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Family Outraged After Officer Shoots Their Dog


CINCINNATI -- A Blue Ash family is outraged after returning home to find their dog had been shot and killed by a police officer.





The dog was a Chihuahua-mix named “Jack” that Scott and Sharon Bullock had given to their 12-year-old son for his birthday a few years ago.


When the Bullocks returned home from a family member's funeral on Friday, they found blood and three bullets on their front porch – along with a note to call the Blue Ash Police Department about their dog.


The Bullocks were shocked to learn that Jack had gotten out of the backyard and two officers who tried to catch him, ended up shooting and killing him right on the family's front porch.


"He was cornered on the porch and scared," said Sharon Bullock. "The officer bent down bare-handed to pick up Jack, and Jack bit him."


"My five-year-old cried himself to sleep the night before last, wanting his dog," said Sharon Bullock.


"He ‘barks’ for him" added Scott Bullock. "He'd ‘bark’ and Jack would always come to him, so he's outside going ‘Bark bark bark,’ hoping he's gonna come back. It's heartbreaking."


The Bullocks told their five-year-old and three-year-old sons that Jack ran away.


The Bullocks admit they were at fault for leaving their dog outside, and are sorry the officer was bitten, but they say their dog was not a vicious animal and had never bitten anyone before.


They're wondering why the officers didn't call the SPCA to catch the dog.


"They didn't make that phone call other than to come scoop the dog off the porch after they shot him," said Scott Bullock. "Two grown men that can't gather up a five-pound dog – and they're trained police officers – sounds ridiculous to me."


That officer later explained to the family that he was following procedure.


Blue Ash police say one of the officers was bitten on both hands. One hand was bitten 17 times and the other was bitten nine times.


The dog was holding on so tight he left one of his teeth in the officer's hands.


An officer attempted to tase the dog while another officer was holding him, but it did not work, so they had to shoot the animal.


Blue Ash police say the officers handled the situation according to department policy.

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Wow really they tazed the dog but it didnt work? if it takes

down a grown man then i am sure it would fuck up a small

ass dog like that. I am sure the dog bit him once then he

got mad and shot the dog then got another dog to bite the

shit out of him...i agree with !@#$% its like they just wnat

you to hate them

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"Blue Ash police say one of the officers was bitten on both hands. One hand was bitten 17 times and the other was bitten nine times."


This sounds a little suspect. Was dude seriously standing there like "Ow, he bit me! Ow, he did it again! Fuck, that's three... no, four times! Ouch! Damnit! Now he's bitten my one hand five times, and my other hand two times... no, wait, three times... Ow! That's it... if this dog bites me 18 more times, I'm going to shoot him. Wait, was that six times now, or seven, on my left hand? Ow!"

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Why couldn't he just bend over and pick up the dog? I don't get how shooting it is a viable option? Shooting it three times blows my mind even more. How many pieces was this little dog in when they called for it to be picked up? My day just went down the shitter...

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Ok.. this is why cops DO NOT NEED FUCKING TASERS...LET ALONE A GUN. What the fuck, i mean really how many more of these cases do people need to hear about until something is done? To be honest as of late im not even affraid of a trigger happy pig, but these taser wielding motherfuckers are another story.


I went to a concert not too long ago and of course there were some ninjas acting silly so cops come, not only do the cops not try and stop the altercation, but these niggas whip out laser sighted tasers and start aiming.

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i have been to blue ash, its all rich people. i hope they have a nasty lawyer, sue the cops and get alot of money. this shit is so beat...


a few weeks ago, a german sheppard was killed on the bridlepath in toronto, by police. that street is all mansions, owned by the likes of prince and jim carrey.

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my girlfriend has a chihuahua.... the i don't think it's ever managed to come close to breaking the skin with bites.


also, why did he need to put THREE rounds in it?!? i feel like ONE would have torn it to pieces....


also, and i could be wrong here, but..... i watch animal planet on occasion. whenever theres any sort animal-cops show on, they'll bring in TRAINED DOG CATCHERS to catch whatever it is. MAYBE i could understand the need to shoot it if this was a rottie (or something....) and it was bugging out in the front of the house and looking like it might be a danger to the community at large. but this is a tiny dog. i'm sure the two of them could have stood on the porch and blocked it in. or toss a milk crate over it for fucks sake.... pussies.

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