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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear womens,

this makes no sense but it happened last night...

man gets mad at woman, woman gets counter mad at man just for being mad, man appoligizes and buys her hotchocolate


-wtfjusthappened to tux



dear college,

f u c k y o u i h a t e e v e r y t h i n g


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear taylor swift,


stop dating tight pants actors. i'll show you a good time, i promise.


i also promise my dick is substantially larger than anyone who plays a wolf vampire mallcore goth reject in some pre-teen fantasy movie.


please return my calls.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear bleach,

You have spilled in my car. I blame dude why

your cap was not securely placed on the bottle.

This situation could have been avoided if

such things were done. The whole car smells

like death. I tried vinegar, water, next is lemon juice.

I think you are making my head spin and not as um

good at thinking....You will be destroyed.

</3 clean fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ex chick in florida

Sorry. I'm not moving to Florida to get back with you. Stop asking and pleading. Yes I'm currently unemployed, but you should not have bought a ticket for next week and assumed I'd drop what I'm doing and bounce out there with no set return date.



dear del taco

why are your chicken soft tacos so good?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear kate nash,


i enjoy your singing style immensely. it's like you sing in a string of conciousness that rivals my own thought patterns. if i were at all romantic, it would probably come out like your song "birds". and you sing in an accent. i think that is lovely. thank you.


- mudpuds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear partner in crime behind the bar,


congrats on the opening of a new restaurant, with that 10% invested! Hopefully you're not too busy to bartend with me on wednesday nights, but I guess now that you (partially)own something it's gonna be top priority.


-the Donski

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear duke.. (my dog)

why are u sitting here whinning at the door. i dont think u could possibly want to go out and take yet another piss. would u just chill and let me oontz for a lil bit.. never mind ill let ur ass outside in this 15 degree weather..

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ca,

please vome back early, I know I woke up late and was in a rush to make it to class, but I really don't want to waste 15 dollars on a new card to get in my room, its cold as shit and I was hoping to eat or get a shower in before my next class, I really wish today was over




dear weekend,

thank you for being awesome, ny is the shit and I got all the xmas presents I needed in chinatown,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dick hole who stole my parking spot,


it's called a turn signal you dick. don't think i don't know which window to break in your shitty car that you cannot afford to replace, as i can see you can't afford the backglass already. but i'm a pussy, so you're lucky. fucker. ruin my holiday cheer. it takes a lot to work that up you know.


- mrs. angry


dear x-mas,


i was going to write you a nice note this morning. not reallying feeling anymore. sorry. i'll try again tomorrow.


- cpuds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz people,


Today we are running another all day advertiser screen grab contest…last weeks contest had a good response..


Click on any advertiser(non-Mac ads), check out what the advertiser has to offer and while you are there

Take a screen grab on any page within the advertisers site and get 2 free weeks.

the advertiser must be different for each..


DON'T try and send us your prior efforts. We have them saved and will reference back to avoid schemers. We also know what ads are running, some have ended and some new ones have been dropped into rotation....




contest ends at 8 P.M. EST. 12/7/09




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear nancy bogard boat-

The smell isnt abnoxios anymore..but it lingers.

Kinda smells like a pool.

My friend tried to tell me it smelled pretty nice.

I called him a lair.

Sincerely- Bananaskri.


Dear ex car-

You are out of my life! Stop causing me trouble.

I already sent the transfer to DMV twice. Personally

handed it in on one occasion. I would very much like that you

awknowledge this and go away. Now I gotta go

to court and splain this mess to a judge. Do you know how long

court takes? Do you know that I stutter when I have to speak

in public...and start to loose my breathe. Thats embarrassing.

Why would you want to put me through that?

You are wasting

good tax money here buddy.

Frusterated with spelling errors- Baasdkjsakldjsakr fish.

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