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I wish Pittsburgh had an NBA team, until then I'll just hate on LeBron on the strength that he's a dickhole.

Couple of people said it sucks working around or being around dude on the strength of his overwhelming arrogance.


And fuck any wannabe dickhole who comes after saying dudes arrogance is somehow excusable because he's a really good basketball player.

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i don't really watch sports, unless its boxing or something on those lines but i did get to see dallas beat miami in the last two games, which is awesome, not only because its a texas team that did it but because all i've ever heard about lebron james is that he is a complete and utter douche. so it's nice to see him get put in his place. from what i understand the whole reason he left cleveland was because he felt like he wasn't going to win any championships with them, so to see him get so close and fall short is like a big fuck you from karma.





lebron can never replace jordan, ever. have you ever played on a team with bugs bunny and daffy duck? no? then FALL BACK.


my 2 cents.

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LBJ will never win a Championship.


i don't think id go that far...

he's got allot of talent and allot of years left.

at the moment he lacks heart and intelligence, but i think that will come with maturity...

my hope is howard goes west to LA and paired with kobe they become the main threat in the west...

because if you think about it the east at the moment can't contend with the HEAT...

for example.

boston is old, and done, even with replacing pieces and that's a big IF... i think they would need a season or two to rebound.

the knicks, no one really knows? i think they are a fraud but they could add still and grow...

chicago is overrated, they don't play as a team, rose in another iverson and until he matures into a distributer they won't win either.

orlando, with or without howard can't do it...

and atlanta is maybe a big man away but they lack heart...

so it looks like the heat have the east locked up for a while.

which means you have to look west to find a team that can eliminate them.

the lakers could be that team especially with a howard signing, i belive first year right off the bat. immature baby face howard will get slapped into place and have a defined role playing with kobe, and after his "wasted season" i belive kobe will bounce back...

okc is also right there, if westbrook can mature and become a distributor and stop being selfish, realize durant wears the pants in the relationship and thats the way it's gona stay, then i think okc is right there, especially with an addition like iggodula, a defender that can get out on the break, adding a piece like that puts them right there.

dallas is a one trick pony, especially if there is a year off due to a lockout, although you never know...

san antonio is done...ect ect...

so i wouldn't go as far to say that lebron will never win, in fact, unless okc or la come threw next season, i would say right now that the heat will prob get it done...

with that said, although lebron may WIN a chip, he will never be a WINNER...

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2 people that demand the ball to perform (rose more then LBJ)...?

wouldn't work!

the formula incase you haven't watched the NBA the last 30 years is a scorer and a big-man.

a true pointgaurd is also a bonus...

chauncy billups, lebron james, dwight howard... i think that's a threesome if coached properly could win for a long time, of course with role players, shooters, and good coaching around them.

if the heat learn anything from this, it's get a point guard! not bibby, he ain't cutting it.

and run the ball threw bosh in the post as an inside out game to spread the floor and tire the defense.

living off fast-break turnovers ain't gonna win you a chip, and it get's to be a tired style as players age.

they have the pieces...

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  • 1 year later...

"It was a journey for myself All the ups and downs, everything that came along with it, I had to basically figure it out on my own. I'm happy now nine years later since I've been drafted that I can finally say that I'm a champion, and I didn't shortcut anything. I put a lot of hard work and dedication in it, and hard work pays off. It's a great moment for myself."


I'm sure this quote is taken somewhat out of context, but then again, it sounds just like the chosen one to me.

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The problem is everyone acts like its the Miami LeBron's.


Even if hes scoring 40 a game, the other half of the niggas are scoring another 40 atleast.

So unless he outscores the other team, they need to spread the credit around.


But what am I saying, fuck NBA

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