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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear smlx, edogg, & suki,


I just made some right now and used brown sugar, and some cinnamon.

I also added the raisins which helped a lot. I think I'll be able to stomach

oatmeal a lot better now :)




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear seyer,


i fuck with these..




only 110 calories and 5 grams of protein.

plus philadelphia cream cheese has like 90 calories and 4 or 5 grams of protein per serving too.


with a cup of milk (100 calories and about 10 grams of protein) and a hard broiled egg (less than 100 calories and 5 grams of protein) , you can get about 25 grams of protein for breakfast in less than 500 calories!...plus it will fill you up.


even though oatmeal is good for you, this may be a healthy alternative for you and you will be able to have you're bagel and eat it too.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear health concious,


light cream cheese is one of the best alternative choices you can make. tastes good, youll never know the difference and the calorie/fat reduction is huge. keep it on hand at all times for sandwhiches etc rather than mayo so yer bread aint dry and unapealing.


low fat/calorie wise sald dressings are also another big difference where you will not miss the original.


bagels unfortunalty Cali my dude, are absolutely loaded with carbs. carefull with those things homie.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sey,

i love bagels but like RC says they are high in carb and add cream cheese,

i might as well have a sushi dinner.

couple of weeks ago i ate this


everyday for a week with a banana and skipped dinner. i lost 8 lbs quick.

no worries i will gain it back by the time weekend is over.

fuck i love eating good food, i hate eating alone. it's not fun and you can't share.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear all.


fuck it. Go for a filet oscar key west style, a side of smoked gouda and bacon mac&cheese and sauteed veggies, with some french velvet cake for dessert. And dip your veggies in the béchamel from the mac and cheese. Sound good doesn't it?-can'teventrytodietoner




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear c.o.smash,


the difference between the regular cream cheese and the reduced fat cream cheese calorie wise is only about 20-30 calories (i know, i checked last week), so the regular cream cheese is actually not as bad for you as people think, and usually costs about $1 cheaper than the reduced stuff


...i actually bought some cream cheese today and the regular 16oz cost about $4.50, while the 16oz 1/3 less fat cream cheese cost about $5.50...its not worth it pay a dollar more to save 20 or 30 calories per serving.



as for those bagel thins, they only have 24g of total carbs..and our body actually needs carbs for brain function and for energy...youre actually supposed to consume carbs prior to work outs, thats why you'll see marathon runners with that gel they take before a race...its carbs as an energy source.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear thread,

This is relevant to recent posts. i am addicted to bagels and cream cheese for breakfast before my commute to work.


also, dear work,

400 hours by june to be xray tech certified when I can only get 2 hours a day at most of training and hands on experience? fuuuuuuu....

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear friends mom,


Yes, I do love you but your not my mom. I know I have the ability to help you with things but please don't call me every time you need to move something or move into another weird living situation. I wish I could tell you no, but I just can't. Please try to get someone else to help a little, LIKE YOUR SON.


Tired Tuan

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear everyone in response to my breakfast situation,


I settled for the ol' steel cut oatmeal and raisins today. Cali,

I'm gonna look into getting some of the bagel thins. The carbs

are not too bad on those, having looked at 1/4 cup of oatmeal

is about 27grams. Suki, I think I'm gonna just get those instant

flavored oatmeal next time since they come in small packets, therefore

I can enjoy fresh fruit after.




Ps: I don't know if they have this anymore, but does anyone remember

the instant kiddie oatmeal that had little strawberry or whatever shaped

dinosaurs into it that puffed when the oatmeal was cooked? :lol:

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Cali,


though only 40 calories may seem like nothing, the light stuff has half the fat. fat intake is an often overlooked nutritional refrence. try and shoot for about 30g a day homie. so that being said a serving of reg cream cheese hasd 9g. which takes up almost a third of your daily fat intake. the light stuff has got like half of that so you can save it for other things during the day.


also, its good to see your putting in some effort with this stuff, its not as hard as it may seem at first and once it starts coming off and your matabolism changes it starts fucking peeling off like no tomorrow. real take, bean there.


i put on heavy weight real fast when i quit using. lost it all again with eating healthy food and beleive it or not little or no excersize, tho. if you are excersizing it will shredd off insanely fast. you can doooo eeeeeeet moooon. im pullin for ya.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear grandma,

it was nice to see you today. you had back surgery and 4 days later youre flying around the house like nothin happened. im sorry i didnt take you up on that turkey sandwich, but i couldnt bare to think that i was making you work so quickly after the hospital. you even said fuck the percs cause you dont want to end up like those "addicts you see on a&e" haha. a seventy one year old woman with more heart than most dudes i know.


i love you.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Cali,


though only 40 calories may seem like nothing, the light stuff has half the fat. fat intake is an often overlooked nutritional refrence. try and shoot for about 30g a day homie. so that being said a serving of reg cream cheese hasd 9g. which takes up almost a third of your daily fat intake. the light stuff has got like half of that so you can save it for other things during the day.


also, its good to see your putting in some effort with this stuff, its not as hard as it may seem at first and once it starts coming off and your matabolism changes it starts fucking peeling off like no tomorrow. real take, bean there.


i put on heavy weight real fast when i quit using. lost it all again with eating healthy food and beleive it or not little or no excersize, tho. if you are excersizing it will shredd off insanely fast. you can doooo eeeeeeet moooon. im pullin for ya.





dear city,


point taken.


im only about 15 pounds away from where i want to be.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear simmons beautyrest bonnard edition,


you are the biz my friend. trial period ? who fucking needs it? not puddles. i'm keeping you baby. you are the most comfortable $950.00 i have ever spent. i never want to leave you. i have never bought a new quality mattress before, it was hard to spend that much. but you are amazing. I LOVE YOU. hell i bought you a $100.00 dollar cover. i have already threatened the children for your safety. i got your back.


- comfypuddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear nami walk,

Thank you for letting me bring my dog.

He had a good time.

Except the big dogs kinda freaked him out.

His anxiety was on overload.

All that walking and snuggling with babes

pooped him out:


<3 hope you made our non-profit lots of money- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear school,


shits been epic. last semester as an undergraduate. thanks you for the single most amazing, awesome, lovely, best experiences, food, and people i have ever encountered in my life.


dear hawaii,


stay sexy. thank you for today.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Apple inc.


Why make the iPad? The appeal of the iTouch/phone was that it was small. It's like you have a cultist following. Oh, wait you do. They are the huge faggots that drive around with your sticker on their cars because they are OH SO SMART.


Also, does no one else notice that the specs for a Mac computers are GROSSLY overpriced? By thousands of dollars. It is also harder to mod your computer because they are all encased and you can't even do simple things like install more RAM.


I would just like to say that Microsoft > Mac. I haven't tried other operating systems, but I know damn sure that Microsoft is a metric fucktonne better than Macs for gaming, office use (MS OFFICE ANYONE?), and there are so many more applications for Windows that are totally awesome. Mac think they are so damn awesome cause they have boot camp? Well that doesn't mean squat, Windows can do that too, you just need to download some stuff, and while your at it, why not buy the computer with the same specs for a cheaper price and use Apple operating system if you MUST although theres no reason to.


Mac's don't crash? I have pics and personal experience that say that is a load of bs. Mac's don't get viruses? Bs, just no one can be bothered to mass produce them because, let's face it, Mac's aren't worth it with their what? 5% market share made up of mostly artistic losers or university "genii" who think they are the bomb.


The only thing that Mac has going for it is it's design which Windows can't compete cause they make SOFTWARE DERP DERP DERP. I have a LOT more I could say on the topic, but I know theres probably like 1 person reading this now while 35 others are writing back to say "too long didn't read" or "OMGZZ I AM SO SOOPAR SMAAART DATS WHY I CAN HAZ MACTOP PLZ?". To the latter replies; fuck you.


So, I will finish up now. If you couldn't be bothered to read: Microsoft > Mac and also Mac = STOOPID.


/no homo


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear mudpud,

It was a lot of fun. All these adorable dogs where everywhere wearing they

teeshirts and being cute.

We did ours in the rich peoples part of town near their golf course.

Last I hear we raised 70k. Unfortunately it still wasnt enough.

I think the objective was though to make the public aware of

how messed up 71J is. Its been in the paper and on the news

a lot lately so I think the protesting is sorta working.

We have a county hearing for the MH budget on june 14...my

fingers are crossed. Good lucks to you on your walk...wait..do you have

a dog?


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo






















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