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i went to boston and took photos and shit

Jake Stevens

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That bar looks like it sucks, and those girls are definintely looking for the penis.


My cousins used to be into this dive bar called PJ Kilroy's, but it's been closed down. Apparently the bathroom was worse than the one from "Trainspotting". The sink was broken, so they covered the basin with a plank of plywood.


I flew out of Boston yesterday.

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ill post more when i find my camera




if this was a "who can stick out their gut the farthest" contest, then the girl on the far end gets the win! the girl on the opposite end gets runner up for the stupid look on her face and those funny shoes!



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if this was a "who can stick out their gut the farthest" contest, then the girl on the far end gets the win! the girl on the opposite end gets runner up for the stupid look on her face and those funny shoes!




I dont care, give me a couple beers and the black haired girl gets the dick.

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My cousins used to be into this dive bar called PJ Kilroy's, but it's been closed down.


i've been there. i think it was on brighton ave (i could be wrong). it was right over the bridge, and you walked down the stairs to get in. i was hanging out with this blonde chick, who carried herself with utter sex appeal. Rera (club) used to be right up the street from this joint, and they hadn't opened the doors yet, so we decided to go get drinks over there. we walked in, and instantly, every local in that joint was sizing me up. it was like they were trying to figure out how long it would take to break me down, so they could pull her in the bathroom and rape the shit out of her. i might be wrong, and it might be a totally different joint, but that place was fucking weird. definitely a shithole.


i'm from massachusetts, moved away three years ago. i'm hoping to someday return to boston, and live it up a little better than i was in the past. it's an expensive city, but with the right job and budget, it's one of the best.


post more photos, i love feeling homesick.

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if this was a "who can stick out their gut the farthest" contest, then the girl on the far end gets the win! the girl on the opposite end gets runner up for the stupid look on her face and those funny shoes!




WORD! I was about to say... This must be a drinking contest with 1st trimester ladies or all the fucking girls in boston are really fucking fat. ggaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwddddd

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