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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear world,


Mother in law made some bomb chili relleno,

There is a possibility i will be enjoying chocolate covered bacon today.

Im bumping the new e40 and prolly going to get a new ride soon...

I take back my earlier statements.


To clarify...fuck the IRS...fuck this nerve damage shit...fuck work...etc





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear little sister,



I love your daughter more than u, why the fuck wont u grow up, lay off the drugs and come see her? I dont have any fucking money because i spend it all on diapers and formula, and you expect me to be able to drop everything an drive an hour and a half to come get you so you can see her for a minute then get mad because she cries then pawn her back off on me... im so umad right now. You are 20- Your are on meth- You are homeless- you have a 7mo old baby, and YOU ARE PREGNANT AGAIN!! WHY ARE YOU DUMB PEOPLE ALOUD TO HAVE BABIES???


From now on, and i dont give a fuck--- i am claiming her as mine. ok, FUCK YOU.






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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear bed frame fail,

I like that we blamed dude first for picking up the wrong

frame. Our reg drop in friend self conscious stopped by

and made things awkward for him. I suggested

putting plants in the space between the frame and

mattress. Dude didnt like that very much.

Taking back already put together Ikea furniture is

a drag. So the suggestion of a new mattress

came about...I thought that meant

I had to get rid of my plentiful and beautiful (and comfortable

bedding. I was sad. If there is anything I love about

homes its linens. Double check:

A: Let me see the receipt.

B: Cant we just cover the space with the blankets.

Look it covers really nicely.

A: Until you reach to go to the bed and

break your neck.

B: Who's going to be going into the bed but us?

A: Let me see the receipt.

B: (ranting)I just bought a new comforter...I wish we were not

so rushed maybe then you would have gotten the right frame and

I cou-

A: BOOyeah. This is a queen.

B: Let me see that...(FAIL)

A: So it's your fault! Not mine.

B: (thinking)...No. It's my aunts

she's the one who told me it was a queen.

A: ...Well good. Then its none of our faults.

B: Zomg. All the bed spreads I have are queens-I wondered

why they didnt fit snuggly on this matress-I can keep them all (/joyful).

A: See then it works all works out.

And then we were both happy.

Won a win- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear residents at shelter,

I wonder what its like to not have any teeth.

Or to be so angry that you lash out on people just

trying to get a cup of water.

How is it to not feel comfortable in your own skin daily

and as a result treat others like crap often?

The classic "I am 50 years old and he's still cheating...all

I want is to be loved and accepted."

Be gentlemen. No one can tell you what to be accountable

for but if everyones wrong and your the only one

who has something right to say then live on an island

and see if that makes you happy.

Still it doesnt mean you conquered anything.

Whats it like to have all your brain chemistry so fucked up

that you cry over some doosh hitting his dog.

Or to have so many thoughts coming at you at once

that you carry on a whole hour long conversation with yourself.

To see and hear shit that isnt real to others but

only to you. Your own little monster island.

This place has its ups and its downs.

Its going to be a big downer if everyone around here

keeps throwing their dry drunk blues and mental health

doozies in everyones face every chance they get.


Stay that way if you want but I gurantee theres a better

way to live. Theres another side to every coin and everyone

here is fucked up.


Get busy living or get busy dying.

Yes youmad.jpeg-Been there fish.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear neighborhood.


its sad, i know. 3 19 yr olds died, and one girl is in critical condition. its a tragedy, sure. but these accidents keep on happening around here and STILL no one wants to talk about the causes of these wrecks??? the driver was DRUNK. no one was wearing a seat belt. from the looks of the photo, the car had to have been going at LEAST 70. over the summer, those kids were drunk too. going close to 100. no wonder these kids are crashing.

yet still, everyone wants to be on the "kids will be kids" and "we were all 19 once"


fucking TALK about it so people maybe start making better choices, or next time some drunk highschool kid will hit an innocent bystander instead of a huge post. you all wont be so "look the other way" when some kid kills your mama....

get aware and fucking TALK about it.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear eon,


was this you?








( link )


Anonymous asked: Should I continue painting rap letters and smoking weed daily?


Try every other day for two weeks. If it starts to bleed, switch back to the daily routine.





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