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Pooper Scooper


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I know a lot of people on 12oz have dogs. Do you pick up their poop every time you walk them out in public? Being a responsible pet owner, I pick up my dogs poop every time they go out and do their business. What I hate is when assholes see my dogs sniffing and tell me to make sure I pick up after them. Some fucking asshole said that to me the other day in front of my homie's apartment complex. My response... "mind your own fucking business dumbass and don't ever fucking tell me what to do". Too harsh? I don't think so!

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One time I was drinking in a park and these rowdy teenagers (girls and guys) were smashing bottles off the childrens' playground.


I approached them, slurring, probably, and told them that they were idiots for doing this and that some lttle five year old girl will cut open her main artery in her thigh because of them, and that they should respect our city parks, anyway.


They all apologized and went to go pick everything up, but I told them to run along and have a good night, and that I would take care of it. And I whistled while I worked for twenty minutes or so and the playground was clean of broken glass and most other large debris.

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what does poop feel like?

ive always wondered

like a big log or apile

is it firm, or squishy? or inbetweeen

Man you can't tell me you have never stepped in shit!!


Man you know you haev stepped in it, even with shoes on, you feel it squish, it is yes, like steppping on mud, btu less thick i would say, ahah.


It fair shit me when I once stepped in dogshit in my 2 week old Jordan 7s as a kid.

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i am one of the assholes who always just let my dog shit wherever and never bother to pick it up... and usually no one ever said shit... of course thats cause I never had a soopah doopah poopah scoopah dood

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i have no backyard - so i walk my dog 3 times a day. i bring a grocery bag to clean up the shit. people who let their dogs shit wherever and leave it are assholes.


agreed. it's not that difficult to pick up after your dogs. i don't own a pooper scooper so i use any type of plastic bag. sometimes when one has the squirts its kinda gross, all warm and squishy but i deal with it.

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Picking up dog shit makes you hot, don't you know? It's the steam from fresh poopoo.


Im gonna guess and say that maybe dog shit doesn't turn white these days because there's less calcium in the water or dog food? It must be their diet in some way.


If Shumai wanted to take a dump on someone's face, I would totally let her.

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