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15 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

i am certain that caffeine is a drug...possibly even a dangerous one.


haven't been much of a coffee drinker for a while now, but in december i got back into having it on a nearly daily basis. and the "ups" and "downs" that it provides literally rival some illicit substances i have dabbled with in the past.


I think you're right.  I think that nicotine does this too.  You have to REALLY be paying attention to notice it though I think, but you're spot on.  100% agree w/ you.


9 hours ago, where said:

Leave the toothpaste cap off overnight and chew on the crusty part instead of brushing, congratulations you just saved 2 1/2 minutes 


Where, you're a fucking genius man.

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Just saw a video of some who who killed his two neighbors then shot himself over some snow dispute and it makes me realize how fragile and soft guys are now. What kind of coward pulls a gun out and kills unarmed people because they got called a pussy? No one has any balls and are willing to throw fists anymore. Lazy.

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My reviews -feedback on the weed I had hands in growing. (I keep a running notebook like these for most strains we try) 
(copied pasted from my notes) 
Orange Açaí
-great high. Quick high. Smells 100. Looks 100. Smoked a lil hard. Black pepper was the only flavor pulled during exhale. Only. 
Enjoyed Bobs Burgers even more -able to shut out outside thoughts 
After taste -about 10 min after-menthol? Not a stale mouth. 
Wedding Cake 
Taste -Creamy. Smooth. Just good. Nasal clear 
smooth smoke. Thought we had ice in the bong. (We didn’t) 
THC sweats. Hot ear/ flushed cheeks Heart race for about 15 min.  Stuffy nose.   Dry mouth. Dry eye.  Good bedtime smoke .   In that order. 
Hella sticky break up. (In a good way) 
Delayed high. 
First smoke of the day at 10a. Via bong.  Smells  felt looked great slightly airy. Smooth smooth smoke. Forgot water in the bong and it didn’t make a difference. Hit hard and fast and decided it was my favorite after the second rip. Relaxed neck. Puffy eyed Feelin. Might grab a snack. And play phone games. Heightened senses. Pain ease. Long high. 
Dense popcorn nuggies 
Tasty smoke. Inhale and exhale. Just can’t call it. 
Flushed face but made cold water taste oh so good. Initially said “would be upset if I paid $$for this and got a weak high with the low thc”  and couldn’t have been more wrong. A very pleasantly surprised high. No munchies   Tried to fuck around on phone-had really bad blurry vision. Long high. Great afternoon head change 
tastes great. Rich. like a hard bread sweetish-biscotti. (Imagine that) Not long high 
Just high. Amorous . Just high 
Both of us-initially and throughout the whole smoke said we instantly tasted red sauce.  🤷🏻‍♀️  Fucking red sauce. 
Crossed eyed high. Flush face. Fast heartbeat. 
most icy. 
Smells great. Can pick up root beer 
Burns sweet/rich. Little harsh. But not hard 
Playful high. Stair legs. Short high. TK was longer 


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i painted a piece today about 50 feet from a 2014 piece of mine.


they are at a spot that is remote enough that it is a time capsule—very little had changed from when i went there six years ago. same trees (conifers), same light as the sun sets, same handful of classic 2007-2009 pieces that really aren't worse for wear. the spot gets very little direct sun, which is good for spray paint. 


i was rushed with memories as i walked the wall. i could tell you what paint i used, who was there when i painted, a mistake i made in filling. this spot is where i did some of my first freights; it was where i first told another graffiti writer i was sober, thanks, for the first time; it was a place i got my first felony case. a friend who hung up graffiti for drugs still has a piece there from 2012. he died three years ago. 


and i reconciled with the person i was when i was painting two or three times a week and the person i now am. younger me was eminently unconcerned, newly freed from the belief i'd die by 25, eager to throw myself into the passion/hobby/all-consuming maw that is this thing at times. i am someone else. 


my old graffiti was painted by this person; my new graffiti is painted when i wear this person's face. even as i completed a piece that was better in every way, i thought about the odds i would ever come back to this place. it might be the same in four years, but i can't be. i don't know if i'll ever return. i have done this enough. 


graffiti starts fading the moment it's painted. it is created for a moment and relegated to a memory. our lives work that way, too; most reasonably engaged people are becoming new people all the time, consciously and unconsciously. sometimes even for the better. the phases of our lives, too, will just be a memory one day. in leaving prior selves behind, what we love and value changes. not everything is carried over—and we may not even notice the loss. 


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On 2/4/2021 at 9:24 PM, Dark_Knight said:

Just saw a video of some who who killed his two neighbors then shot himself over some snow dispute and it makes me realize how fragile and soft guys are now. What kind of coward pulls a gun out and kills unarmed people because they got called a pussy? No one has any balls and are willing to throw fists anymore. Lazy.


I mean, i'll make someone gargle their teeth + blood for calling me that.  I don't think it's a great thing to do.  People should stop calling eachother names period.  Like nigger.  Everyone should just leave that shit out of their vocabulary unless they're a racist piece of shit.  Yet, you have people using it freely and then crying that others are racist for xyz reason.






Yes that includes black people's nonchalant racism towards eachother that is predominant in low income areas.


If you use the n word, you're just a stupid dipshit.  I'll take that to the bank.  I don't give a flying fuck what color you are, you're a piece of shit.

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1 minute ago, Dirty_habiT said:


I mean, i'll make someone gargle their teeth + blood for calling me that.  I don't think it's a great thing to do.  People should stop calling eachother names period.  Like nigger.  Everyone should just leave that shit out of their vocabulary unless they're a racist piece of shit.  Yet, you have people using it freely and then crying that others are racist for xyz reason.






Yes that includes black people's nonchalant racism towards eachother that is predominant in low income areas.


If you use the n word, you're just a stupid dipshit.  I'll take that to the bank.  I don't give a flying fuck what color you are, you're a piece of shit.

beating someone’s ass for testing you in one thing. Shooting someone and killing them in another thing entirely. Definitely deserved an ass beating.


Being someone who has rarely ever dated white women... I have seen first hand how freely racist other races can be. Sideways comments thrown around that would be completely unacceptable if I said them in the contrary. 

Racism is dumb. Getting emotional over someone’s skin color is retarded. I figured america was moving past all that until last year. Now race identity seems to be a primary personality trait.

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