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DAO appreciation thread...yup.


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According to Theo and ASS, that makes it a wolf. Not a dog.


not really... a dingo WAS ONCE a domesticated dog, then reverted back to its roots, and probably evolved from dogs that ran away from their owners way back when when Australia was a penal colony several hundred years ago. as you can see in any picture of a dingo, they highly resemble dogs because they haven't had the time to evolve many separate characteristics.

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i appreciate.

he may be a bit blovacious.

(new favorite word, thank you new york post.)

but dammit, the old man's a good dude.


Zeebs You know Zebras used to be Horses without stripes then they evolved?

The real question is are they white with black stripes or black with white stripes?

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wait, i'm still trying to catch up with this.




dogs came from whales?





seriously, can someone cliff notes this thread plz.




kthx in advance.



DAO says whales & dolphins evolved from dogs that hunted fish on the beach.


DAO says wolves are a breed of dog.


People express disagreement; argument ensues.

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i appreciate.

he may be a bit blovacious.

(new favorite word, thank you new york post.)


I believe that's been an O'Reilly factor word of the day....more than once. Which makes sense, since he writes for the Post on occasion.


Speaking of NY Post references in the DAO thread, I noticed that in today's edition there is a featured story on how an NYPD officer died of SWINE FLU!!


oh, the irony.

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i know. right?


this is what caused this epic argument between Theo, an otherwise normal person, and DAO - the internet idiot savant.


i don't know how it got sidetracked into a less epic argument about horses and zebras, but THIS is the meat and potatoes.


DAO says whales & dolphins evolved from dogs that hunted fish on the beach.


He even contradicted himself, stating originally that everything comes from the ocean.


So whales and dolphins evolved from fish eating, land dwelling dogs. So at some point something crawled out of the ocean, then roamed the land, but still craved fish, so they ate fish from the shore. Tired of eating the smaller fish that came closer to the waters edge, the dogs jumped in the water and eventually turned BACK into a whale....... water... to land.... back to water.... but only some of them, the rest remained dogs.


Fuck it, I believe him. I live in the south and it's dangerous to oppose anyone with such conviction in their beliefs.

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i know. right?


this is what caused this epic argument between Theo, an otherwise normal person, and DAO - the internet idiot savant.


i don't know how it got sidetracked into a less epic argument about horses and zebras, but THIS is the meat and potatoes.


DAO says whales & dolphins evolved from dogs that hunted fish on the beach.


He even contradicted himself, stating originally that everything comes from the ocean.


To be fair to DAO, he didn't contradict himself on that point. Everything did start from the oceans, and whales did evolve from amphibious land mammals. What he's wrong on is saying that these mammals were dogs.





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