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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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like everyone on 12oz are major hotties or something? hate to break this to you people but not everyone looks like brad pitt or megan fox or whoever, i don't even find those assholes attractive. you know who is though? fucking count choc, hot damn smash smash smash. i like people who look like people, not fucking plastic mannequins, that's just me though. trogg, your homegirls look fun and props to that chick making thizzzzzzzzz face.


uhhhh, you forgot me????

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like everyone on 12oz are major hotties or something? hate to break this to you people but not everyone looks like brad pitt or megan fox or whoever, i don't even find those assholes attractive. you know who is though? fucking count choc, hot damn smash smash smash. i like people who look like people, not fucking plastic mannequins, that's just me though. trogg, your homegirls look fun and props to that chick making thizzzzzzzzz face.


i feel you on all of that suki, and thanks. and to that dude "pistol", i didnt attach that pic of food on my last post. as you know on here sometimes when you post it attaches shit that isnt ur pic. you actually nega-propped me cause you thought i put only one pic up instead of "pics"??????!!!!!:lol: wtf? take it easy buddy. you mad?

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went here


checked in..



waited for Jesse.. while lookin thru these..


saw this in the door... LOL


had to sign papers....


FINALLY... outline...



00000h yeah


and we're done.... (:


went to panda with my gf


haha soo cute


lol my buddy is hiding...


finished with a gay but true fortune.. and then off to home..


/The End

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yesterdays pies, play by play :



woke up - oontz



went to lube shop - breakfast



saw graff n dance by lube shop



snacked on a gyro



hooked up with peter, rolled a j



he oontzed



graff n dance



got more beer - she wouldnt show her tits






nom nom nom - decide to go to the river



god bless oregon



find spot to chill at





underwear date in the river /no homo



/no homo



life vest dog ftw




bought more beer and gyros, then head to park to watch women with nice breasts play ultimate frisbee



2nd gyro for the day



back to peter's for dutch rudders /no homo



go to movie with homie's girl on some vincent vega / mia wallace type steez

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i might take pics of the king tournoment.

dont know how interesting it will be 25 miles out though...

you guys want flicks?


i could probly get some pics of the captains meeting maybe and the weigh in and stuff if i dont have a bigass fish in my hands. (for some reason the first mate has to drag the 100 pound fish bag to the booth)


but i mean, you guys want pics?

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Props to last ones also.


Dude, remember you just got a free iPod from yesterday's party. Today... (It is 08:14 a.m. and i'm going to sleep) ...Today you will sell it and you will get your camera and cellphone back and you will take pictures of:


Funny guys.

Girls' legs.

Girlfriends' body parts (skin, butt, legs, chest, neck, feet) when she's not seeing (Because she gets angry cuz I publish them to guys that write) (She says that guys that write are bad guys)

People you hang out with at the university.


(I live in Mexicali Baja California Mexico)


Mexican food (Why Mexican food always is like the flag? Green, white and red) (Pepper, onion and salsa) (Also here in Mexicali, Chinesse food is cat meat, they buy cats for 1 Dllr. Believe me. And Carne Asada, beef or sheep is dog meat, they don't buy that meat because there are homeless dogs everywhere) (Dead and alive) Of course not all food stands. Just the best ones in flavor do that, but you get dhiarrea or you will be sick and with no energy and all pale and pucking nexxt day, but they taste good, you will get not sick if you eat that normally, like me.

People just sitting somewhere with a Tekate Light caguama.

Girl's footwear, like sandals and whatever. (For me they are new trends, fashion or whatever, of course in the U.S. they are all old, like, dude that's from last year's winter, you know. But they are nice girls.

People doing drugs, selling stolen goods, giving money to guys, and guys giving you money.

New teachers, with a little story of what they do and what they teach because my new teachers are amazing.

New friends, mostly girls. (I think I'm a VERY LUCKY guy because...)

Pictures of your crappy cars almost running out of fuel.


Sorry for writing all these but I have a lot of energy right now because my girl went to see The Addicts and I don't like those guys so I didn't saw her.


Thanks for your time.


old flicks: http://www.lbrtrmntl2040.blogspot.com

It's like a photodiary, it tells good stories, if you're creative and like life and meet people and visit new places and discover things, and like little things like (Trees, rivers, shoes, music, night, moon, stars, smiles) you will like the tells (stories you make in your mind because the site has no letters) of this site. It let's you think and let's you let fly your imagination.


No it's not spam or propaganda cuz I get nothing if you access, I just want to share something.


Yeah people say I'm kind of weird.

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