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The Skateboard Thread


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Not even buillt fpr skating. just some structure in Montreal. They were gonna tear it down and a bunch of skaters petitioned for it to remain and the spot was granted the title of national monument and cant be destroyed. There's also a book about it called Pipe Fiends. I aint been there in ages but it pretty gnarly to skate. The kinda spot that pretty much only the locals who've been skating it for years can really get loose with


Thats rad that they did that. That would never happen here. They would bulldoze it and then skatestop every horizontal piece of architecture within 200 yards.

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a couple weeks ago out of nowhere, i started doing hardflips.. like outta nowhere.. i was skatin to a spot n i just thought, "let me try a hardflip" and i tried n surprisingly the board stayed under me when i tried it.. so i just tried it a few more times and eventually landed one! i was mad pumped..




but yeah.. now im not so obsessed with tre flips anymore.. :D

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yeah but in the meantime, at least there's newburyport, and even peabody isn't that bad. the only problem is that you'll run into someone that actually knows how to skate the damn thing once every year, otherwise you're just gonna see kids attempt shitty flip tricks over the only box there, and that's it.


fuckin street techy kids. get a six pack and a blunt, and skate tranny the right way.

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Thats rad that they did that. That would never happen here. They would bulldoze it and then skatestop every horizontal piece of architecture within 200 yards.


im pretty sure it was built for the olympic village whenever they were there, so it made sense to leave it alone.

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yeah but in the meantime, at least there's newburyport, and even peabody isn't that bad. the only problem is that you'll run into someone that actually knows how to skate the damn thing once every year, otherwise you're just gonna see kids attempt shitty flip tricks over the only box there, and that's it.


fuckin street techy kids. get a six pack and a blunt, and skate tranny the right way.


newburyport eh? never been... gonna look into that.

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found out something sweet the other day..


so this girl my buddies been fucking lately, the pool at her parents house is getting done over, so as of right now its drained. so my buddy is working on trying to get this girl to allow us to shred her pool before they do anything to it, cause he checked it out and its skate-able. if this all works out im gonna go apeshit.


backyard pool sesh!





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Let me come out and shoot some photos if that back yard pool sesh goes down. Seriously. I live in the Boston area now days. If not, you should let me get some photos some other time. I haven't skated or taken photos in a while, but i'm willing to dick around skating and/or getting my photo game back up to par.

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I was in Cali about two years ago and attempted to skate a pool...waaayy harder than it looks. I'm pretty decent on a 6 ft bowl at a local park and I assumed it wasn't going to be much different but i wrong as hell. Not sure if it was the pool i was skating but the tranny was really steep and hard to get snap to the lip. Much props to pool rippers cause I couldn't get the hang of it. I'll stick the streets for now.

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do pools just have really gnarly transitions or what?


Depends on the size , shape and texture . You never know what you're getting into . I actually prefer older , empty abandoned pools from the 70's & 80's . There's quite a few around where I live and are kept on a total " Double Secret Probation " . Last thing you want is a new gem of a spot to be blown out by asshole kids that aren't even skating it , and fucking it up for the people that took the time to clean it out and make it skateable .


About 5-6 years ago we had the " Pirate Pool " , which was a left-hand kidney shaped pool that I swear to this day had the best pool tile to grind in my life . No one took pictures , no one told anyone about it , and it was skated for a solid 2 years . Then..someone squealed about it , we know who after a few years . And a few younger kids that never rode a pool a day in their lives tried to drop-in . One of the kids wrecked himself hard and had to be transported by Ambulance . The Police in that town asked to city to fill it in and we lost a great spot .

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fuck the worcester bowl. i ripped my shin open to the point where i can see the bone. that city needs to fix or blow up that fucked-coping'd piece of shit. the kids there are pussies, telling me to clean up blood and shit. little fucking vaginas, i was more intent on patching up the deepest fucking wound i've ever had in my life vs. going to my car, getting water, and washing out blood. faggots.

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