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  1. we don't promote self promoting...
  2. ADD... really... then you don't know shit about dc graff...
  3. stolen from pittsburgh add boys doing it big in the burgh
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Pittsburgh, What the Fuck.... how can it be 89 degrees at night in a city that spends 8 monthes out of the year under snow Sincerely, downsouthjnkin
  5. niiiiiiiiicccceeeee.... bump
  6. some Nice Flicks going up in here
  7. bump that shaken... from the last page
  8. dear Drunk Girl At the bar, Thank you for being so drunk and lonley that you took your top off and asked my friends and i if you had nice boobs.... and then proceeded to make out with one of your sorority sisters. Sincerely My Boner
  9. Dear People at the Club I Dj At, STOP REQUESTING SOULJA BOY CRANK DAT....JESUS CHRIST IS TWICE A NIGHT NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO HEAR THAT DAMN SONG....... ITS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD..... FUCK YOU YOU DRUNK COLLEGE STUDENTS........ Love, Dj Mad Mike p.s i really needed to get that off my chest thank god for this thread
  10. dear comcast, why the fuck is your cable soooo shitty it always goes out at the best part of the movie.... fuck you i hope you die
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