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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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^Yeah, you had a few handicaps so it really wasn't fair...I'm always down for rematches.


This was in the crazy chicks bathroom. Yup.



WTF...this is painted on her wall? Stranger and stranger details...

pretty dope portrait though.

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That's it. Bfish has a sweet camera. She was cracking me up just popping up outta nowhere snapping off flicks. She's tiny and just comes out of nowhere.


-Inkface.. No worries man. Glad I could help, but fuck your couch. Haha.. It was good night.


-Lugr.. I can't remember if it was painted on her wall or not. Just makes her that much nuttier.

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well since I'm without gainful employment I thought I'd make a point to take some snaps today.

woke up friday morning feelin' damn good


took a shower got dressed and went out to the neighbourhood.

character Idea for my next piece


saw this bumper sticker


someone at the train station didn't like the billboards this one is for women's netball


and this one


got on the train needed a song to get the day going and the man came through with the head nod shit


went to the gym


shoe photo taken by random girl at the gym (props to her she went with the idea without having ever met me before and took a good shot)


went for coffee with a girl from the gym.

in trying to impress this girl I agreed to do a half marathon in three weeks time that I have yet to start training for properly

photos of that hilarity will be up on the 18th


then since I was:


I figured I'd walk back to town and keep taking snaps for y'all

crazy light fittings


bit of graff 'n' dance from KGB crew - these guys are moving on up to the top.


moar to come

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on the hood of a cool car


the car itself


train coming over the harbour bridge.In the 80's these trains were brought in and billed as the "vandal proof train" think the good peopl in the sydney graff scene proved that false.


in this day or terror alerts sydney harbour bridge is pretty well secured- fuck it would be the most boring security job ever




the opera house as seen on 1000000000000's of post cards


looking out over sydney harbour


there are more than 100,000 of these rivets in it


Plaque for the bridge


housing commission building in one of the best spots in sydney


moar to come

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visitors to the old Australia thread might remember this pub being mentioned


AXA building


museum of contemporary art - I reckon one of the nicest buildings in sydney

they used to have massive raves in it when I was alittle tacker


Sydney ferries

( the one on the left was recently crashed into the shore because the driver was a fuckwit)

best way to commute if you have to.


bit more graff'ndance with some names Metal heads fans might recognise


then because I was bored I went into the Museum of Contemporary art

you aren't allowed to take photos in there so there's on;y a couple of sly ones like this:




you can see I was trying to hide camera under the map of the gallery.

I got caught taking this one but it was mad a room with mirrors on the roof and sides and water on the floor and just 100's of little lights


I got asked to leave after that but got this one on way out


after that i was pretty bored so I walked through town

BBQ pork yum yum but it was only 11:30 so I wasn't hungry


went to the barber shop to get my bald noggin shaved but it wasn't like coming to america dammit!


poster in the Sony shop. I live near Wu tang clan apparently ( it's the syndey train system)


then I was hungry so of to the dumpling stand


I could eat these tasty fuckers all day er'ry day


also got some Gyoza


and now at home should be looking for a job but 2:45 friday afternoon fuck it


peace out


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12 bucks is actually pretty reasonable in my town.


just wish all the indians were on some

"you know sachin tendulkar was the batsman in indian cricket this century"

"Nah Bhanchod Imran khan you dumb fuck"

sort of malarkey but they were all business.


fuck I'm out of beer!

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I got caught taking this one but it was mad a room with mirrors on the roof and sides and water on the floor and just 100's of little lights


I got asked to leave after that but got this one on way out


i saw that light exhibit you are talking about in 2004 at the Whitney biennial in nyc. it was one of the best things i saw that year. apparently the artist is a schizophrenic or at least has some very strong mental disabilities. i thought it was awesome little room though. makes you feel really creepy in there, but happy.

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half a day at my second job.... and all cel phone flicks left the digi at home...



saw this walkin into work thought it was cool lookin


walkin in the door at work number 2


oh yeah


played with the gaurd dog


not a carmel frap but still needed it to wake up at 12:30ish


sweet all put away and done


my boss's freind brought him some fish


and the token that paid for my ride home



sorry kinda boring but i was beat yesterday

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