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Everything posted by newjersey

  2. newjersey


    cynic koin draft phone dz isto glue goner rezist dusk............too many good ones!
  3. holler holler holler if u waaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to...... ghostface-the champ....all day... BUMP red and hersey...... aest always with the fire
  4. the real skye is MC MSP... point blank.... end of story
  5. you dont get private messages... just wondering if u got a flick of the end to end on the other side of the swine panel of the mma...
  6. do you have teh other side of this train as well???.....
  7. how about..... WHATS GOOD MOTHERLESS!!!!!!
  8. ok well i lied... i went to get a cock test....gotta get this shit hard again for the shortiiiiiiiiiiies :) http://www.cialis.com/index.jsp what yall know about that?
  9. good looks creeps... ran out to the store for some smokes before posting the others
  10. southern hospitality sega.... good looks dude
  11. weaaaaaaaaaaaazy sucks pharcyde/ghetto boys all day
  12. yeah....u get like 5 new people posting shit... 2-3 dudes talk shit... and the other 2-3 dudes talk shit on them.... i honestly think its all cops working together.... the shit talkers get repremanded(probably spelt that wrong) by the other new posters.....trying to make them look like they're legit people....when in reality... theyre all cops... fuck the internet...
  13. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what it doooooo gsalt! i try my best to post flicks...no one even thanks me... thats the last youll see of me!
  14. caught rolllllen rolllllen rolllllen :)
  15. not a fan of the zew letter structure at all.... colorado i believe?
  16. dudes a beast..... once saw a newspaper article with a flick of the transit line.... most def. sure dude had about 11 rooftop spots in the one flick.... animal
  17. is that the one with the fruit roll up O......if so, shits fucken fire...
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