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I need some suggestions for a beginner-intermediate weight lifting schedule. I've got access to a gym so equipment isn't an issue. I'm trying to get bigger and cut down on body fat.


I know compound excercises are better for intermediate shit, so i'm thinking like bench/dips/shoulder presses/squats/etc., but I don't know that many or how to arrange them really.

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I need some suggestions for a beginner-intermediate weight lifting schedule. I've got access to a gym so equipment isn't an issue. I'm trying to get bigger and cut down on body fat.


I know compound excercises are better for intermediate shit, so i'm thinking like bench/dips/shoulder presses/squats/etc., but I don't know that many or how to arrange them really.



add some dead lifts (including stiff leg dead lifts) in there too.



a good routine to start off with would be:


Mon Tue Thur Fri


(resting wed, sat, and sun)




so, lift 2 days rest 1, lift 2 days rest 2


then basically alternate upper and lower body on your lift days.

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I dig that routine, sounds like it would work well with my schedule too. So far I've got-




pull downs

shoulder press

tricep extensions

barbell shrugs




dead lifts


calf raises



incline bench

hammer curls

barbell curls

dumbbell shrugs




bent over rows

straight leg deadlift

leg press


w/cardio and abs every day. I don't know the names of a lot of excercises so i just kind of wrote the action.


I still don't really know what to do in terms of sets and reps and shit though.

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how are bent over rows working out your legs?


i always considered those core/back


here are a few examples from my routine...


upper body:


bench press

bent over rows

military press

chest flys

db curls

rope pulldowns

incline press

lat pulldowns

db shoulder press

db shrugs


etc etc etc



lower body:



stiff leg deadlifts

seated calf raise

standing calf raise


leg press

leg extensions

leg curls



etc etc etc




i sometimes add other exercises but the ones listed are the ones i do the most often.

also, i try to switch it up every once in a while so im not getting used to the same lifts.


also, i try to switch up the amount of weight and # of reps every so often.

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What usually happens to me is i'll do one excercise for an area, and then everything else I do for that group afterwards is shittier because of that initial excercise (for example, benching and then doing incline bench.) So i figured I would spread them out in groups over 2 days- Chest/arms/shoulders M/R, legs and back T/F.


Does that make sense or am I totally wrong?

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no, youre right.



thats what i was saying when i said:


"then basically alternate upper and lower body on your lift days."


as far as "I still don't really know what to do in terms of sets and reps and shit though."


there are lifting forums like bodybuilding.com that has more info on how many reps/sets etc you should start off with....you can even set up a bodyspace account, although i think thats a little homo.

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I'd ditch all those tricep and bicep movements if I were you and just focus on heavy compound lifts until you are at a weight or body fat percentage that you are happy with.


Those muscles will get worked during the compound moves plenty and you will conserve energy to do more of them by cutting out the beach body movements.


If you are going to focus on any isolation movements you should probably do your calves and forearms so your grip gets stronger to do heavier deadlifts and shit like that.


Also, if you can do pullups, ditch the pulldowns or at least do as many pullups as you can before you do them. Pulldowns on a machine don't work your back nearly as well as pullups.


It's been my experience that a large amount of sets (10-15) with between 1-3 reps at around 80-90% of your max will tax you hard and make your muscles stronger fast. Especially at the beginning stages. You will grow more the first couple years than ever, so take advantage of heavy compound exercises.

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I didn't do anything on Sundays during that time, but...this week I am significantly stronger after my week off in my deadlift and squat LIKE WHOA.


Either I was underestimating what I could lift before or all that work paid off, because my dead increased like 40 pounds and my squat went up about 30 pounds. I think I still might be able to do more on the deadlift, but the squat was as much as I could handle and still go below knee level.


Also, snatches are fun.


As far as piss' foam rolling and all that.

I use a tennis ball and press up against a wall to dig it into my muscles some days.

I have a large piece of pvc to try and roll on but it doesn't cooperate with me well.

Maybe if i wrapped it in duct tape it would work better?



This is interesting to me, my brosef in arms. I shall brocify myself and go teh hardt

for 6 weeks.

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I didn't do anything on Sundays during that time, but...this week I am significantly stronger after my week off in my deadlift and squat LIKE WHOA.


Either I was underestimating what I could lift before or all that work paid off, because my dead increased like 40 pounds and my squat went up about 30 pounds. I think I still might be able to do more on the deadlift, but the squat was as much as I could handle and still go below knee level.


Also, snatches are fun.


As far as piss' foam rolling and all that.

I use a tennis ball and press up against a wall to dig it into my muscles some days.

I have a large piece of pvc to try and roll on but it doesn't cooperate with me well.

Maybe if i wrapped it in duct tape it would work better?


i thought a foam roller was gay for years, then i bought one. then i thought it was gay for about 2 more weeks because i didnt know how to use it. now its great. i havent had an injury or even an ache since i started using it.

i'd start off with an actual foam roller and not pvc.

you have to work up to that, and you have to do it on a rubber floor (or grass) so it wont slide around, etc.

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I'd ditch all those tricep and bicep movements if I were you and just focus on heavy compound lifts until you are at a weight or body fat percentage that you are happy with.


Those muscles will get worked during the compound moves plenty and you will conserve energy to do more of them by cutting out the beach body movements.


If you are going to focus on any isolation movements you should probably do your calves and forearms so your grip gets stronger to do heavier deadlifts and shit like that.






i agree with this.

compound movements are better overall.

i only do bicep and tricep exercises minimally, because they get worked out during compound exercises anyways.


and definitely isolate forearm exercises to help with your grip.

i'll be the first to admit that my grip isn't strong enough and use wrist straps when doing certain exercises (like stiff leg deadlifts) to help from not losing grip when my forearms get fatigued...i do need to stop relying on wriststraps as much and focus more on improving grip strength.

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jogging up big hills in the woods is useful


That's not jogging.


fact: aerobic activity burns fat


Fact: Jogging is slow steady state cardio, which is only useful if you plan on being an endurance athlete.


Another fact: steady state endurance cardio burns muscle.


Sprinting, hills, jumping rope & sled drags trump all slow steady cardio for fat loss as do burpees.


Treadmills are double worthless as they don't make you use your hamstrings, so basically you are bouncing up and down on them. Use a treadmill? You're doing half-assed jumping jacks.

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not trying to start a big thing here, but…

steady state cardio can be aerobic — such as jogging.


it's all relative, maannnnnnn.


Nobody said it wasn't aerobic.

I said it was worthless.

I say, if you are looking to burn fat, make it worth it and stop being a pussy about it by justifying laziness and stupidity with common wisdom arguments.


Using common wisdom gets you common results.


That may be true about walking, (I don't know. I have to take your word for it) but as you said, for the energy you put into it. Which is a notch above zero.


Sprint or stay fat and keep calling yourself an endomorph with bad genetics.


Do what you like though.

If you enjoy jogging, then by all means, jog.

But if you're trying to burn fat, there are much faster methods.

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It does look ridiculous, but it's just dynamic warm up drills.

Doing that before lifting has improved my hip flexibility and gotten rid of tiny areas of discomfort I had in muscles.

Once you know how to do the moves it takes like 10-15 minutes to do what you need to do before your workout.

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bodyrock tv chicks are hot!


i am a complete non pro at working out... i do variations of crunches/ leg lifts/ things to get side abs all worked up. also pushups and curls / diff shit with a bar and weight.

(i do this all at home w/ very minimal equip)


i am now going to add burpee's to this routine and try to keep checking in on this thread..


continue with your normal arguments over whos buffer and whos routine works the best. thank you

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