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8 hours ago, Joker said:

@billoboy2020- I think you’ll benefit more from not hiding the right bar of your R. 

Looking at your piece you’ve got somewhat of a perspective thing going on. Both ends are curved inward, and the piece overall gets bigger toward the ends. When working on a piece like this first draw yourself some guides (like I’ve done in green), this will set you up for a perfect execution when drawing out your letters. Your overall structure will be consistent from left to right. Currently, your piece dips on the right which makes your letters get smaller as the piece reads left to right. 

Something else to note, when doing a perspective style pieces it’s nice to do perspective style 3D, too. Set yourself a vanishing point (that little red dot I’ve drawn at the bottom) and line out your 3D to the point. I’ve explained this in a previous post so I won’t dive deep, but hopefully you understand. 



yea i realized the same thing after a while. i changed it and also i did the Ö bigger because i feel its kinda messing up the flow (i guess).and i took ur 3d bcz it fits so good.


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4 hours ago, billoboy2020 said:

i have another question. what are some usefull threads on here that are good for toys to binge? there are so many im kinda overwhelmed lol

There's 471 pages, and I'm guessing some broken links (as the thread is old and some websites may not exist any longer), but you can always start here:



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4 hours ago, Joker said:

There's 471 pages, and I'm guessing some broken links (as the thread is old and some websites may not exist any longer), but you can always start here:



I think he should work on his tag and throws before attempting those but we all have our preferred paths. @Ray40Im obviously biased when it comes to this but Id spend some time in the NYC thread and work on your hand before attempting any wild pieces.



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2 hours ago, Decyferon said:

God I'd post in here just for some of the gold advice Joker is passing out 

Had one of his 12oz posters on my wall as a teen for many years. These new jacks dont get just how much a personal course with@Jokeris worth, especially at that early a stage. Probably saving the guy years of trial and error


E: This one





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Thanks @Kultsand @Decyferon- much appreciated. That 12oz poster  was a labor of love. That style lasted only a short while but I have a lot of blackbook pages where I hashed it out, letter by letter. In true Joker style... I threw convention out the window and told myself that letters can be anywhere, any orientation, they just have to be. It worked, kinda, but it was difficult to paint those long, thick lines... so I moved on. I'm glad 12oz caught me while I was there.



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Aristotry flipping the “i” and mirroring it the other direction. The curve of the tail on the “A” can flow into the curve on the “i” instead of the “i” sitting on top of the “A” fighting for the same space.

Edited by LUGR
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@Aristoor, try getting rid of the curved tail of the “A” and let the “i” you have above occupy that space. Have your horizontal bars of the “A” and “i” work together (or the “i” working with the top of the “R” like you have in the brown filled example) and have the curve of the “i” work into the bottom of the vertical bar of the “R”.

Edited by LUGR
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Also... on your R... you're "Double-Bar" thing is not accurate of an R. Thinking of it as the same if you were writing it with a chisel-tip marker. It's basically one line from beginning to end, whereas you're drawing the loop of the R, stopping, moving your chisel-tip marker down, and then continuing with the leg of the R... which doesn't make sense. It should look and feel like one, fluid motion from beginning to end. 




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@Joker- I wish someone had given me the advice you gave to the guy above about having a lookout.  @misteraven's tip was a good idea too.... with the "getting dissed by a girl" story.  If you're believable in what you're saying and your hands aren't covered in paint, any cop is going to think to himself, "man i've been there before".  As soon as you have him "on your side" in that regard, you're one step closer to him letting you go on about your business with no issue.


Another big thing would be to not wear your "I'm a bad ass gangster" clothes.  Try to dress like someone that was maybe going to meet a girl.  Some of the best writers ,and most famous, I've known..... you would never be able to peg them as a writer just by looking at them.  They didn't get up all over the city going around looking like some street rat.  It's kind of counter-intuitive in that regard.  You definitely do not want to "look the part".


Having a SOLID lookout is imperative.  One of the big reasons I don't do graffiti anymore is because I got in DEEP DEEP shit by getting caught by the police because, guess what...... our fuckin lookout was slacking off and didn't notice the police crossing the tracks in their patrol car a hundred yards up the track.  Had the lookout been doing their job, they would have said, hey a cop just crossed the tracks and we would have instantly booked it.


More tips I could give you are, don't bring anything with you or anyone with you that isn't on point.  That means probably leave your other "extra curricular" activities at home for when you're done if that's what you're in to.  It will damage the shit out of your credibility with any sort of security or law enforcement if you look like you're doing some other stupid shit that isn't just painting.  I would recommend running if there is even the slightest hint of danger of someone coming after you.  I can't even begin to tell you how many times my friends and I ran out of a dark train yard at night with nothing bad happening to us other than we were a little out of breath.  If you stick around to find out, you're going to find another group of writers that may want to fight you or the police.  If you find either of these things and think you can talk your way out of it, you're probably wrong because both situations involve someone that is already "on a mission."


I hope that helps, one thing I'm incredibly thankful for with doing graffiti in the past was that I'm very aware of my surroundings now.  I would say more so than many other people are.... and I can pick out shade tree people rather quickly just by looking at them.  That doesn't mean being judgemental, it just means that those under cover graffiti writers that don't look the part..... you can spot your own kind in some cases.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while since I posted, haven’t sketched in a while  because if wrestling season.  My uncle got me back into it by buying me plywood wall and paint with a respiratory from bombing science for Christmas. He is the best, well here it is so do judge it and help me improve, P.S do you like the stingray 


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@Ray40 Post pictures of the wall setup you have going. Would be cool to see that.


@Joker can provide better advice than I can, but... Strong 'R' but doesn't quite match the other letters... Has a little more funk to it, but also sitting at a different height. Though I've seen this done intentionally, it looks off here because the 'A' and 'Y' basically line up. Star off the 'A' might benefit from being a little more like a traditional 5 pointed star. Really digging the 'R' and the sting ray for sure. Also try thickening up your 3d's and making them more like the traditional block types as if your letters existed in the physical world.

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