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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bloodfart,


:: Hugs ::


just because,





dear car parts,


get here now, please. Not being able to drive my car for almost a week and having to borrow cars from my parents AND fill up the gas guzzling tanks is starting to get irritating. So please, hurry up. make haste!




^ . ^

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Jim S.,


Dude you seriously need to help me on these monitor orders. I mean its like 1000's of monitors and I don't know which ones you want to dropship and which you want to send out of here for this companies roll out. You are the one in charge and need to make the decision since the two suggestions I bought up you said you would think about but yet haven't given me an answer yet. I am going to predict you tell me that I am wrong about what to do with these and then go back and reexplain the first suggestion I had to me and claim it as your own. You have wasted at least 4 hours already talking about personal shit you have wasted the last 20 min talkign to the VP about his new Itouch thing. You seriously need to take your head out of your ass because this can't wait till the last min like everything else you do and then blame on me when it gets fucked up.





p.s. I am going to the VP and complain if you don't tell me what you wanna do in another hour. I can't have this huge job get blamed on me when you fuck it up.



Yea those two server orders that you asked me to do for you while you were looking at youtube (ITS YOU TUBE NOT YOI'O TUBE YOU STUPID FUCK PRONOUNCE IT CORRECTLY!!) are done as well...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


I have asked him 5 times today 5 TIMES!!!!! He is like oh yea I'll get to it in a min and then calls someone up at the account we work on and talks to them about Wood Stoves vs Pellet Stoves and which are more cost effective for 20 min. Or he calls his wife or his son and talks about football...ugh...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girlfriend,


i am not always negative, and i do have good things to say about people. but when i want to talk shit about interpol, and how i'd love to fight them in a steel cage match --DON'T YOU DARE GET PISSED AT ME. you don't even like the band, so why did you feel the urge to defend them and get pissed at me. i'm glad the guitarist got herpes. i only wish the whole band got bitten by a rattlesnake while stuck in the desert.


oh yeah, can we have sex tonight?




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mr. twinky,


i actually must admit i like their music, and they are a good live show (even though they are boring on stage). but the band (as in the people in the band) are a bunch of douchebags. i've heard stories about them being primadonnas. then when i went to see them over the summer, it was proven. my friend's cousin was their tour manager, and supposedly he asked if his daughter and her friends could come back and say hi. the band said "no, interpol doesn't see anybody." i've just heard a bunch of stories about these guys, and i don't care what is true or false --they sound like cocksuckers with egos that need to be throat punched.


your friend,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Dawood,

I don't know exactly what you are referring to, but it is sounding not like a compliment.

I don't like that.

If he was being a blood fart, he would be being super radical and quick witted.

I am assuming he is not being either of those.

Why you want to make it out like being me is a bad thing?

You hurt my feelings.

Crying inside,

Thought We Were Friends.


Dear bloodfart. we're friends, you know that.... and you look good to me in a hijab. I just think some of the bloodfart/toecutter posts are starting to look alike.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear cock block that rides my bus,


You're cool and all, but step down homie.

I let you have your privacy when you were cheating on your girlfriend,

so let me have my privacy. [Not cheating on anybody]


No love,

Puttin the smooth on em

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear bloodfart. we're friends, you know that.... and you look good to me in a hijab. I just think some of the bloodfart/toecutter posts are starting to look alike.


I hadn't noticed.

But that isn't too cool.

I don't like it when people want to be me.


Much like the Highlander, there can be only one.


Often imitated.

Never duplicated.


Dear Dude,

Thanks for not taking my hints.

I guess I have to step up my game and be more aggressive.

Stop playing hard to get.

It's annoying.

I know you like me a ton.

You tell me.

Now just go ahead and tell me to come over and get wasted and kiss you on the mouth.

Enough with the little games.





Dear Big Bro's Best Friend,

You always be stalking me on Myspace.

Reading all my words.

Leaving me little comments and whatnot.

I don't have a crush on you anymore.

I tell you about how awkward it was when I did have a crush on you those years ago.

You tell me how I was too aggressive and drunk.

And you felt bad because I was a girl and you couldn't punch me in the face.


I only liked you because you looked like Dave Attell's drunk older brother.

You can still give me cab rides around town.

And we can still talk grind and metal.

But you need to know I stopped having a crush on you years ago.

When I realized you were a massive cocaine addict.

Sorry, dude.

You ain't my type.

Apologetically yours,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear couch,



I fell asleep on you last night and WOW...best sleep ever. i think you might be my new bed


- Sneak "Happy In Dreamland" Creep


dear sneaks


when i lived at my parents before i moved out, the couch was my permanent bed every night for a year and a half. two years? whatever. the point is, sleeping on couches is %100 UNDERRATED. i would sleep on mine in my apartment but my boy would probably get offended...


on the couch right now,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear weather,


You are the greatest. I'd like some snow though.. just a little.


sincerely yours,



Dear Crazy Face,


This weather is fucking wack.



Its cold....and I dont like it.



Metal Crutches make me go BRRRRR.



-BRRRRRRUCE. :snowman:

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sneaks


when i lived at my parents before i moved out, the couch was my permanent bed every night for a year and a half. two years? whatever. the point is, sleeping on couches is %100 UNDERRATED. i would sleep on mine in my apartment but my boy would probably get offended...


on the couch right now,



Dear Edoggg,



You are so right my buddy has this super old hippy couch in his house that was given to him. And that thing is so comfortable i will get drunk and sleep on that thing wake up and chill there for another 2-3 hours.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Reasonable face,


I prefer cold weather over hot weather.



Because once you take off all your clothes, you arent getting any cooler.


But if its cold out, you can put more clothes on.


But I'm gonna be on crutches for the winter.


Snow must be delayed for a long while,



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