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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Pizzy, I totally was thinking about you when we were doing the signs.

I had to sit on Phil's shoulders to reach that high. And then he was disappointed that the spit streak didn't show up. So I had to explain to him that the orange probably wouldn't turn up on the yellow sign and for maximum visibility the black side was mostly utilized. He was still annoyed at this.

On the first sign we were attacked by ants and they were all over my pant leg, I had to do a little shake shake dance to get them off much to Phil's amusement. And even then we still weren't tall enough. Whatevs

I couldn't text you the hilariousness since we had no reception on there here mountain!!

But you were definitely in my thoughts!

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sweet posts everyone.


and WHAT THE FUCK!??? are those things lugr, those things are nutty, and look like they should be in some shitty horror flick (the faces at least)


those are from the old Doggy Diners in San Francisco..there was one on my street Sloat and then it got bought out and they took the heads down, then they showed up at this Graf spot...tire beach or ghost yards on this trailer thing for awhile....and then they got moved from there, but that is what they are...from the top of the restaurant

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Heres from my day yesterday


i got up had some breakfast

(sorry didnt have a flick of the cereal!)




I went down to a car show down Humboldt park A dominantly puerto rican neighborhood here in Chicago.


tons of dope cars down there







Tons of hot girls too










After i went home and i caught some graff on the way



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went to my old mans to play some chess


helped him make some shelves


my old childhood bike posted up out the front, its been sittin there for at least 18 years


wanderin around the hood to a bbq


talkin shit


sat on this bench and watch some much fitter friends of mine play basketball

while i drank beers and smoked and mumbled bitterly about how unfit i am


ended up at the pub as per


all bad habits in tact


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