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everyday life tips and tricks


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When you have to sign documents, take the time to read them and further take the time to understand them. If you do not understand them, ask the people who want you to sign and if they can not explain them to you in a way that makes sense and fits the document then do not sign.


Think a little about how the law works, often land lords will have you sign a lease that is not in compliance with the law. Well guess what? The law trumps their silly little document even if you did sign it and you have the upper hand a lot of the time.


Always have a little instant coffee in the cupboard for if you run out of the real stuff.


Try not to drink too much at company christmas parties.


Be in control of your finances even when you are broke. Know who you owe and how much and do not hide from it.


If you can't impress em with facts, baffle em with bullshit.


Be honest with females, if you do not like a woman but like the pussy do not go saying that you like them just to get laid, it will backfire in the end and is a bitch move.

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Be honest with females, if you do not like a woman but like the pussy do not go saying that you like them just to get laid, it will backfire in the end and is a bitch move.


Worst advice ever, but only because you think it's a "bitch move"


Personally I don't lie to girls for pussy, but I have PLENTY of friends who do, and it's hardly a bitch move

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Here is one I learned today, Trader Joes Dish Detergent sucks ass, shit is all over my dishes even after running the machine twice.


I dunno Swamp, I figure that when a man wants some pussy they ask for it. When a man loves a woman he tells her. When a man wants some pussy but can not get it without saying that he loves the woman then he is being deceitful, degrading both himself and the woman which counts as something of a bitch move in my book.


That aside, it is a recipe for disaster anyway.

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When you have a dream or goal like getting in shape, getting a better job, starting a business etc, dont look for reasons why you cant do something, look for the reasons you can. TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION! planning and thoughts are great but personally the best doors have opened for me when ive taken action. The human brain is capable of amazing things and you dont bring them out by sitting around.

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be nice to everyone around you, not pussy pushover nice, but friendly atleast

people remember you when your the guy who brightened their day


dont spend the night at a girls house multiple times and expect things to be chill all the time, it doesnt work like that apparently


buy lots of orange juice and less vodka= note to self


dont drink when your upset, shit just gets mpre fuckedup and its impossible to fix it well


find joy in the simple things /nh


make sure your teacher/boss/person ahead of you always knows your name and make them smile once again /nh


and ofcourse


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If you write and are short of cash:

Stop at a Home Depot. Buy a can of black on your card and get cash back at the register. Now you have cash, didn't pay the ATM fee, and have a can of black, which you KNOW you'll use.


Somebody said carry a rock if you're walking in the rain so you can throw it at the cars who deliberately soak you by driving through a puddle.

I avoid this by only walking on the left in the rain. I can see motherfuckers coming and avoid the whole thing. One time the sidewalk was narrow and there was nowhere to go and some morons in a pickup truck saw me and the puddle and I SAW the driver's eyes light up as he got ready to steer toward the puddle. So I looked him in the eye and stepped off the curb into the puddle. He wasn't ready to kill me, so he had to go around and I stayed dry. (Obviously this bluff is discretionary based on vehicle speed, eye contact, puddle size, etc.)

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I got lemonade and lemon teeth

Lemons watch me mix the shit

Lemonade complexion, east-australian girl be killin me

She say i be killin her, i say i be feelin it

Four days then im sick of her, cause her brain is lemonhead

Cocaine white exterior, Interior Lemonade

Yellow wit da off-white trimmin

I call that da super drank

Yellow diamond pinky ring

Call that dere da lemon rock

Jewelry box a lemon bin, my earring size a apricot

Yeah i smoke that strong alot, yeah i need some of what you got

Half a pound of lemon kush, call that pack the lemon drop

Canary yellow lemon watch, big bird yellow top

Yellow Polo, Polo, slippers white and yellow polo socks

Gucci Mane be pumpin dawg, he dont got all he say he got

Just stash one Lemon homie, i can supply them the 50 glocks

Yellow boat parked at the dock,Yellowbone gon, make it drop

Flip da flop mine up the top, then go buy me a yellow yacht

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when your at the atm and theres a bunch of recipts, look through em quick and take any that have super amounts of cash, put them in your pocket for later... when your out and about and a girl asks for your number write it on the recipt and just say oh this is all i got in my pocket, lady thinikin you got cash=calls

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Man one time i was walking on the left side of the street with two of my homies on a rainy day and i guess i was just looking at the ground for a few seconds when they stepped to the side but i still got splashed yo. Call me stupid for not keeping my head up but this shit can happen to you on any side of the street.

But also, i found forty dollars on the ground yesterday at a grocery store because i was looking at the floor. And there were quite a few people standing near by that shit that didn't even bother to look at it.

It sometimes pays off to be looking at the ground.



*To cracked ass' post on the last page.

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