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your current women issues...


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This guy I have known since H.S has had a crush(?) on me.

for forever. Its kinda scary now that I think about it.

I thought after all these years he’d give up and realize that I am only attracted to inanimate objects and have no desire to cup cake.

Sporadically he calls me to chill I use to hang out with him (shamefully) to get smoked out (wrong. I realized this and have avoided hanging out with minimal explanation.)

He always raises the question of taking things to the next level.

He recently tried again. I am interested in other things/people.

That don’t involve him (mainly because he is a MR.me too) and it seems that because I kept the breaking off of our somewhat relationship (consist of smoking and thee watching of movies) prolonged it is harder to do so. Douche.


So aside from being MR. Me Too, what makes him a douche? I dont know a guy in this world who hasnt been in this guys shoes. Give him a fucking break. Do him a favor, and just dont kick it with him at all. At least then he'll know where things stand instead of you leading him on just to smoke his stash. I despise broads who cross signals and use motherfuckers for shit. I call them out on these things. Most dudes just let it happen to them. Ive had it done to me when I was younger and I learned from it. This is fundamentally why most dudes dont give two shits about yall and use you for sex.

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So aside from being MR. Me Too, what makes him a douche? I dont know a guy in this world who hasnt been in this guys shoes. Give him a fucking break. Do him a favor, and just dont kick it with him at all. At least then he'll know where things stand instead of you leading him on just to smoke his stash. I despise broads who cross signals and use motherfuckers for shit. I call them out on these things. Most dudes just let it happen to them. Ive had it done to me when I was younger and I learned from it. This is fundamentally why most dudes dont give two shits about yall and use you for sex.




good advice and true... you can only take so much getting fucked over by chicks before you lose all hope in them and proceed to use them as cum deposits



just sayin' good luck MISRP

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So aside from being MR. Me Too, what makes him a douche? I dont know a guy in this world who hasnt been in this guys shoes. Give him a fucking break. Do him a favor, and just dont kick it with him at all. At least then he'll know where things stand instead of you leading him on just to smoke his stash. I despise broads who cross signals and use motherfuckers for shit. I call them out on these things. Most dudes just let it happen to them. Ive had it done to me when I was younger and I learned from it. This is fundamentally why most dudes dont give two shits about yall and use you for sex.




the fucking truth

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well i am still stringing ol'wifey along. BUT, Im looking for somthing in a 90' teha 86'. although im a fat old guy, i think my ego will win some young un-suspecting hotie distorting her mind into thinking im soo fucking dope she will let me live off her rich daddy too........




ill now read your bull shit problems........gawd! jk. ill read and comment.

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Originally Posted by Avancier2 (View Original Post)


So aside from being MR. Me Too, what makes him a douche? I dont know a guy in this world who hasnt been in this guys shoes. Give him a fucking break. Do him a favor, and just dont kick it with him at all. At least then he'll know where things stand instead of you leading him on just to smoke his stash. I despise broads who cross signals and use motherfuckers for shit. I call them out on these things. Most dudes just let it happen to them. Ive had it done to me when I was younger and I learned from it. This is fundamentally why most dudes dont give two shits about yall and use you for sex


When I said douche I was referring to myself. For just dropping him with no explanation

and using him in the first place. There’s nothing I can say from this point to salvage my morality. You think I use guys and in this case I did. It was wrong and I realized this probably too late. I am not going to lie tho and say I feel sorry for him. I have little to no respect for this guy which is the main reason I justified what I was doing in the first place. In any case I get my karma because now I have notes on my car and porch, coincidently run into him all over the place, and cant date anyone else in this city without him finding out and telling them that me and him are already involved with one another. Lesson learned.

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So me and this chick are getting to know one another, then the other night we are at bar..she sees me talking to this wacky asian girl for a bit then thinks im keen on it. But this girl is totally dope and i cant believe she thought i was that type of guy that would mess her around, not only that but that i must be a dumbass for hitting on some wacky asian girl instead of chilling with this totally dope one.. when all i was doing was tryna give her space so she can chill with her girls. I feel bad about it though all and all.. i wanna let her know i wouldnt do that..but in order to do so i would be coming on pretty strong and i just dont know if thats the right card to pull right now.

Makes me think though, what scum cunts has she been with previously to make her feel insecure about her man cheating on her. shit is kinda sad.

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So me and this chick are getting to know one another, then the other night we are at bar..she sees me talking to this wacky asian girl for a bit then thinks im keen on it. But this girl is totally dope and i cant believe she thought i was that type of guy that would mess her around, not only that but that i must be a dumbass for hitting on some wacky asian girl instead of chilling with this totally dope one.. when all i was doing was tryna give her space so she can chill with her girls. I feel bad about it though all and all.. i wanna let her know i wouldnt do that..but in order to do so i would be coming on pretty strong and i just dont know if thats the right card to pull right now.

Makes me think though, what scum cunts has she been with previously to make her feel insecure about her man cheating on her. shit is kinda sad.



yo dont sweat it. next time you're with her say "hey i wanna put my thingy into your thingy".

then SMASH.

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I have an issue that maybe someone on here can identify with. I don't talk about this much, to anyone, so yeah.


I've noticed that aside from my ex (yeah, yeah....I mention her alot, whatever) anytime I have sex with a girl I get immediately disgusted by them. To the point where afterwards I either try to leave the room, or I get as far to the edge of the bed as possible and try to either fall asleep mad quick or just watch TV and zone out. This isn't even just random whores, this also applies to girls I've been fucking with for months at a time. It's like once the deed is done I wanna pretend I don't know them for awhile...basically, if it isn't C____ I just don't want anything to do with them after I get my nut off, like they're some kinda fuckin leper


I mean, I have absolutely zero feelings for women these days (they're all goddamn evil succubi out to ruin my life, and I know this) and I'm OK with that, but something tells me this shit isn't normal. It's one thing to distrust and dislike women as a whole, it's completely another to feel like I wanna run out of the room and never see them again anytime I've fucked em.


Anyone ever had something like this goin on? Or am I just real fucked up? Prolly just real fucked up haha


AB/mental state is a problem

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i have an issue with a female... this girl likes me and started talking to me again... the past two days she kissed me... anyway she texted me last night and she always asks the most retarded questions... "i know we havent talked in a while but what are we doing now?" like do you really have to ask?? but this is the first time i denied some poonany... "well honestly no more kisses i got a girl and i cant disrespect her like that we can still be cool though..." is what i said.. she says she didnt intend to kiss me and she has a man in the city anyway... which sounds like some bullshit.. but she walked me to my classes and told me she misses my lips and walked back down the hallway just to kiss me again... i told her "you know you intended to but its cool though no hard feelings..." she takes it the wrong way and was like "whoa u got me lookin stupid i aint no ho so dont be sayin that..." i get mad and i say "yo dont take it the wrong way but you did walk ALL the way back down the hallway just to kiss me.." so she goes with yeah that'll never happen again and to just forget i ever knew her cause shes moving after graduation and it'll never ever happen again in life... like i really care.. "dont take it to the left titty it aint gotta be all that now.." i reply with... she says "well thats how its gonna be im italian man thats how i role solo and dramaless..." i reply with "hahahahahaha oooookay whatever yo..." and that was the end... i find it funny as hell... plus shes got a big dumbass forehead and broad ass shoulders... i mean if i ever wanted to cheat on my lady, i could do much better than her....

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i have an issue with a female... this girl likes me and started talking to me again... the past two days she kissed me... anyway she texted me last night and she always asks the most retarded questions... "i know we havent talked in a while but what are we doing now?" like do you really have to ask?? but this is the first time i denied some poonany... "well honestly no more kisses i got a girl and i cant disrespect her like that we can still be cool though..." is what i said.. she says she didnt intend to kiss me and she has a man in the city anyway... which sounds like some bullshit.. but she walked me to my classes and told me she misses my lips and walked back down the hallway just to kiss me again... i told her "you know you intended to but its cool though no hard feelings..." she takes it the wrong way and was like "whoa u got me lookin stupid i aint no ho so dont be sayin that..." i get mad and i say "yo dont take it the wrong way but you did walk ALL the way back down the hallway just to kiss me.." so she goes with yeah that'll never happen again and to just forget i ever knew her cause shes moving after graduation and it'll never ever happen again in life... like i really care.. "dont take it to the left titty it aint gotta be all that now.." i reply with... she says "well thats how its gonna be im italian man thats how i role solo and dramaless..." i reply with "hahahahahaha oooookay whatever yo..." and that was the end... i find it funny as hell... plus shes got a big dumbass forehead and broad ass shoulders... i mean if i ever wanted to cheat on my lady, i could do much better than her....


I can't believe I read this whole post ....

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You can go back and read the thread on it, something like "It really is true" or whatever...I'll give the CliffNotes


Dated for 2 years, I broke up with her, was a dick to her for like a month then decided I wanted her back, she said she wanted to be alone, string along gayness for 2 months, find out about new boyfriend, go insane, drink mad vodka, fight new boyfriend and his boys, get depressed, drink more vodka, lose like 20 lbs in a month cuz I can't eat/sleep/go to work,

sneak around and continue to fuck girl behind his back for a few months, drink even more vodka, girl finally cuts me off, been about 4 months since then with very little contact with her. I don't sweta it like I used to but yeah, still love her and wish that shit would one day work out, but I do my own thing (and do it well I might add haha) and I'm realizing that's prolly never gunna happen so yeah. Now women apparently disgust me.



You can put it out in the open, I have no shame

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you know what ayebee.

i been though the same shit,

i didnt beat anyones ass or nothin,


but ill give you the cliff notes on my advice for you...



as gay as it sounds, you should slow down on fucking random skeezers,

and take some positive time for yourself.


go on vacation or visit some old family or whatever.


i know two years is a long time to be with someone.

and chances are that she still has the same feelings as you.

but thinks you'll fuck her over.


sit her down and lay the cards down.

say 'hey, i still love/like you bleh bleh bleh...'

ask her (politely) if you guys can take another shot at each other.


dont get angry or show and hostility at all.

that includes being a smartass.


she'll either give you another shot or shoot you down angrily,

letting you know theres no chance again.


but if shes nice to you in the way she declines, thats only going to keep this going.

so you'll have to find a way to get one answer or the other.


if this wasnt enough help, as earl esq.

hes a wise dude.

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Nah, that ain't happening with me and her haha....she, most of the time, won't even answer my phone calls, and if she does she plays the whole "I love my new boyfriend, we're so happy together" blah blah bullshit with me. Apparently she forgets I know her better than that.


But yeah, even if she does still love me she won't admit it to anyone, including herself. We had alot of problems, and me and her come from 2 different worlds and I was never willing to change anything about myself, partly cuz I shouldn't have to, and partly cuz I'm a stubborn piece of shit. I guess if she wants to be with a preppy, half a man, faggot that one time denied even dating her and said "It was a fuckin mistake man" to try and keep me from knockin his ass out, then that's on her.


This isn't even about wanting her back, it's about tryin to figure out what the fuck is u[ with me and being repulsed by women after sex...although I guess what you're saying is that it is cuz I still want her back.


Prolly true...I need vodka.

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