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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ssn,


i wish i had funds for the funs.







dear homie i havent seen in almost a year,


im glad you found God and Jesus in your life.....but i wish you would find the $100 that you still owe me.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girl.

I've been on and off with you all year, and every time you went home for a weekend you came back totally different. you said you wanted to be friends so we were friends. I waited for you basically all year. and now I look back and think about what a collosal waste of time it was. I was there for you all year. and took the shit that you did just to piss me off, accepted your apologies and tried to get through to you. All your friends told me all this stuff that you need me in your life because being so far from home has really affected you, and that you really do care about me alot even though you never showed it to me. I swear to god this is going to be the last time I even bring you up on some random message board on the internet. You got mad at me because your friend started asking me about you and i told her what i thought and she filled you in, that stupid bitch snitched me out, and you're mad because I was takling about stuff in your life that I had no clue about? I know more than you think honey. Everybody thinks we would be perfect for each other. Everyone. Except you. On saturday you're going home for 4 months and you say you're gonna come back to town because you need to fix up the house that you're living in next year, and you say you'll call me, I think that's a load of shit, and i'll believe it when i see it. you cant even make time for me to say good bye to you, so its nice to know you really wanted me in your life.

thanks for making me feel like such a fucking failure that I fall for some girl and bend over backwards to try to get closer to her, only for her to throw me away.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear dizzy upset stomach,

Be coo brosuf.

Its only friday:

Going to the doctor. She's going to be pissed

that I forgot about those antibiotics she prescribed last year.

Have to do some serious internet shopping for lady friends.

Finish photo hunt two more to go and counting (possibly not

satisfied with a couple).

Dave pops. Those will make you feel better.

Fiber? Fiber? I am only a stupid young twenty something

what the hell do I need fiber for?

Fam bam coming over this weekend. Let the

concerned comments and what the hays you doing come.

Deter all the families weird decoration suggestions, making cupcakes

and frilly lils. Is not consistent. Less is more.

Donate old but still wanted clothing.

Oil must be changed. Car is making funny noise that can not

be placed and has gone un cared for for a considerable amount of time.

My head feels like it is going to explode- B.eat dana fish


Oh and-

Dear friend,

What the hell happened to basketball on saturdays with all

your un athletic hipster friends.

I was looking forward to the feeling of success.

Out for blood- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


b fish,


usually that can be taken care of with a simple inpatient procedure these days. They'll send it off for biopsy, but most of the time it isn't anything too serious. Try not to draw conclusions before you know what's going on, it is probably nothing.


words of hope and support.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear red eye manamil,

Ive been trying to wrap my head around it.


Stressing me out. I give up on caring.

Youre right though the cure is pretty simple but

the pain when not treated is something furious.

It's making me hate certain things about myself.

Monday the doc is going to go around searching in the neither lands.

She's then going to do something fancy (ultrasound).

Hopefully I get to keep the pictures of my guts

Fingers are crossed for something small and petty. -B.fish

Ps. TMI? Sorry. I am more so saying all thee above to

myself than to um you.

But. So you feel included ...


^^^There's a really cute pirate dog picture. Just for you.

(thanks for the hopefull words/support)


Dear floor wax,

The fumes you are emitting are making me a lil

whoozy. Stop.

Then go.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear University,

I'm so glad to be done with you for the summer.



Dear CW,

Thanks for the username and password for a brazzers account, that shit is appreciated. I'll return the favor when I come visit you in a couple weeks.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear scientist people,


please invent some type of suspended animation chamber thingy that i can stick my kids in for a few days/weeks. you know where i can just park em for a while and they don't think i abandoned them. i just need a frigging break. "mommy" "mom" "mom" "mom" "mommy" "MOM" "mommy" "mom" "moooooommyyyyyyyyyyy" fuck!!! i don't ignore you, why do you do this to me??!


- birth control advocate puddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


co-signed on the birth control thing puddles.




dear everybody,


this may be old news to you, but if it's not, i suggest you all go download the 5 seasons of "weeds." the white lady is hot as hell, shes a hustler and the show is just twisted. i love it.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,


the mr. said i should take a video of it but thank you, that saves me a lot of effort.


yes. exactly like that..... or it feels like that anyway. the think is i answer them and then it's just "mom" all over again in like 3 seconds. i guess i got myself into this.... enough complaining.


- puds




dear christeezy,


weeds is great. nancy bothers me though as a mom i just can't relate to her craziness.....


- muds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear mud pud,

My sister use to be like that.

Now she's a teenager and wants

nothing to do with me.


A:"I am eating pizza. What do you want. "

B:"where are you."

A:"EATING PIZZA" <---sounds intoxicated

B: "When are you coming home?"

A: When I feel like it. Why dont you get off my back. I am

with my friends."

"Its hella late dude. Get home blah blah (big sister talk)"


I kinda miss how annoying she use to be.




Dear sunny day today,

I feel like I should be doing some kind of work.

Instead of goofing off on the internet.

But I cant think of any that needs to be done.

The weather is mesmerizing -B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear triathlon,

yeah you are done!

and I kicked your arse time-wise (for me at least)

But you were heaps of fun to do except the swimming in the harbour bit.


schnitzel (49:22 very fucking chuffed)


Dear alcohol,


it's been two weeks - I miss you!

I promise we'll be back together after half marathon in may.

then I'll take you out show you a good time - we'll stagger, cavort and puke in the streets!


only28 days to go!


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