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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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damn suki, don't tell me this is ocean beach!? I was at that mets/giants game on the Saturday--it was suuuuper hot in the city that day/weekend. But damn, that's a lot of people for ocean beach if that's where it is


Props for hooking up the jr giants with a glove/scrill for your lincecum pin.

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Nice flicks Mercer and lol at poverty sucks. It sure does.


Went on a quick trip to the nations capital Ottawa.


Nothing really exiting, really nice city with beautiful parks and nice museums.

Cops everywhere plus i heard the buff is vicious. Very little graff n dance in the down town area, almost none. Here are some gay touristy shots of that day..




























This crow was just chillin, wind surfing for about half an hour.




Dick like statues all over town.. zebra would love it.






Went to the national gallery, it was pretty cool and free!!

As an artist, even i dont understand how some of this shit makes it to the national gallery!

My gf was making fun of some of the art saying how it could be something you would see on family guy where Peter goes " but these are just shoes" and the artist goes " you got to see deeper than that" and Peter looks at it again and says " but these are just shoes".

Next thing you know, we walk in to a room and what do you see???


I could not stop laughing after that. Epic lolz.

The security guards take the job real serious so i was not able to flick anything.











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Went out with my girl to a friend's birthday.








May 24th. Sunday.


Meet Eduardo and Alex to take photos of graffiti, drink beer, eat pizza and talk.



Buy beer, and that girl ask us if we could give her a ride.





Went to visit Pablo.








Went to play billiard. Then me and Alex went to eat.





Pick up my girl.



Buy beer after 12pm.



Buy cocaine at... 4am?



Eat chicked salad.



Sleep at 6:40am approx.

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May 22nd. Friday.


So there is no electronic parties this Friday.

Everybody is going with their girls.

My girl is going to a "Girl Night" No boys allowed.


So I visited my friend Alex...



Went to buy herb, and eat a hot-dog.








May 23rd. Saturday.








My girl told me she got home too drunk on Friday.

She went to the restroom to puke.

After she puked, she picked up her cell phone and called his own house phone.

Her dad picked up the phone.

Dad! Would you please bring me a glass of milk to the restroom... please?

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Start off the day here...again.


Needs more spinach.



They were doing this.





I guess these are things big brothers do. Idk.



Some muscle man threw the ball over the fence.





Coaxed into catching:

A: “ banana come play catch.”

B: “No. No. I’d rather not….fine.”

/gets up to play. Stands around as pictured.

A: “Dad. Do you think this is a good throw?”

C: “Uh. You throw like a girl-“

B: “She is a girl.”

C: “Your arm’s all flailing and shit.

Use your arm not your shoulder…but uh…it’s


B: “Don't take offense. He use to crticize me pretty

harshly back in the day too. It's just his way.”

C: “Banana knew how to throw though. And man she had the best

back kick of any three year old I ever met.”

B: “How many three year olds do you know actually that can do

a back kick?”

C: “A few.”

Sometimes I question my Father's statements.

I don't remember ever doing any back kicks nor can

I picture what that sorta thing looks like.

I do remember him teaching me how to punch when I was five.

It didnt do me much good either. I am a lover not a fighter.

He also wasn't as harsh with me as he is to my sister.

He was a lot more patient and instructive.

Maybe because I am the oldest and his favorite.




I throw like a girl.



Went here.

His roommate’s lady friend that’s “just his friend” was over

waiting for him. I guess the only reason they are not a cute couple

and all that is because her father is racist. He’s from Russia if that explains anything.

I think she struggles with the situation pretty heavily:

A: “I talked to Robert the other day about me and Leon.

I was really encouraged.”

C: “Why? What he say?”

A: “Oh nothing really. Just ya know how in the beg we were both kinda

stuck because we thought going against my parents would be a sin. But then

the reason we couldn’t be together was over their sin. Does that make sense?”

B: “Yup…wait no.”

A: “We didn’t know if we could be together basically

because my parents didn’t approve. But my parents

don’t approve because they are racist. So we we are

kinda stuck on what to do. Robert ended up telling me

that either way it is my choice.

That it isn’t a sin either way. Because I’ll get over Leon.

I just need to have strength in Allah.”

Sometimes it’s really hard for me to talk to other reformed Baptists.

The way they talk is like a whole other language. For example when

someone says I am really encouraged.

That usually means I heard or experienced something that

is provoking me to think a ton

and now I can take it all in positively.

There’s other things too. But I can’t think of them right now.

One day I am gonna write a dummy’s

guide to understanding the Christian language.

I just gotta get to point in my life where I understand it all.


B: “Hm. Do you think that is what this

experience is trying to reinforce?”

A: “Yes. Through this whole thing I’ve realized I

don’t have enough faith. I mean I could get over

Leon…it’s going to be hard. But with a lot of time I could.

But I just don’t have enough strength in the lord that

allows me to fully think that I could.”

C: “Yeah you could get over him eventually.

I had this gf once that I was with and I thought she

was the end all be all. When we broke up it was really difficult

but eventually I got over it.”

B: “I know you are really close with your parents right?”

A: “Yeah. We’re really close.”

B: “And that’s why this is hard for you hm?

Because you love them a whole lot

and Leon too?”

A: “I love them both a bunch.”

B: “…I am thinking…if god provides means

to conquer sin and racism is pretty bad-“

A: “Yes! It’s terrible.”

B: “Right. Then wouldn’t this situation maybe be

a way to uh soften their hearts and realize their sin?

People have a funny way of learning things.

Sometimes the lesson has to blow up in their face for them to get it.”

/Using god talk.

A: “Yes. I dunno. You’re right. But…I think all in

all I am not ready to make a decision as of yet. I get really caught up in

what is right. What is easiest for everyone.

What will make them happy. I think about my dad and his family.

60 people practically on his side. All of them are racists.

If I ended up defying my parents they’d all talk down on

him and bad about me to him. I think about what that would

do to him if he ended up excommunicating me from the family

and then his own family in return ostracized him.

What would that do to my mom? How would that be for

my kids? And then what about Leon?

Really I just need more time to really dig into the word and for prayer.”

B: “ Hm. Yeah. Maybe you’re not ready to make any

decisions right now. Maybe right now you are just prepping

yourself for whatever decision you make.”

A: “Yes.”

B: “What have you been reading lately that is helping you?”

And then by memory she told me it all.


A couple days later she sent me a text telling

me what she meant to say is simply I am just not strong enough to defy my parents.

She’s a good egg. Even though I have to think twice as hard to figure out exactly what it is she is saying sometimes.






We watched something off youtube about Monsato

being harsh to farmers.



Took a walk.



This guy was pretty nice


He didnt like my man friend so


he jumped into my lap. It made me all googly.



Eat here.



One thing I realized through this thread is I eat out too much.

I need to learn how to cook.






Figure out a verse. Context,Concordence, blah blah.

Went to work.

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Word up, good posts all.

This is one of the only threads on here that constantly delivers.

I love how Boris takes most of his flicks around the crib and still makes it look dope and interesting each time, good job B. Mexican food FTW.


Fruity, My city is teh bomb in the summer. The winter, as you seen, is another story, grime central.

Looking forward to your fliks from the new place of residence.

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this thread delivers!


i love ottawa and their women.


and ren.


I was actually surprised of the amount of good looking women i seen there.

I think its because they are glued to Hull, because if it was all Ontario girls the ratio would be different. No hate, just my theory.

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I was actually surprised of the amount of good looking women i seen there.

I think its because they are glued to Hull, because if it was all Ontario girls the ratio would be different. No hate, just my theory.


i don't know what they speak in Hull, but I've met some very pretty anglophone Ottawans.


Ontario girls and Toronto girls are generally good looking, just not when there is a Wal-Mart in the vincinity.


btw, my buddy was living in Ottawa but couldn't stand the fact that there is VERY little ethnic food there.

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