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Pizza Appreciation Thread


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  • 2 years later...

sounds like the equivalent of pizza nova here, which is absolute shit pizza at shit prices




c_h, they brought "fresh slice" here over the past few years.. its pretty good (also funny that their logo is a green pacman thats blatantly smoking a joint). during their first year, they used to sell any slices for a dollar on tuesdays, which was pretty awesome - dude would let you pick like 8-10 slices of whatever in the window & heat it up again proper. pretty miniature slices, though. like all successful businesses, they stopped giving a fuck after building up a customer base & jacked that shit right up haha. now, i think its 2 slices & a small pop for 6 bucks or something. idk because i stopped going lol - fuckers think they can rope me in for life? nah

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how to double up from a pizza pizza delivery & only pay the original amount:


call & order whatever you were going to

specify that you want the pizza(s) to be "light on the cheese"

receive your order (which you then pay for.. dude comes & goes, business as usual)

*the level of cheese will be almost non-existent - pizza pizza doesnt take it lightly when you

request "light on the cheese"

call them back & say that there was no cheese on it - typical dumb customer shit (also try to not make it obvious that its a bunch of hungry young people when the first delivery gets there)

theyll send you another identical order for free, but with cheese this time

you can do this with a many pizzas as you want.. although im sure dudes would flake off their dingleberries onto it or something if you push them too much


did this enough times in high school.. sort of a dick move, but hey - ya gotta eat

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fucking with pizza pizza was funny as shit back in the day..


they used to have a "its there in 40 minutes or its free" policy (which i think they threw out altogether by this point)..


call & make a delivery & my friends goes "yo, im gonna disconnect my home phone & tie the dog out front" :lol:


then weve had times where we werent trying to fuck anyone over, but dude was mad late & didnt want to give them up for free. if the delivery was genuinely late & the guy wasnt acting like a dickhead, wed tip them pretty well, though


pizza pizza fucking sucks now, though.. never really go there anymore


memories embedded in bread, sauce, & cheese

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sounds like the equivalent of pizza nova here, which is absolute shit pizza at shit prices




c_h, they brought "fresh slice" here over the past few years.. its pretty good (also funny that their logo is a green pacman thats blatantly smoking a joint). during their first year, they used to sell any slices for a dollar on tuesdays, which was pretty awesome - dude would let you pick like 8-10 slices of whatever in the window & heat it up again proper. pretty miniature slices, though. like all successful businesses, they stopped giving a fuck after building up a customer base & jacked that shit right up haha. now, i think its 2 slices & a small pop for 6 bucks or something. idk because i stopped going lol - fuckers think they can rope me in for life? nah



Fresh slice is ok...def over priced. There is a pretty good boutique za place near me that delivers, do prefer them over fresh slice.


Caesars' crazy bread still gets me tho, i get some every once and a while.

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