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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girlfriend,


fuck you and your alcoholic family.

fuck your mom. for not being coherent, ever.

and your dad.

for not even being your dad.

and for making 8 dollars an hour at the golf shop.

im moving to boston.


eat shit and die,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear New York Post,


how do you make such a funny paper every day? I actually framed the A-Rod cover that said "A-HOLE" real big with the hilarious picture of his face looking stupid. I also love the cover 2 years ago with Isiah Thomas's face photoshopped on a turkey saying "Stick a fork in isiah- he's done." I have framed that cover as well.




dear don cheadle,


to quote 25th hour, "fuck the times, i read the post."




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear stuffy apartment,

Why is there no fan here!?! It's hotter in here than outside.

Is the man in my life too cheap to buy the necessities

for living in sacramento? Should I be concerned for the future?

Wishing the walls could talk and tell me secretes- B. fish

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Dear Prof. S,


The questions for this final are fucking retarded. Seriously, this is an incredibly well respected institution, and you've got me memorizing my answer for a question that begins: "Say you discovered a time machine..."


Fuck you Sincerely,



How special school going?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ill spenty,

You moving to boston?

I've lived here (well brighton/cambridge) since the born day.

I hope you don't feel shunned by all the unhappy locals.

We're actually pretty cool when we know you.

And its really a beautiful city once you get comfortable.

Just don't spend to much time in downtown, back bay, or mission hill.

Good luck.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear peoples of the oontz,


i feel i should share this game cause it was pretty dumb but suprisingly fun. im sure i'm not the first to ever come up with this great idea but whatever..


so we got a bow and some arrows at a wal mart/target place, go where ever might have real cheap bows. then went to a semi open area, and shot arrows straight up into the darkness of night and scattered all over the place praying to not get hit, sounds very stupid, which it is, but it was funny and entertaining. we were also pretty drunk so that might have made it a little more fun. only one person came pretty close to getting hit, it landed like 2-3 feet away from her, she was not very pleased but was laughing, but hey thats part of the game right, haha.



the dude who always seems to have stupid, yet funny ideas that could possibly get myself or anyone im with hurt.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear all the ladies & 1 in particular.

when i say " you can do better than me. Right now i owe alot of money,

im layed off and my license is suspended" im giving you a pass. Being

brutally honest. If you read between the lines you should see something

like -right now is not a good time for me to get involved with someone-

Why is it that girls never want to just be friends with me? They fuck it

up by making it super easy for me to smash and then they want

relationships and start saying shit to me that im not trying to hear.

love wrex


dear abcs,

maybe in a year or so things will

be waaaaaaaaaaaaay different for us all,

esp after you move to sf.

don't give up on anything.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


ayo seysey rigger



nothin much just chillin bout to graduate

and my moms being a bitch she lives in cali

and shes acting like she cant come out

for my graduation, i care but on the other

hand shes never really been in my life so

fuck it yah know hahaha and my girl was being

a cunt like two days ago fuck chicks (no offense)

12 oontz women but seriously


fuckin drama


ha whatever everything else is sunny in my life


oh and im half way done with survivor by chuck p.

pretty cool i guess






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