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  1. FREIGHTYONE...i dig that middle one. Whats your flickr?
  2. T ReXXX


    I made it through the majority of high school and all of college sober. Id be lying if I said that I didnt spend some friday and saturday nights alone being a loser. But looking back on it, there were times that I did the same shit drunk. Just because I got sober, didnt mean that I automatically became an upstanding citizen all of a sudden. Ha. I still was pretty much the same person, except not drinking. I found plenty of ways to get into trouble which occupied a great deal of my time. Im sure there are better, more healthy solutions out there, but this just my experience. Pretty much anything was more healthy than drinking. Pick up a hobby. I have gotten fairly serious about photography in the past 5-10 years. When im bored..i grab my camera bag and a can of paint...and go for a drive.
  3. T ReXXX


    If your able to cut down gradually...go for it...but the whole moderation thing doesnt really work for alcoholics. Thats what got us to this point to begin with. Its crazy to think that it could work this time. For me, I had the shakes for a bit and I dont think I slept a full nights sleep for months. I had cold sweats and fucked up dreams. I was constantly irritable also. But..all of that subsided, and i no longer feel that way. I stopped everything all at once, including cigarettes. My first few months sober were unpleasant. But the way I felt before was significantly worse looking back on it. In hindsight, i am grateful that i felt so shitty at first, because keeping that in mind helps me not do things to feel that way again. Every shitty moment you survive, is one less that you have to face. Things get better. Im no doctor, but if you drink the way i did, im pretty sure that is far more harmful to your body than stopping could ever be. ..i hope that helped some.
  4. Those are just canadian geese. Loons look like this: ..and dont shit all over the place.
  5. T ReXXX


    As I kind of said before...for me, shit really just had to get to a point where it was bad enough where i was willing to do something different. Until that point..externally, shit could be completely falling apart...but i just wasnt ready. Its been my experience that AA is not for people that need it, or even those want it, its for people that do it. Most people die trying to get it if they are even lucky enough to get through the doors to begin with. If you are at a point where you have exhausted your other options, and still have a desire to stop drinking, I suggest going to AA and earnestly taking the suggestions of people there, as it is a matter of life and death. Get a sponsor. If you are convinced that you are a real alcoholic, then your body is different from those people who are not. I was suggested to read this also: http://www.aa.org/bigbookonline/en_doctoropinion.cfm If anybody has more questions or anything, feel free to PM me. I am willing to help.
  6. T ReXXX


    If you are really serious about staying sober, I would suggest not going to the bar. The only real reason people go there is to drink. I promise you, if you hang out in a bar long enough, you will eventually start drinking if you are at all like me. For me it stopped being fun. I got to a point where I felt miserable enough to where I was willing to do something different. Id be more than willing to help out however i can if you need advice or whatever. Shoot me a PM if you want.
  7. T ReXXX


    I celebrated 11 years clean a few days ago. I never intended on living this long. Pretty cool that im still around. Its good to know that things can get better and I no longer have to feel awful all the time. ..and 4 days is a big deal. 'Most chronic alcoholics are doomed.' Keep at it man.
  8. Learn to paint clean lines with krylon or dollar paint before wasting your money on ironlak or anything else. If you can paint clean with gross runny water paint, then your shit will look that much better when you use something decent. Also...Kele, try filling in the same direction throughout the whole piece. It wont look as sloppy. ...and NVS had good advice about using longer strokes or lines.
  9. What it looks like it is, is glass cleaner foam spray. Hahaha. Keyboard letters.
  10. Isnt it true that wes stuck his nub up some broads pussy? Shit is gross.
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