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Dear Vaj and Some1,

Ok and what??



Uhhh Dear Bojang,


WTF?! I am pissed you couldn't even holler when you came to town. Dont try to hide your roots from me tryna act like I dont know the culture. Shit I am all over the jamacian com community like jerk sauce on a chicken breast...




Pissed off

-Huge Juanson

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Dear Brookline Police Department,


I apologize for parking in front of my house sometimes. I realize that this must have created severely dangerous roadways and this is why you ticket any car parked overnight. It would be cynical to view such ticketing as the fleecing of Massachusetts motorists. How else would a town with little to no crime rate be able to afford 3500 dollar lidar guns. With what other means would they pay 30 dollars detail an hour to sleep in your patrol cars while you repave your streets with jackhammers and bulldozers at 4 in the morning. Let me also salute your diligence in regards to shutting down any sort of party that would take place in your blessed land. Perhaps this was so we wouldn't wake the construction crew taking a sleep break from jackhammering route 9.


Anyways, as much as I enjoyed the loving embrace of the town which you brave men protect so diligently, I leave disillusioned once again in the function of your services.


Make that money boys.


I'll see you in hell.

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dear roommate,


next time you come home drunk at 4am, and start playing jeff buckley so loud that it wakes me up, i can't promise i won't light you on fire.


also, i don't care that you keep fucking that broken down alley sheedy looking broad in the bar's bathroom. nobody does, especially the people who work the bar. so stop telling all of us everytime you do it --which has been everytime she goes and buys your broke ass drinks. keep that shit to yourself. and don't try and justify why you hang out with her by saying "she's getting smarter everyday." dude, you know you want nothing from her but a wet hole, and the fact that she's dumb enough to buy you shit, think you "like" her, and give you money and buy your booze. don't try and act like you give two shits about her --just fuck her, and leave it at that. you ain't fooling nobody but yourself.


see ya,


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