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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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didnt sleep at all last night.


waited till 7 ish and then went job hunting.





breakfast and classifieds.




heading out.




nature fuckin shit up.








on my way to air up my tire at a gas station, this shit happens:




luckily i was able to get ahold of pops to have him drop off a wrench on his way to work,

fixed bike, then got rid of this piece of shit:








made some rounds




swamp tunnels FTL




saw this little dude keepin it gnar.




and last but not least, obligatory graff n dance.






done for now.


gonna hit the sack.


then go out and come back with a better post.

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props bfish!


It's always funny whenever anyone who smokes has to do a lot of uphill riding/walking all you hear is "I gotta quit smoking man." Then when they get to the top "Hold up man, I need a ciggerette."




I wanted to tell her about five times to sloooow down.

But then I thought about it and asking someone who

is in their 60's if they could knock down their walking pace to

like not moving is a pretty sad thing. So I just kept quiet and

tried my best.


BBQ- It's pretty awesome that your Ma got to see Cohen play.

I was told that he rarely does shows anymore and when he does the tickets

go really quickly/are pretty expensive?

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He is pretty cool. That was the first time I've ever listened to him

and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If I have time tonight I am probably gonna buy an

album from him.


i would buy the one that you took the pictures of, it's got all his best tunes on it IMO.

i think that his newer stuff is really good, but that's probably him at his peak, he always gets a bad rep for being depressing, it's hardly what you'd put on at a party, but he's deeply poetical. props when i can...

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I've put Cohen on at bars and had people hate me for it.


Fuck them.


Stupid fucks.


LOL, i understand them.




My English teacher was a Cohen groopie and hung out with him a few times.

She told me he was an asshole. :lol:


I sent you the cards BTW.

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re: Barry/Manny,

Manny paid his 50 games and his reputation is smeared.


Barry kept denying it despite evidence mounting he was or at least did.

Barry retires the year MLB starts testing for roids.

Barry was a dick to baseball fans and his own teammates. Plus pirouetting incident against Dodgers.


I mean Giambi and Pettite are alright. They fucked up admitted it. And moved on.


Clemens, Sosa, McGwire, Barry on the other hand...


Other than that i'll be in the baseball thread.

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