give me tea, though. Doctor prescribed some clear liquid with a liter container to drink from. I had to drink one every half hour (it was four liters) and it was THE MOST NASTIEST SHIT I'VE EVER TASTED IN MY FUCKING ENTIRE LIFE. It looked like water but had the most horrible aftertaste and it had a thicker consistency - sort of like tequila.



About 5 minutes after I drank the first one I could literally hear the liquids traveling through my insides, I was pissing out of my asshole the whole fucking night. It came without warning also.....As soon as I was done spraying, I thought I was fine until 5 minutes later I was literally running to the bathroom again for more spray. I wasnt allowed to eat until the next day when the prodecure was over.





On the plus-side, I was put to sleep during the procedure. When I woke up, I had the finest asian nurse feeding me crackers and cramberry juice - I thought I died.

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The master cleanse is where its at, but that shit isn't for the weak.


I might try that, too. The point of this thread is to find out the best kind of tea to purchase, I don't want some wack shit. So...let me know whats up. I plan on going to Wholefoods or something, I'm sure they will have a bigger tea selection than other markets. Whats good 50.

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I pretty much sit down 60 hours a week and I've been feeling like shit about it. So I'm going to clean out my colon.




Colon cleansing is required for the removal of toxic and mucus buildup in the colon and assists in recovering natural balance of good and bad bacteria and the adequate absorption and production of enzymes and vitamins. Proper colon cleansing will help reduce food intolerance, improve skin appearance, reduce cellulite, improve energy, reduce weight, and enahance immune function.


A toxic colon is a major factor in the development of food intoleranc, malnutrition, and chronic ill health. The colon is a main organ responsible for ridding the body of toxic waste. When the colon is not functioning properly because of diet, stress, drugs, chemicals, parasites, and other substances, it tries to protect itself by producing more mucus. This additional mucus can bind with the sludge from refined foods, such as white flour products, and build up on the wall of the bowel, narrowing the lumen, and reducing absorption of vital nutrients. This layer of gluey, hardened feces can weigh several pounds and is a good place for harmful organisms and bacteria to breed. Do not think because you have regular bowel movements, or even diarrhea, that you have escaped this problem. The stool can pass daily through a dirty colon and leave the accumulated residue on the walls behind. There is no need to get panicky about the amount of weighty colon sludge you might be carrying around with you: there is a great deal you can do about it. Various supplements have been developed to assist in the process of colon cleansing.













Anyone do this? Which brand should I get, which kind?





I was thinking about doing this but I heard you have to fast for like a week while you're doing it.


Or is this different?

Can you eat and go about your day normal with the shit you're trying?

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