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YO LMAO I did the same shit and eventually she figured it out and put it together in her head. I used to fake busting nuts sometimes just so I could stop fucking like an animal and when I would fake-o shorty would be like ahhhhh where did the nut go? She be crawlin around inspecting the sheets and floor and her hair n shit, like it GOTTA be around here somewhere! ahhaha priceless

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Dude this shit is getting out of control. My area has always been heavy on the shit, but with these prescription pills being so popular and getting everyone addicted I guess it has been getting worse.


Last night a cool dude I grew up with died from this shit which was a total shock to me because I couldn't picture him doing no shit like that. And tons of other people I grew up with have and a few of my good friends have even been addicted.


This shit is really fucking sad man, what is wrong with everyone??


Is anyone elses area getting swamped with young people dying and being addicted to this shit?


Not sure if you'll still read this thread but that's awful about your friend..


September of 2008 my best guy friend died from a heroin overdose. Apparently it was laced with arsenic.


About 2 weeks afterwords one of my old friends boyfriend died from the same batch.


12:05am on Christmas day my little sister passed from a heroin overdose. She was only 17.


Then just 3 days ago this kid I used to like in high school died. Same thing.


There were a lot of other deaths because of this stuff, but I didn't know them so I just feel I have no right to comment on them.


I'm glad I got away from it when I did. It's an epidemic in my city. It's absolutely insane how many people are using this here. I can tell you from experience that this stuff SUCKS!


It's awful. I think my withdrawal from alcohol was even worse but getting clean and sober was the most important thing I've ever done. Now I work at an inpatient substance abuse treatment center.


Fuck heroin.... Fuck Alcohol too just because I can't fucking drink it like a normal person lol


Gawd, my best wishes to all of you who have lost someone to this drug..

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the quickest way to lose everything. Go from having a job to beggin and hustlin for a few bucks. Demolishes any self respect and the worst part is that you don't give a shit. Makes you lose weeks at a time not to mention everything that is even remotely important. sold some of the only things i had of any worth to be part of lifestyle that has no promise. You never see an old junkie.

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alot of "friends" i have made via graffiti i have also lost to heroin addiction... its really hard for me not to judge but man what a fucking shitty thing.

im only replying because yesterday a old friend called me up about 11am freaking out that he was about to OD on a speedball and wanted to call me... i have drifted from this cat but he always calls to catch up or when he has something he needs to talk about. it really freaked me out and being i was 1000 miles from him all i could really do is call 911 if the phone went silent. which aside from someone to talk too, is all he wanted because i was not near him so i could not be implicated in anything. (dumb i know) after about a 30minute convo he was ok and realized he was not gonna o.d... during said convo he told me he came up on like 50k cashing in some family shit and has a 150.00 a day habit now but just a few months ago he got out of the klink and was clean...

it is a wild drug to say the least, how it grabs ahold of people and all...

sick story br0!

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on that shit for years got off about 6 years ago thanks to modern drugs and counciling and that was sooooo fuct up it was like someone pushed a reset button in my brain had to start everything over starting with how to take a shit, that was about the only thing that i could do by my self.... it is not anything but bad news. lose your life and even if you get off it it will still find a way to kill you. the devil lives in the brown rocs and black tar... if anyone needs help or advice on this shit hit me up.-one

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Boston and Heroin go hand in hand i grew up around this shit uncles nodding off at family parties got cousins in and out of jail a couple weeks ago i watched some junked out bitch buy a couple balloons right in front of the police station. literally right there. Mid way through a an e fueled threesome this weekend i had to call in the paramedics for my boy who was buggin in the other room. Drugs suck

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  • 1 year later...

Bump this because the drug addicted thread got deleted.

Today is day 4 since the last time I used dope. Before that I did it for almost a week straight, against my better judgment. Suboxone definitely helps. Hopefully I can stay clean for a while this time.

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the quickest way to lose everything. Go from having a job to beggin and hustlin for a few bucks. Demolishes any self respect and the worst part is that you don't give a shit. Makes you lose weeks at a time not to mention everything that is even remotely important. sold some of the only things i had of any worth to be part of lifestyle that has no promise. You never see an old junkie.


Yup. Pretty much. Heroin is a motherfucker, the single worst thing I've ever done to myself. It lowered my standard of living in such a subtle way over the years, I look at myself now, and think I can't believe what a junkie piece of shit I've turned into. I'm on another relapse run.........why?!?!

6 months ago I got heavy into smoking crack, and a few weeks later the crack is going in the cap with the dope, now I've a speedball freak. My life is a mess right now, one dirty urine and I'm the county for a year. I've got to man up and live life, not floating in an opiate haze. Heroin feels so fucking good, it completely destroys your ability to cope with ANYTHING remotely uncomfortable, for me thats the hardest part of staying clean....

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People have a lot of skewed knowledge. Anyone that is thinking about taking it - PLEASE do your proper research. If you listen to people on forums or in NA meetings spewing half-truths and lies - it could dissuade you from doing something that could save your life.


Ceiling for Bupe is 32mg, which is why I take 32mg a day.



That's a GNARLY dose of sub man, especially if your on maintenance. The only way I see 32mgs being neccessary is the first week of coming off a huuuuuuuge habit, detox hell. I take 2mg a day when I'm on maintenance and it does me right. I snort it though......

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got a buddy that need's his up and down and another buddy that died a couple of months ago in some shitty hotel in the shitty part of town just before that I seen him on the train and he said life was good and he had some clean time in then I heard that since then I quit sniffin that shit when it comes my way. Oh and now downtown in my area they have signs up saying that the H in my area has gotten stronger and more od's so if your gunna do it dont do it alone! evan my buddy said the same thing like a couple I seen them signs on the wall's of back alleys...

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One more day down. Have been tapering off the Suboxone. Shit honestly is a miracle drug, I don't know how I'd be able to quit without it. I'm sure many junkies feel the same way.


32mg is a ridiculous dose, but we've already been over this in the thread where Gucci was trying to get nurgas to pay for his script. Doctors overprescribe the hell out of it, because that's what they're told to do by the drug company. No shit Gucci is gonna feel like a million bucks if he's on 32mg of Sub, but using that much to me is just replacing the dope with another addiction. My habit when I'm fully using is a pretty decent one, not as bad as some people I know (one guy will bang 6 20s at once, twice a day. He gets sick after 6-9 hours), but still enough that I'd be sick for a week if I stopped cold turkey, then probably feel "under the weather" for another week. So I'll use the Suboxone for about a week, taper off, and then be done. I don't really see a point in long-term Sub maintenance, but that's the way they do it.


To the dude at the top of the thread saying people who relapse are weak minded... you're an idiot. Like was said earlier in the thread: if you've never been strung out on opiates, don't try and act like you know.

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