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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ex-potential new roommate,


i really liked you until i got in your car and you beeped at people unnecessarily and rode people's asses really hard and started name-dropping writers you've fucked. and then when we walked to the store you hollered back when we walked through a pack of wasted local boys...and when i was done warding them off two blocks later said "bitch is you cray cray?" you said, "honey...this is black bushwick, you better get used to it." as if i haven't lived on this block for two years. or as if i like girls who are younger than me calling me honey. fail, but thanks for taking yourself out of the running before i tried living with that. dear bitches who seem chill in general, why do you usually end up being so bonkers?


hates looking for new roommates oner


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear college,


I hate you. Not to mention those riots last night were pretty fucking stupid as well. Congrats to all the 125 of you fucktards that got arrested. While you had fires and got hit with riot bullets I sat at the bar with a beer.


-smart guy oner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear optimum online,


why did you have to recycle your puerto rican pirates and mermaid commercial. you are a multimillion dollar corporation, throw down a couple stacks for a new jingle, sheeeeit. i mean don't get me wrong that dude in the sea monster costume is totally bangable. but the song really sucks. and it has this tendency to get stuck in the recesses of my mind and leak back out when i least expect it.


thanks preesh!


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear World,


Short sticks and long brooms

Two feet planted whether it be the tomb or the courtroom

Bullet wounds in my flesh

Powder burns I digest

On the frontline I press

Until in peace I may rest

For battles I can't win

With stripes I must defend

Done been to the pen, behind friends

And I still can't turn my flags in

When you break weak I got to stand strong

I strive to go hard while you strive to go home

These checks I write are required day and night

For better or worse, ups and downs

Or just plain old fist fights

Packin' all the weight

Puttin' in work from birth

Running myself in the dirt

And you askin' me why my back hurt?

Even when your gal tried to give me some fish

I eighty-sixed that shit

Pulled your coat but you was scared to dismiss that bitch

But I guess you got to be one of me or walk in my shoes


I can't bend, brake, front, fraud, fold or get hacked

Its like I'm married to this game my team loses if I get sacked

Turning down licks on niggas I know ain't got no heart

Arguing with my baby momma because shes convinced you's a mark

My word is my bond, my life is my son

My duece is my gun, and my fear is to have none

cause I refuse to run

And for my honor I'd die, and for my mother I'd lie

My heart done got hard

I still show regards, call out to the Lord

But it seems like I can't cry

So when bullets fly...

Yeah, its my fault

Locked in with no way out

Fuck some clout, this is what I'm about

Even if I am the only one to get caught

It ain't in me to back down

Thats like laying my gat down

Nigga I ride for the cause, and I hide from the laws

And I ain't scared to get ragged on

And for my crown... yeah

Caps gon' peal

I ain't no threat, nigga but I will kill

And to all my patnas up under them hills

Y'all know how it feels and thats real.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear seyer and bb,

why don't you just get together and just do it already?

<3 ssn


dear b-fisherella,

you should join our 12oz baseball game league

monday night.

<3 ssn


dear milky,

i always have a fanfuckingtastic time hanging

out with you and 88.

i'll be sad to leave.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tonight,

I just polished off 4 tall cans and a HUGE slice of southern homemade lemon cake and lemon icing with homemade whip cream and strawberries. I'm on the 5th can waiting on the homie to watch this dope anime and eating a microwave taquito with tapitio. We bumped Lil Rob and talked about Sade and Anita Baker.

Edogg, you should have stayed.



Toots, thanks for coming to my party, I had a blast. All the people I love and care bout in one space getting loaded. I am so familia orientated. Thanks for coming. Tuesday? Yeah.


I love Le Tigre.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear sooks,

I forgot that that is what you guys were gonna do.

I would love to catch a game! I have actually never

been to one. Are tickets still available?

/Crosses fingers.

I'll call you tomorrow.

<3 B. teeny fish


Dear cali-gone-gula,

ARF. I already asked for mon off. :(

Are you coming during day time?

Cuz I might stay the night and head back to

sac tues night...in any case if I dont see you I hope

you enjoy your day off buddy. You deserve a good one.

fellow ambassador- B. fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tonight,

I just polished off 4 tall cans and a HUGE slice of southern homemade lemon cake and lemon icing with homemade whip cream and strawberries. I'm on the 5th can waiting on the homie to watch this dope anime and eating a microwave taquito with tapitio. We bumped Lil Rob and talked about Sade and Anita Baker.

Edogg, you should have stayed.



Toots, thanks for coming to my party, I had a blast. All the people I love and care bout in one space getting loaded. I am so familia orientated. Thanks for coming. Tuesday? Yeah.


I love Le Tigre.




dear santanabanana


that all sounds delicious, i'll admit im a little jealous. but... sleep was awesome, i was deprived. save some lemon cake unless yall killed it. lemon cake is the shit!

tuesday for sure. i might have to bring some drink- and of course ice.


off to face the day


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




Saturday was great! We got to get people together more often. I'm already ready for Tuesday to be here! You and Edogggy.. keep your eyes peeled.


Should I bring drinks too? Trying to take ladies night to the next level I see?


Today is going to be a longggggggggggggggggggggg day! :lol:



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,

i took off til thursday so yes i will be hanging out with you guys on tuesday!


dear b-fish,

im sure you can still get tickets. call them or go to the box office!!!!


dear milk,

dude's bromance is very cute.

yes, lets graf n' bbq!


dear me,

good mood, FTW!


<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear today,



I got my Junior Portfolio Review results today via a letter from my administrator. I will be FINALLY graduating college next year with a BA in Graphic Design. If all works out and I get my GPA back to where it needs to be I can re-take the review next year to apply for a BFA. As for right now I'm going to go get some Ginger Beer and groceries and sip on some Hi-Balls (nh) outside and enjoy the rest of the day.


- cantgetmedown oner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear boats,


Thats a bummer man, it goes great with whiskey. Then again so does plain ice cubes. Which is the route I'm taking for the fact that acquiring ginger beer cost more money. When my roommate gets home we'll be celebrating with some DogFishHead 120 minute IPA.


- drunkonamonday oner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear c-walk,

i prefer my whiskey straight, or on the rocks.

fuck mixing whiskey with anything, maybe that's because i'm almost full irish haha.

dogfish 120 is alright, if you like hops haha.

the 60 is cool with me, some of dogfish heads other stuff is delicious.


i'm celebrating my birthday with magic hat, weed, and other drugs. ya! haha.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear World

Im about to pop my P's and flex my G's

I stand in the middle of the bay on a a triple beam scale

whether you be from north, east, south or west

nine tenths of the lords possession and nine tenths of this game is position

Im on a gangsta mack mission to run these suckas outta the system

my game gun is fully loaded, while you scrubs get in the game and change

and rearrange, thats the problem now barry wanted to be white

and marvin was gay and gladys chose a pimp, and mc hammer gave

the police a million dollars talkin' about he can't be touched

latifah went from the queen to the king and michael jackson is definitely

off the wall cause he don't know if he wants to be black or white

and when I look at the man in the mirror I feel like that nigga yuk

I rather be thugged out.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear boat,


I'm like 90% Irish, but i'm tellin you if you got some shitty whiskey try it with some ginger beer if you're feelin squirely. 60 minute is my regular jam next to Brooklyn IPA but I'm from Ohio also and 120 is illegal here so when i copped a six pack from out of state I was pumped. I only have in on special occasions.


-catchingabuzz oner


p.s. happy berfday man


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