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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Rupert Murdoch,

I'm sorry that my mistake cost your company and it's shareholders $24,000 but sure ly you have that cash sitting in an ashtray at your place marked "change"


can you sort it out and sprinkle on a little extra for me?

Thanks in advance your seriouslyunderpaid lowly worker


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,


i dont know...i think theyre about $30 and if you have someone put them on for you its gonna be about another $20....i could be wrong....but im pretty sure thats how much it will be....i dont think it would be worth it unless you are planning to drive in the snow more often.

im on a budget too. :(

looks like we might not be able to go.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Carly love...

im sure you have heard this before, but you CANNOT help someone who doesnt want to help themselves. Seriously, you have babies. put your energy and effort towards them, they don't know any better right now, your friend does.It doesnt take away the fact that you love your friend, but sometimes loving them is allowing them to fall, to find themselves.

rambling on


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear marco,


oh its all good...we will try to find a way up there...im hoping that chains wont be required at the checkpoint when get up there....if theyll let us drive through without chains because its safe enough, then were all good.


on a side note:


BFISH--call me, so we can discuss what were gonna do as far as getting out there...youve still got my number right??



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear lady,

step the fuck off, sex is sex but dam im not tryin to be with you all day every day.



dear pudds,

sorry to hear about your friend, drug shit is tough to deal with because you need to show you care but you have to make sure you dont over nurture them. Best of luck to you guys


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear oontz fam,


thanks, luckily we live on opposite coasts now. she had just texted me that morning with some shit about learning to knit and how she's going to knit little weird creatures to sell in some toy store on high street..... it was just like the time she was "working" at some convenient store and she was going to "make" clothes to sell there. everytime we do talk she insists she and her sorta-boyfriend/sorta-herion mate want to stop but they just haven't had the right timing to hole up and be sick for 2 weeks..... but i'm a sucker for lies soooooooo. i usually don't spend too much time stressing now that i know my god-son is in a better environment, but every once in a whille she gets to me. she's like a sister at this point so it's hard to let go. thanks again guys.


- c

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


DeAr those who care


life hurts and so does wen people change their feelings and lie to you. Idk what tha fuck to do now. I'm sitting here thinking about All this shit I once had and all of it's gone now. The girl of my dreams doesn't have feelings anymore, family problems stay constant , schools a fuckin hastle, and one of my best friends died last month. Rip though.. But now where the fuxk is there to turn? Wen nobody is here to love or listen to you ..?


With a sore heart and soul,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear invest,

Life has a way of throwing up shit huh?

My regards to you sir and the way everything seems

to becoming overwhelming. I cosign with suki.

I know its cheesy to say, especially in the midst

of all that calamity but things will look up for you if

you look at all that crap as an opportunity to improve.

Struggles can be awesome like that.

Give you tough skin and stuff.

Wishing you the best- B. fish


Ps. RIP your friend.


Dear caligula,

PM sent- B.fish


Dear Marco,

That is so very gentleman like of you.

:] XTEN.

But I will eventually in the future need to

have snow chains for something.

I'll get them somehow. Thank you though.

Oh I got my id...but only it is a temporary.

Pictionary partay yeaaah ;]-B.fish


Dear DMV,

You arent so bad if one comes to your

facility an hour and a half earlier than

opening time.

Got it get it good- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Suki san,

I was thinking that.

But...I have a meeting with the clients

that I have to run.

So I was going to leave my job at noon

and if its cool with caligula be there sooner.

I am scared to drive at night. :S

I cant wait to see you and your lovely pugs!!!

Are you working sunday?

Maybe if its okay with caligula we can all get breakfast on sunday or something?


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