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The Nonsense thread


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An absolutely honest question ICB, did he sustain any injuries off of that?


Edit to say- serious injuries. Not to the ego per-se...


"In July 2004, Colin attempted a stunt that involved a ramp mounted on the hood of a van that was driving toward him as he rode toward it. He failed in the attempt, suffering severe injuries, including breaking both ankles, fracturing a vertebra, and breaking several bones in his wrist. He also dislocated his ankle and right foot."



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"In July 2004, Colin attempted a stunt that involved a ramp mounted on the hood of a van that was driving toward him as he rode toward it. He failed in the attempt, suffering severe injuries, including breaking both ankles, fracturing a vertebra, and breaking several bones in his wrist. He also dislocated his ankle and right foot."




In december of 2010, I attempted a stunt that involved an empty pool in the Reno, NV area. It was labeled as a backside Smith- in the deep end. I suffered severe injuries; including a broken Patella, a broken Tibula, disintegrated MCL, PCL, and LCL - amongst others. I may sound shallow in saying this but I have no sympathy for him.


I don't take painkillers. I don't have health insurance. I have nothing but the will to surf, travel, and skate + live.


Living a normal life is a bonus. We'll see if that ever happens again. As it hasn't yet.


Always had intentions on making a thread about it but I figured you would all make fun of me.


Pay to play.


That's life.

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