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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz,

I am not breaking up with you, I just need some space.

Things have been real hectic between us lately, and I just think I need to step back and take some time for myself.

I still love you.

I am just not in love with you anymore.

It's not me, it's you.

We can still be friends.

You can always lean on me if you need a friend.

I'll help you carry on.

I know you get lonely and scared at night, so I will come by and check on you.

Tuck you into bed and tell you a goodnight story.

But I just don't have the time to give you all the attention you need.

Keep on keeping on.


blood fart


Dear eatso,

I see into your future.

It involves a BMX gang, Sparks and cold lamping in hot tubs.


Bikes And Cats

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear friday


i hate you. you are my monday. everyone else is in great moods because its friday which makes me even more irritated because its not my friday so i cant share the joy. you suck, friday, you suck.


wishing it was saturday,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




I'm really glad that we can be gay together a week from today.

We're totally gonna take over the world.

You know I'm gonna make you listen to Sage Francis right? Maybe even some Amy Winehouse. We'll see how good you are.


:heartbeat: VAJ












jealousy looks good on you!


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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Euro people,


I have missed your countries...I hope you are ready for the return of the most metal muthafucker ever. I will enjoy getting drunk in your streets again, and tearing shit up.



- Sneak "Going Native" Creep

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SneakandCreep,


You lucky bastard! You and my guy Dave are both lucky bastards since he too is going to Europe...(I wish I was going to Europe)


Wishing you the best of times out there (with a hint of jealousy)

Surly Sir Doodle


Yes yes....save your monies and go...guaranteed good times. Which reminds me




Dear Euro girl,


Thanks for excepting my e-friendship, you are my connect to having a good time. I am brushing up on my Deutsch as we speak.



Sneak "Getting down in Deutschland Town" Creep

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