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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dearest BAANANANANANANAnanafish,

i saw a dude on stilts today.

i lol'd and thought of the conversation we had last night well... this morning or.. yesterday morning since it is already thursday for me..

then realized i looked like a crazy serial killer (haven't shaved in a week and my bandmates say i look like a serial killer or a rapist hahahahaha) laughing in the middle of a bunch of people.



dear sey,

never got any.

got your text but was too busy playing music to respond.



dear highlander

there can only be one.

word up to hulu for having every season of the t.v. show!!!

-macleod hahahahaha (anyone that gets that high five!) hahahaha.


dear ladyfriend,

yesterday was fun.

tomorrow night is gonna be better.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


yo yo yo MS14 lol


naw that girl was like way back

but my girls doing good and my moms

ehhhhhh she was on her meds last

time i talked with her and shes coming

to my graduation....so im just like cool


shes bringin my little brother so i know

she'll at least act civil at the after party


ha were gettin it catered by famous daves

bomb ass BBQ



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear lady im dating,


i can't believe i just found out that you cheated on me.


well this fucking sucks. :(




dear cali,

plenty more whales in the sea mate!


grab a drink finish your exams and you'll be set


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,


you should set up some really loud speakers in her yard and program them to play "YOU'SE A HO. HOOOOO!" at the exact moment that she leaves her house to go to work in the morning.








dear iou,









dear pizzy,


[crank yankers retard voice] YAYYYYYYYYYYY! [/crank yankers retard voice] but you know, there are better, more speedy ways of getting in touch with me than the dear ________ yes homo thread on twelve ounce. you know how to find me. ante up son.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Room Mate,


Please stop talking to me from across the room.


You're getting on my nerves.


I'm stoned, and it's hard to enjoy my stay here in Ch.0, and hold a conversation with you.


I'm visibly stoned as well as annoyed.





Thanks buzz kill.


This took me 7 agonizing minutes to type this shit out, jerk.




-Cochino Mold Malins

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


if i was a big chick

id fuck you




nah man, i know the feeling though

get ya party on, i swear if you go out one week and wildout youll forget the chicks name.



Dear Zeeeeeebz,


i know, i was just mad fucked up at the time and wasnt tryna operate email or anything.

i got you though ma, my name might as well be Barry cause my word is Bond like that son!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear pizzy,


hahaha...thats a kinda weird thing to say to another guy....but since you put the no homo there, its cool.


yeah...i wish i could party...but i got finals coming up all this week :(


but i start partying on june 12th!!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear new roommate,


you are a cool chick and all but if you put a little bandana on my cat one more motherfucking time i will put a little bandana on my vibrator and shove it in your mouth while you're snoring on the couch. she only has one eye for fuck's sake, she's tough enough without any thugcessories being involved.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mah nigga sellin me the percoset


fuckin flake i had that 20 too but

i spent it on paint stupid pot head

fuck it ima go painting i havent in a



but i really wanna get high







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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mary jane,


i know you miss me baby but i had to take a break. i can't just stay hittin you all day every day. as much as i enjoy our quality time together watching tv and painting nails, you get in the way of the bidness i gots to handle. i know you've grown accustomed to being my main bitch over the past ten years, but you're just going to have to deal with being my weekend ho from now on.


hope there's no hard feelings.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear dudes sitting next to me playing chess,


Seriously? Its 1230 on a monday . Yer in a deli in downtown seattle playing chess. I mean, there's nothing wrong with chess..c'mon those, its 65 degrees out and yer 2 nerds are playing chess. Most likely on your lunch break from microsoft. Am I going over board or is this extremely lame. I don't have a problem with people living their lives how they want..but chess in a crowded downtown deli is fuckin lame..go outside. People could be sitting there doing normal shit like EATING!!! You pricks came here and bought a $1.59 soda then thought it would be cool to sit here for 3 hours and play chess. I guess I'm just too closed minded to see how this is in anyway "normal" behavior. Maybe I would nnot have been so quick to call them out if they bought a fuckin sandwich or something..or maybe I'm having a bad day at work so I decided in order to make myself feel better by picking out the first nerdy fucks I see and writing about them on the internet...fuck who's the dork now?


Mr. I have issues,


Francis Doesnotgetit

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear my G1,


Its hard as fuck to type out storys to my fellow oontzerz

Can you please make it easier? My shoulder hurts from typing on my damn phone


Sorry for all the misspellings in my dear chess nerds post..

I didn't want to go back and fix them cause one time I tried to do that on my phone and it deleted the entire message. And I'm already having a bad day..if that happened I woulda gone postal, ape shit and buck wild.


Toots & Santa, don't forget about meeeee!!


-Francisco Dollarmenu

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear milk,

i know you're out of town but,

son son son son yo yo yo yo yo yo yo

yo son son yo son yo yo yo son!


<3 ssn


dear weekend,

i can't wait. please hurry.

<3 ssn


dear shumai and lena-lou,

happy birthday little babies!

<3 mommy

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear francis


i hate to say i told you so, but i have been anti G1 for a while now. sorry about your shoulders though... maybe download an app that gives you a massage?




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