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The Skateboard Thread


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voted. hopefully if this thing gets built well take a road trip up there. it looks HUMONGOUS in the plans! also, if you dont get the funding, i wouldnt give up. i helped build a park here in Philly with all donated labor which saved alot of money. You should talk to businesses near where the park is gonna be built to get funding, as it will bring more people to their area, especially food stores and mini mart/gas station type places. The pizza place across the street from our project was smart to donate money, because once it was finished their business doubled. they could probably sell nothing but gatorade and water in the summer and still pay their bills.


I'm guessing your talking about popps? we swung through there saturday night...super fun park.

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the lost art of style in skating. at least its starting to come back.


Fuck yeah , just when I almost lost hope through the 2000's...then Taylor Bingaman , David Gravette , Grant Taylor , Ben Hatchell , etc...come out of nowhere and rip it up , along with so many younger dudes that have heart . I think younger dudes are starting to understand the concept of " skate everything " like a lot of us did because that's what we did in the 80's . On a typical Summer day in 1988-1990 or so I would wake up grab my board , go meet up and skate a launch ramp for an hour or two , then go over a kid's house and skate a decent-built 4ft. mini ramp for a few hours , then go skating all the decent curbs & parking blocks we could find...all the while skating everywhere from spot to spot if we could manage to do it . :cool:

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Fuck yeah , just when I almost lost hope through the 2000's...then Taylor Bingaman , David Gravette , Grant Taylor , Ben Hatchell , etc...come out of nowhere and rip it up , along with so many younger dudes that have heart . I think younger dudes are starting to understand the concept of " skate everything " like a lot of us did because that's what we did in the 80's . On a typical Summer day in 1988-1990 or so I would wake up grab my board , go meet up and skate a launch ramp for an hour or two , then go over a kid's house and skate a decent-built 4ft. mini ramp for a few hours , then go skating all the decent curbs & parking blocks we could find...all the while skating everywhere from spot to spot if we could manage to do it . :cool:


yeah i grew up in a town where we skated anything and everything. now kids are getting picky about spots. come onnnnn. i had to skate ditches with 2 foot walls and 2 feet of flat bottom and i was happy.

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Yo Celt

you might know the name something I wanna get


what was that piece of plastic that would cover the kingpin, bushings, and go up over the truck and out to each wheel?

on only the back truck. From when people had the plastic rails on the bottom of the board era.


I wanna hunt one down but don't know what it's called.





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i'm always suggesting my buddies to skate shit that i always see and want to skate but im just not that good enough for some of it and always get the "damn, thats a cool spot, but why the hell did you even think about skating that?"


the other day i was doing powerslides on this 6ft mini all day. powerslide and slash the coping, then revert across the flat, powerslide the other side and just repeat.. all my friends that are sponsered by companies were all sitting there laughing like what the fuck are you doing... then my buddy tells me our friend was trying powerslides on minis all the next day. and once i tried to powerslide frontsmith revert to fakie their tunes changed to "damn thats awesome"


its just fun to keep doing shit like that and gets a good flow going. i think its probably because i''ve never been able to step to a ledge and do whatever the fuck i wanted like most skaters today, so i was constantly thinking of what i could skate instead of just sitting there like a chump.


but some people dont go beyond what they know as a skate spot, which i dont understand. for example my friends were skating this crappy dock one day trying their same old tricks, im off in the corner trying to boneless, nosestall, fingerflip out on a 2ft tall rock. next thing i know they're all trying shit on the rock ha.


expand yo mind haha.

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You are honestly the most worthless poster on here. I have never seen you post anything that contributed in any way. Stop posting just to say "yeah" or "lol" or any sentence with 5 or less words involving lol and/or yeah.


And to stay on topic, here's a bunch of various footage of Chico Brenes:

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took asolid spill yesterday, skatin a 6ft mini and fell from the coping straight to flat. my ribs landed on my board and almost snapped it and my arms were like behind me, my wrist kills, i got the adam banks syndrom, a.k.a. can hardly hold things nevermind twist my wrist..

my other arm has mad cuts, and a bubble that looks like a bone trying to break through the skin, but its not.


my friends said i hit the flat so hard that the water that pools in the holes where the screws are, shot straight up outta the holes like i was making a WWF entrance or something.


landed some tricks regardless, did a couple hurricane 180s on this little ledge.. did a halfcab feeble on the 6 footer before i took the spill.. good day yesteday, lots of peoples out skating, went to a park and ran into 3 groups of kids we knew.



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I believe i signed this kid's blackbook at an art show. Tell him not to waste his time with the graffiti, and just skate. He's way too good to quit skating for graffiti like i did.


ya you might have, julian makes

the show rounds ya know..i agree

this kid is waaayyy too sick to

switch it up.kids been tearing it

up since he was in pampers..

glad you enjoyed...heres a

little montage with some of

our other riders:


Julian Christianson, Cody Schulze, & Tristan Minton




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jesus christ, gonzalez is a nut.


almost landed my first fs 360 yesterday. nearly shit my pants doing it too. it was off a bank to flat.. landed on the board, but my upper body had not caught up with my legs, which were hardly caught up with my board.. ha.


been trying those haha can almost get em off a small ledge so fun though

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