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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear u know who,

im sorry for being an asshole.

i was doing it just to be a an asshole.

success, i know.

honestly, i dont think that way,

i have a homegirl in my life that proves that what i said was just garbage.

shame on me foreal.

hoping u let it go

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear fairlight bakery,


this batch of cookies just better be a little off. i really don't want to think you are fucking with the recipe. do not mess with my cookie. you don't understand how much i love it. fuck i pay $1.95 for the thing......


- pleasepleasepleasenopuddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear inj

good luck, and there is like a 70 percent chance im gonna actually come up there, i just gotta pull like 200 dollars for the fucking convention fee



dear ex

if you think we shouldnt talk then why must you call me and flirt and sugest that people break up for months then get back and its better than ever. im a simple man, and you have confused me very much, just come out and say what you gotta say.



dear school

come on son. im not feelin it this semester


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




bring it, and bring your hipster jawns too as long as they look like this:



Depressed emo boo bears go and make out with Crow freights when theyre boyfriends break up with 'em... haha


...and you'll get a warm reception from me.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


to everyone at work havign a sook (not a sooki)


please chill out it's nearly friday lunch the end is in sight!


schnitzel is relaxed and ready for his chicken salad and you will not ruin it for him.




as you were



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Broadcast News Anchors,


I want to torture and kill you all. Your fake ass "I'm talking to retards" news voices make me wish you all got flamethrower enemas. It is going to snow, yes snow. But we are the Northeast! Snow ain't shit! We can handle it. Why do you have to make it sound like we're having a lava flood or Chernobyl meltdown? You're all a bunch of pussies. It's just snow!









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