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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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A new brewery opened up down here in Austin called JesterKing. Made some cool brews just to get the name out. Also doing a series of American Wild Ales, and two collabs with Mikkeller.


They've been running for maybe a few months. Fucking proper.


They have an imperial stout called "Black Metal Stout." Delish.

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dogfish head aprihop ipa


the aroma and first initial taste is just like founders double trouble (i was wondering what fruit that was)

but i wasn't happy with the finish of it. the founders had that little extra that made the after taste hit the spot





i had the camera out so i took one of these

this is bought on the regular

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Had these this weekend


De Dolle Extra Export Stout. De Dolle makes some amazing beers


Rogue XS Russian Imperial Stout. Thought it was ok. Expected more for it being in that little ass bottle


Traquair House Ale & Traquair Jacobite. The house ale was the better of the two i thought


Breckenridge Vanilla Porter & Oatmeal Stout. Both were very tasty. Can't wait to try more of their beers


Erie Brewing Drake's Crude Oatmeal Stout. Liked this a lot. I've had their Mad Anthony and liked it also, but the Railbender I thought was shit


Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast. I'm sure you all know is awesome


Nøgne Ø Imperial Stout. Sorry for the bad pic. Drinking this now. Sooo Goooood!

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Rogue XS Russian Imperial Stout. Thought it was ok. Expected more for it being in that little ass bottle


So a word to the wise about the "XS" Rogues. I didnt know from the start and was sadly disappointed with this beer. They dont say it on the bottle but these are intended, from what I was told, to be aged AT LEAST a year before drinking to allow the ingredients for the brew to mellow out and develop.

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So a word to the wise about the "XS" Rogues. I didnt know from the start and was sadly disappointed with this beer. They dont say it on the bottle but these are intended, from what I was told, to be aged AT LEAST a year before drinking to allow the ingredients for the brew to mellow out and develop.


Yeah I could see that. I started cellaring beers last august. Throw in a beer here and there if I can muster enough self control not to drink em all. Most are barleywine a few stouts and a founders devil dancer triple ipa. I wouldn't have aged an ipa normally but it's 12% so I thought it would be ok. and that Peeper Ale above makes me thirsty.

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These tasty, very limited edition 22oz beers are in the store and holy smokes are they flying out our doors! 100% of the proceeds of the sale of this beer by Rock Art and its distributor, Calmont Beverage, will go to Pete's Greens rebuilding efforts.

If you've been too busy out enjoying all the snow we've had this winter to hear about it, one of our local Vermont produce growers Pete's Greens suffered a tremendous loss when a fire broke out and their barn (the heart of the farm) was completely ruined.


In the fire they lost all their vegetable washing and processing equipment; walk in coolers and freezers; all of their harvested crops; a tractor trailer freezer full of chicken, beef and pork; tractors and lots of tools and equipment. They also had been building a new addition to the barn and that too went up in the blaze.


The community has really pulled together to help this fine farmer out, and this is one more thing that proves folks sure have a lot of heart.







This is why I love small breweries.

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I'm typically not a big fan of their brews but just had this and have to admit it was good.


Damn, just noticed the price tag on the bottle in the pic. I got this for half of that, I wouldn't pay the full price for it good or not. Better go back to that store and get a few more.

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^^^^^^sorry about my last post. sent it from my phone. heres what i meant to send:




sippin this now. a wee heavy lol but its pretty good




just had this. a bit sweet but it was pretty good. couldnt drink it all the time tho


this is what im drinkin now



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