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Usually I post boobie cakes for birthdays but this one seemed more appropriate...





i was actually just reading something that said elton john stated at one point in his life he was doing lines of coke about every 4 minutes, and waylon jennings used to spend roughly 1,500 a day on coke.


made me think of this thread for one reason or another haha.

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ha, i had a older woman almost refuse me a 750 of jack one night cause "i looked like i get mean when i drink whiskey, and i dont want you getting into any trouble" i just laughed and was like sweetheart, i become the fuckin man as soon as whiskey hits the blood stream.. she just laughed and gave me the bottle back. but some people do get crazy when they drink it, i only get wild if you make me.



happy birthday dude.




basically, i'm generally pretty laid-back steez but if i start drinking whiskey i put on the sassface like whoa if someone steps to me in a way that i decide that i don't like. really i don't even need a reason. i'll say some ruthless shit. if i meet people out drinking and then run into them sober they always expect me to be a bitch and are mad surprised when i'm not.


swamp, get ugly bitches to buy you a bunch of whiskey tonight and then make fun of them really hard. then report back.

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u guys just need to get seasoned. all i drink, pretty much, is whisky, and i'm all smiles.


i'm the same way. all i drink is whiskey, very rarely will i go with some other type of booze. whiskey and usually some beer and i'm golden. i'll either be in a fantastic mood or i'll wanna blow up a dumpster or something, hardly ever do i get 'i wanna fight someone' drunk, unless provoked, which is obviously easier done when im hammered. but never happens cause im generally very laid back all the time.


like the other night, i was at a open bar party at some bar for 3 girls birthdays, long story short i was knocking them back like it was water and i was stranded in the sahara and blacked out, woke up the next morning to find out apparently i was dancing with some girls and was "surprisingly pretty good at dancing." dancing is not me, at all. the last time i danced i was probably like 4 and someone made me do it. but the whiskey had me in a great mood i guess haha.

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If I'm drinking whiskey with the intent on getting fucked up then I act like a dumb ass, but a lot of people say that its 'funny.' Yet, I won't remember it because I'm usually black out drunk and jokingly wrestling the bartender at the bar (who is my friend.) If I'm just going out for a few drinks with some people I usually stick to whiskey to catch that solid body buzz then move to beer to keep it going.

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1. go get laid. seriously. for all your frontin, it couldn't be more obvious that you've never touched a vagina in your entire life.


2. go get your ged. i know you might not think it's important now, but in the long run, knowing how to write legible sentences will get you far in life.


3. turn 18.


4. move out of your mother's house.


5. shut the fuck up and go paint something.




first off if you ever said something like this to me in real life i would slap the fuckin make-up off your face nigga..


i get pussy.im over 18.and yes i do live with my mother.


and who the fuck are you? some spoiled hipster white bitch that moved to brooklyn from the middle of nowhere, USA so you can show how "hip hop" you are and fuck a bunch of NYC writers? your so cool.


i got my GED...and right now im working on a degree bitch.


im not one of your faggot trendy wannabe friends shorty.


matter of fact dont even respond to this..cause you dont know shit about me.


go beg internet screen names to send you pictures of theyre dicks..your probably a fat gay man anyway..i honestly dont even think your a woman..

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keep my name outcha babyteef lookin ass mouth and we'll be scraight.


nah nigga we aint straight..


learn how to handle your liquor...better yet why dont you go out and get wasted..hopefully you get raped..


or drink 3 gallons or jack daniels..that way youll die of alcohol poisoning and when i fly to brooklyn in july i can visit your grave and take a hot shit on it.

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doggie...my props box can't even fit all the shine i got for slaying you.


cry about it because you just got treated by a bitch. or a fat gay man. whichever way, you lose.


internet 12oz props?!??!


gee whiz!


im so fuckin jealous:rolleyes:



i bet you look like the bottom of my nikes shorty..


im lmao at you bitch..yea i got treated by some tall ass poser graff hoe that prolly look like rick smits.


i really lose this one:lol:

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