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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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Had the Goose Island IPA today.


Spoke with a Goose Island rep that was at the pub. I'll applaud ABInbev for not fucking with the general structure of the company. None of the recipe's have changed, but I do know the head brewer ducked out right before the sell. Either way, still a generally solid brewery. I've shat on them before, particularly for Matilda, but the Bourbon County Imp. Stout (Original, Rare, Vanilla and Coffee included) are some of the best beers I've ever tried. Soooo, I say they are most def worth the try.


I wouldn't put them in the same camp (even if owned by a major) as I would "Blue Moon." Particularly since Blue Moon is what people perceive as craft beer who "come over" from the mainstream markets. So you still have some of the same brewers for the majors portraying crafts, but aren't actually started within that vein.


Where as even though I would consider Stone as some sort of emerging major, I would still refer to them as Micro/Craft because of their history.


Just some epistemological rantings on the size and distribution of beer versus its relative quality.

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I guess. Unfortunately here, particularly in University settings like where I'm at, there's a lot of braggadocios frat assholes who think they are intellectual hot shit when they come to a thirty tap craft pub and attempt to order Blue Moon (of which they don't have) only to settle on Abita Purple Haze in a pissed off compromise...


Basically, it's more just a sign for me to steer clear, or at least just borrow a cigarette from them later and make fun of them for being assholes to their face when I'm good and drunk.

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my qualms with drinking goose island, regardless of quality and history at this point, is that giving support to any of the big 3 is helping them keep their war on micros on.


AB doesn't give a fuck about the product they put out, they give a fuck about turning a buck, exclusively.


stone/dfh/new belgium might be big, but they're taking maybe 10-15% of 3% of the market?


i don't think any of our current micros will, w/o being accrued by the big 3, grow to compete on that scale, and i don't think i would consider them on that level until they are effecting lobby groups/legislation that negatively affects micros.


different strokes, not saying big guys can't be good--see sam adams and hops--but there's enough to choose from that isn't them that i don't need to.


so far tonight: boulder beer hazed and infused canned, not really a fan as much as on draft.

a couple torpedo tall boys, boulder mojo ipa. moving on to high life i think. lets stay drunk. its tuesday after all.

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We are copping it here ten fold. The big TWO are taking up all our favourite brands, I even got approached about production levels by one of them. It's fucked. I'm going to continue swingin' dick at them all, but I kind of know they'll win in the end.




I even had my mate poached by a Japanese owned syndicate so he's brewing with them now.


Sucks, yo!

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Fist/Protester- I think my feeling is that I don't WANT the micro's to get big. Think about how in the last year Bruery, DFH, Russian River, and a few others have all consolidated distribution. There is a distinct difference between understanding quality over a distribution and going for profit. I think, personally, that craft is the more appropriate phrasing than the conception of "micro."


So, in some cases, even if owned by the Big 3, I do not worry about contributing to them, because the communities that genuinely fill there coffers are self selecting. Myself and most people within this thread are concerned with experiencing new beers within our various tastes. So, to me, I think it is distinctly worth noting that a nationally renowned brewery that was picked up by ABInbev was left to its Craft procedurals.


Basically, Craft brewing is not ultimately going to be put to death by the Big 3 because they can't replicate it on the mass regional scale that it currently exists and is growing at.


I would venture to guess that very few people in this thread have ever had any Moonlight Brewing beers. Not because they are incredibly obscure, but because they are only kegged and distributed in the bay area. The Big 3 ain't fuckin with that.


I'm drunk.

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Can't argue with that. But history does dictate that when a large corporation buys out a brand, they'll keep the flame alight for a while, then the bottom line will be the guiding point. It's not hard to call something 'craft beer' under the American guidelines. It would be cool if they set up something like CAMRA over there - do you have an equivalent already? You probably do.


I just find things like DFH kind of funny style, they pump out from a 24/7 operation and people over here still think they're some pokey little brewery in some blokes shed - yet they're making around ten million litres of beer a year!! TEN MILLION LITRES! Fuck me dead.

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On the topic of the Big 3:


DOJ lookin out for the beer drinkers:




WASHINGTON—The Justice Department filed suit Thursday to block Anheuser-Busch InBev's $20.1 billion deal to buy Grupo Modelo SAB, saying U.S. consumers would suffer harm if the makers of Bud Light and Corona Extra merged.




The Justice Department said it filed suit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking to prevent the companies from merging. The deal "would result in less competition and higher beer prices for American consumers," said the department's antitrust chief, Bill Baer.




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ill be in LA next week if anyone knows a good place to pick up beer let me know

otherwise ill just have to hit up multiple liq stores until i find something decent.

i may have to fall back on trader joes. just looking for some stuff not offered in the midwest

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Best cocktail I've ever had....




Whiskey + Ginger beer (not ginger ale) + muddled lime + pinch of sugar


Yes! I use Goyas Jamican Ginger Beer. No sugar or lime though. Think its the best compliment to whiskey and bourbons.


Fuck I miss the coast.


I saw the pick and in my head I was like damn I miss the coast back home...scroll down lol.


Ive been sleeping on this thread. Ive tasted a few new to my list. been meaning to post.




Weyerbachers Quad wasnt bad, yet it wasnt up to par with my favorit....St B Apt12. I made up some bluevcheese spread and crackers to do a food pair. tasty.


Oscar Blues always brings the never disappoint. Yet Ive been favoring dark beers as of late.


Founders Dirty bastard was definitely pleasing. I have never had a beer from them until this one and Ive always hear good reviews especially about the Breakfast Stout.


Sierra Nevada hasnt ever been on my list but ever since the Narwhal I decided to give them some chances...




Definetly crisp with a very quick finish that doesnt linger. It was good but not great. Yet like I said Ive really been digging the dark beers. They have that flavor that just sits in your mouth where the light beers just seem to come and go.




I enjoyed it. Had a higher hop taste then I would think.




Always heard good things about this beer and I will say it is a tasty one. Terripin always delivers.

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Sierra Nevada has always been a go to for me. The Bigfoot Barleywine is something I look forward to every year. The Torpedo and the standard Pale Ale are two of my alltime favorites. The only ones I don't like from them is the Tumbler and the Kelerwise (sp?), and it's not even that they are bad examples of those styles, I just don't like those styles.


On a totally unrelated note, I just found out Henry Weinhard's was bought out by Miller. I know I'm late to the party on this and it wasn't exactly great beer to start with, but it was the beer that fueled my misspent youth. It gave me quite the pang of nostalgia when I found out.

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Sierra Nevada is one of my favorite go to beers.

Last night:

Haandbryggeriet - Wild Thing from '09

Alvinne - Undressed

Jolly Pumpkin - Weizen Bam from '10 (liked it much better w/ some age on it)

Jolly Pumpkin - Oro de Calabaza from '11 (still have 2 cellared, interested to see how they come along)

Angry Orchard - Strawman (pretty good, still have an Iceman to try as well)

Has anyone had Allagash Interlude? A local store just got ~20 in and I was considering picking up a few but they're $28(!) per bottle. Haven't seen it before so I've got no price to compare it to plus Allagash is typically quite expensive by me.

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I had it a while ago at the Trappist (couple years I'd say), but I don't think I'd ever buy many of their bottles again.


I remember that being one of their better ones. Pretty sure part of the brew is on oak, so take that for whatever it's worth to you.


Just got to Oakland this morning for the first weekend of Beer Week. Will be reporting and updating continually.


Currently drinking an Oly (it's the water).

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