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The Skateboard Thread


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West Side Skates showing " Stay Gold " tonight at the shop , in the new & huge screening room / art gallery . I'll take some pics if I remember . I was thinking...I've only owned a single pair of Emerica shoes and they were total crap , oh well . I hope Heath Kirchart , Jerry Hsu & Andrew Reynolds parts are good . Bryan Herman is a beast , but for some reason I never liked Leo Romero or Braydon Szafranski .



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westgate. suski. romero. hsu. that is all.


didnt see kircharts part.


did i mention westgate? best part easy.


YES! Seriously. Kirchart's part is really good. My friend and I were talking about the best parts and all of those were named. Reynolds kickflip back shifty carlsbad was pretty sick though.

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but for some reason I never liked Leo Romero or Braydon Szafranski


I have a feeling that Leo will come off of that list upon viewing this part.

I still haven't seen it yet ... but Leo is going up these days ... and that shit is crazy !!!

Not my favorite style or anything ... just UP.


Westgate is in the up group too !!


Down was the past ... up is the future.


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Just got home from seeing Stay Gold..I thought it sucked . Hsu & Romero's parts were the only ones I thought were decent . It's a shame they waited forever to release it and the end product was sub par in my opinion . Oh well , looking forward to seeing the new full-length Krooked flic . :cool:

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Northeast folks,


Lets try and get the date finalized this weekend for Groton, so we have at least a few days to figure out how many vehicles we're going to need, who is driving, etc. If not the 11th, I'm really open to any saturday. To anyone who missed the post the first time around: crackteeth, bostonsnewestink + crew, and myself are planning a trip from Boston down to Groton, CT. There will be booze, blunts, bbq, photos, loud music, and lots of shenanigans. If we have space in vehicles, we can definitely give anyone on the way a ride. If anyone from elsewhere wants to meet up there, the more the merrier.


As of now, the plan is leave at a reasonable hour on a saturday morning (possibly next weekend, the 11th) and have the entire day/night. There are lights at the park, people can bring sleeping bags, blankets, whatever if they feel like sleeping in a car or somewhere at the park. Otherwise motels or driving back late that night are an option. Me and crack intend to bring a grill and we're hoping to find someone with a large battery powered boombox so we can blare music all day and scare away as many people as possible.





Edit: I decided last night that I'm going to buy that 10.5mm Nikkor fisheye as a late birthday present to myself. I'm just hoping I can get the thing prior to saturday, if i end up having to order it online. I may snag myself a new flash too.

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Ohio , Illinois , Indiana , Pennsylvania people I want to do the same as these East Coast guys , maybe next Summer . Make it like a 2-3 day trip , where we go skate/camp at a predetermined set of Skate Parks / Spots . I can tell you Columbus , Ohio has some of the nicest outdoor concrete parks in the Midwest , starting with Grove City & Powell .


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