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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Grim Reaper


Now that you have come for the one I love most, fuck off. Seriously.


Dear People that have paypal accounts and are able to be premium members:


Fuck off.


Dear people that know how to use the search feature and not have to ask lame questions like how to use paypal:


Fuck off. I will figure this shit out.


Dear people that pay bills and have good credit:


Fuck Off.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Evanston Express passenger (I mean Purple Line rider),


Okay you were rocking the fresh orange North Face jacket, but the train was mad packed and you were breathing out your mouth. Did you like rim your dogs ass for breakfast? That shit was foul yo! Next time use Binaca with a fat cap so you don't miss that cockhole of yours...okay?! Okay!


With a mint in hand,

S. Doodles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear ^.^,

I recall last winter you writing multiple negative posts about cold, snow, and winter.

I feel you though, its early on into winter and some snow etc would be cool.

I personally dig snow - I hope for a massive storm to keep me from going to work at least once this year.



Dear Cube Mate,

You sound angrier than ever today. I can't believe you just said "stop bothering me mother fucker" so loud. Don't you know other people here that shit? Hope your not beating your wife.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Evanston Express passenger (I mean Purple Line rider),


Okay you were rocking the fresh orange North Face jacket, but the train was mad packed and you were breathing out your mouth. Did you like rim your dogs ass for breakfast? That shit was foul yo! Next time use Binaca with a fat cap so you don't miss that cockhole of yours...okay?! Okay!


With a mint in hand,

S. Doodles


Jacket was fresher than his mouth huh :lol:

mouth breathers...sigh.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear, Crossing Gaurds.


You are all utterly worthless.


The end.




Dear people crossing the street,


YOU are all fucking worthless also. Remember when you looked both ways before you crossed..and if there was a car coming...then you waited until there wasnt? Lazy peices of shit...you're a disgrace.


-The T Rexinator.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear kids that egged my car last night,


My friends and I did some pretty fucked up shit when we first got our licenses. Bowling-balls to windshields, bats to mailboxes, donuts in people's lawns, so I will chalk it up to karma and tip my hat to you for completing your teenage rite of passage.


That said, I will be up all night writing papers. If it happens again I will notice, and I'll catch you.






-After School Special

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